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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I'd have to see cash money in my Paypal and then I'd do it Send it and they will be done promptly after the exteriors.
  2. It goes 'FWOOOSH' and the rocket pops up into the air like a bunny.
  3. It would clash no more than Tantares gray, I think. It's a muted color. Also is it just me or is the ATV in that picture longer? Is it the forum doing that.
  4. The bottom is the first stage, correct? The engine just has its fairing showing?
  5. I think the mono tank shouldn't have the tan. Possibly the top/sloped part of cargo module could also not have it. I personally did not care for the squiggly lines on the TKS radiators either. I think it would benefit from having a beefy looking ring around the midsection, which was fairly good in the old version. This poster had a drawing to show what I mean. Obviously as always it's your call but I'm going to fight for what I think looks best
  6. I preferred the tan coloration on the cargo module, as well as replacing the angled part with the block/rib thing from the older ATV model.
  7. Yup! The lateral translation thruster is aligned with the CoM, while the reverse thruster doesn't have to because it's balanced. That's how the real Gemini RCS was set up. EDIT: Forgot to respond to your other question. I could possibly make an adapter with the parachutes, but it would probably be easier to just let the player attach radial ones as needed.
  8. @MrMeeb interesting, thanks! I was wondering what they would look like. I suppose that the one I'd actually 'support' would be the BDB Apollo docking mechanism, once that's in. That still fits under the nose cone if you tweak its position. I wonder if you could justify including the reentry RCS - there wouldn't be space for the tunnel through the center of it. Considering it was meant to give the architecture some down-mass capability, how do parachutes fit in? There's no space available vertically when using the Gemini docking mechanism, so they'd have to be radial ones on the front/top face of the adapter or something.
  9. EDIT: (Yes it's up here above the images) To give something of a status update, my current biggest concern is finishing the Saturn C-1 parts. Now that the H-1 is mostly done, I need to add the last couple parts (such as a 2.5m fairing base, possibly the 3.125m fairing base instead of including that in Barbarian), finish the textures, poop out some normal maps, and finish the new RL-10. After that I'll try and finish the MOS + Gemini parts. Probe stuff, though progress was made, is a relatively low priority so that stuff won't come out for a while yet still. There isn't half finished probe stuff in the mod right now in the same way there's half finished Saturn and MOS stuff. @Jso I'm not 100% sure what your projects are for this update but I believe we are also going to try and balance the science stuff. I haven't decided if I want to try and include the Centaur revamp in this update. Oh yeah, finishing that would be cool too. I'm not comfortable calling them done yet - there might be some more parts that get wiggled in there. The Cargo Agena, for example, might require solar panels or something. I wasn't particularly happy with the appearance of the agena cargo module so I might remake it. More Cygnus-y maybe, since all the vehicles for MOS took inspiration from ISS resupply vehicles in some way. Also, @Foxxonius Augustus, when he designed the Cargo Gemini variant for me (he drew it and I made it), left a provision for it to be upgraded from the Gemini docking system (with the simple mechanical docking to something like a 0.9375m APAS, or possibly the Apollo docking module (which I believe will be 0.625m in BDB - that thing is tiny!). I would LOVE to see what the Cargo Gemini and Cargo Agena would look like with those parts on. I am not sure which mod has a good APAS in that scale, but someone could probably use FASA's Apollo docking parts for the second option. As for their assembly, I went back and grabbed two old albums. The first one is newer, and I'd defer to that one for how to assemble the OVs. Basically the assembly for the normal / mk1 versions with the Gemini docking parts, you have either the Augustus CM or the Agena cargo module, then the flat-ish 0.9375m>0.625m adapter, then the Leo Docking Mechanism, then use the Belle nose cone with the hidden node to cover it up smooth as silk.
  10. You still play Blacklight at all? I can't work up the effort to be disappointed again. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. sharpspoonful


      Heh, my apologies for my forgetfulness.

      Oh, and I love your mod, btw. But I'll back the suggestion of having the part sets grouped together. I tend to pick and choose what I keep in my game data folder.

      I've logged in once out of boredom. It was a lackluster experience at best.

    3. CobaltWolf


      Our current plan is to split it into 3 packs. After that we're still going to leave it up to the user to prune folders.

      You should stop by the thread some time if you have any screenshots! I always love seeing things people make and nobody posts any haha.

    4. sharpspoonful


      Haha sure. give me a few minutes.

  11. Nyet. For reference, the Gemini resupply vehicle is the Augustus and the Transtage-derived vehicle is the Rhea. Thank you. For the record, IIRC it is not creating them at all even without WBT.
  12. Oh no, you have other stuff to do Muo V should wait until the Centaur revamp... especially cus then it'll have a proper Atlas 552 configuration between a new interstage+fairing base for the centaur, and the AJ-60s. The MOS crafts such as the Augustus still need some work before they're done. Actually, we still need a name for the Agena resupply vehicle. Does anyone have ideas?
  13. @Drakenex yeah I was just musing a bit. I found the tidbit interesting and hadn't been able to share it much yet. Reiterating the need for several volunteers: -Need help adding additional compatibility MM configs for the mod. Mods such as Kerbalism, USI-LS, etc. There are several issues listed on the GitHub but if you have MM configs made for other mods and would like to continue maintaining them, I'd appreciate being able to include them in the download. -Second, we need someone to write additional science flavortexts for the camera experiments. The definitions are somewhat anemic now, and we need definitions for basically every biome in the game. Any help - even just a handful of entries - would be appreciated. Similarly, some of the experiments, such as the hydrometer and ion trap, have almost NO entries written. -Third, @DiscoSlelge needs help editing/cleaning up the manual. Things like spellchecking, tweaking the art to be more appealing, etc. It's an InDesign file, so you'd need access and experience with that. @MainSailor, I know you use it. