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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Gotcha. Alright, sounds like it's probably just part of the issue we already knew about with the incorrect B9PS configs for the S1F tank... I should have several free evenings this week, I will try to get all these reported issues taken care of and get another hotfix out.
  2. Are you sure that's the most recent version? I could have sworn I fixed the service module. The core seems to be working correctly?
  3. @Kerbal01 quick question - when the solar panels are occluded, is at least one still receiving full sunlight at any given time? If so then the part is working correctly - at least 3 of the solar panel modules would be facing the wrong way.
  4. Noted, will look into it. @demibear which decoupler are you talking about? The interstage you mean? Thanks Pappy! I will have to get with @Jso (btw Jso, can you text me? New phone and my SIM card didn't transfer contacts correctly) to see what has to be done for the balloon tank stuff on the Atlas adapter. Possibly a dumb question, but you have CRP? A quick reiteration - the BDB_Extras folder is *not* meant to be simply dropped into your gamedata whole. Please make sure you are reading what is in it and only picking and choosing what you want/need. Definitely still a thing, definitely still 'will get done eventually'. This past month has been particularly rough on me and I don't have much to show right now. Oh dear.
  5. I do not maintain, well, any of the compatibility configs. We'll have to wait for someone to come fix it. I'm confused. Are you upset or not? You can replace the .cfg for that part with one from a previous version if I somehow broke .craft files (which I was trying to avoid).
  6. If he adds color to the IVAs I will delete my mods and quit the forums.
  7. Oh dear... so, I got a new phone, but haven't had time to set it up fully, so the email address that receives forum notifications wasn't added to the phone. So I missed this thread blowing up... Additionally, I've been having some IRL issues (feels like seasonal depression among other things) so I haven't been doing much with KSP as of late. Hopefully I'll pick back up soon! But, in the meantime, I'll try and answer as much as I can on my lunch break. That is not an issue with KEI, but rather the fact that FASA Launch Clamps continued uses the same folder name. MM configs work by basically checking if there is any gamedata folder with a matching name. The fix would just be to delete the FASA compatibility file if you are not using the full mod. Yeah I wouldn't even know how to make that change if I wanted to. And I kind of don't. 1) My understanding was that it wasn't a bug, but rather the game had never been coded to have more than one staging event per part. 2) uhhhh which one is labeled as the Castor 1? 3) Likely not, though there's always room in the extras folder. 4) CRK? Do you mean CRP? I'm not sure I follow. 5) No idea, not unless B9PartSwitch can affect engine modules. Dunno what to tell you, considering that making them as docking ports was the solution to KER not displaying dV when they were originally set as decouplers. Sorry! But man that Agena nose is really high contrast... I should take a look at it to be honest. I have not done any testing at all with FAR. Ach, another issue I forgot to fix. The B9PartSwitch configs that give the tanks fuel switching don't activate for any parts that already have a B9PS module - any in the mod that already had one likely already had overrides in place. The S1F tank as well as the new Atlas adapter both have this issue, which WAS pointed out to me prior to the hotfix but I forgot to fix. Sorry to say, but they very much were not done. I had only done a bare minimum work of hacking apart the base S1-C engine mount and seeing how the fit would be - so, partially done models with no UVs or textures. There are a lot of half-done parts for BDB, but my changing interests (in addition to every poster here asking for different pet projects, or even multiple new things at once) means that I get easily distracted. At the end of the day there is never enough time to get everything I want done, but the mod will always continue to move forward, receive new parts, and become better polished. Likely, I believe the version of DMSA bundled with Coatl doesn't work in 1.3.1. Uhm, deleting this cfg may help: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/blob/master/Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/Rescale/BlueSmurff.cfg I don't really even know what that config does (never used SMURFF) so it might be the source of your issue. RE: QSRSS, it doesn't 'officially' exist anymore, but currently I am using SSRSS with configs to turn it into 1/4 scale.
  8. No, we made the mistake of getting him to buy Stellaris...
  9. What diameter is the part? The first value of node_attach should be the part's radius - in this instance, it's currently set up for a 2.5m part with a 1.25m offset. Of course, if the model has some visual variation (for example if there's a reinforced extruded section you want the player to attach it with) you'd want the node_attach to match that radius.
  10. Bluedog Design Bureau v1.4.1 "атлас" Changelog: -Fixed Saturn S1 issues -Fixed Titan radial decouplers -Fixed Titan 2 engine shroud -Fixed HLR-ZOID radiators Download from Spacedock or Github. CKAN should be updating soon. Glad to hear you were able to fix it! Never released, there were some side-by-side screenshots of it. Same with the P5/E7 bits - there's just a lot of WIP stuff bouncing around on my PC and there's never enough time for all of it. Every so often chunks of it get finished and released. Thank you, though I must say @MrMeeb's Shuttle Payload Technologies have a far better Spacelab (as in, the shuttle spacelab and not the parts from the Eyes Turned Skyward Spacelab) assuming it still works in updated KSP versions. Nice!
  11. Vostok actually used to be in Tantares but got moved to a separate mod, Vostok Continued. It has some more specialized parts such as the service module and Blok E upper stage.
  12. Oh damn, you're right. So you'd need an IK chain... I don't know if those would work. They're probably not coded into the .mu format.
  13. Hrmm, it's late but I definitely think there's a way to do it if you're just smart with your hierarchy and fxModuleLookAtConstraints. Just have an empty node in the middle there that moves up and down with the wheel? and have the two linkage arms aim constrained to the point?
  14. I don't think you need to animate the linkages, they work with constraints I think? But they should work, yeah.
  15. If you need it ASAP (I always hated the idea of people having to wait for days for a fix when they could have been playing! it stresses me out!) then you could just grab the .mu and the .cfg from an older version of the part (actually, the one in the last stable release is also missing a rather big error that I introduced regarding B9partSwitch, so that's maybe for the best)
  16. Haven't had a chance to look at your log yet, I'll try to get to it this weekend (see below) EDIT: Quickly looked at it, it does indeed seem to be crashing on the Agena A... just for shiggles, before you embark on Pappystein's solution, perhaps try removing everything but BDB and it's dependencies, just so we know for sure that there isn't anything broken in your install. (I know you said you did a fresh install but I want to be sure) Yup, trying to get a hotfix out this weekend if I can find the time. Indeed, it's definitely something that is in the 'nice if I could get to it some day' category. It's basically a 1.875m kerolox core with 3 RS-27 engines one it, and then the Centaur D, which later becomes a Centaur E...
  17. I'm trying to think of how to explain it... Continuing with the Apollo capsule as an example, the forward and side windows are actually modeled in, meaning that I could separate them if I really needed to by separating the edges around the rim. But the round window on the door is not modeled in at all. it's not even a flat surface - it actually sits on top of a bent edge, because models in KSP are made from 24 sided cylinders. There's no clean way to get that window separated unless I start hacking apart the model, adding more geometry, screwing up the mesh normals (creating a lot more work to fix that issue), screwing up the UV map around that window (meaning the map for that part of the capsule has to be redone as well)... it'd be a lot of work. And, as I was typing this I thought of something else. The whole reason the Apollo capsule is a single mesh instead of separate windows was because it let me use one material for the whole pod, which greatly simplified getting the emissive animation to work. If I were to try and separate the windows, not only would there be a good bit of work in my 3D software, there'd also be a bunch of work in Unity to rebuild the window light animations and reassign them. Essentially, it comes down to the basic issue that the parts were not made with this kind of conversion in mind, because it wasn't even something on the table at the time they were built. As a result other considerations were priorities, which now make it significantly harder to make the parts play nice. One thing that you *do* have going for you, is the metal coating on the Apollo capsule in particular is a mirror finish (ignoring for a second all the grunge, grease, burn marks etc on top of it, which are reflected in the specular map), so having the windows and pod be a single mesh isn't exactly as much the end of the world as it could be.
  18. Unfortunately in some cases that is simply not possible. The Apollo capsule's door window, for example, is entirely textured and there is no way to separate it out to a separate mesh.
  19. Huh, last time I talked to him he had almost no time and a lot of people PM'ing him asking when their pet projects would be released. Seems like @Electrocutor's got this handled, in any case. @Electrocutor indeed, the Inon-ACS was a bit rushed. Parts like the Apollo CM are probably a fair bit more polished.
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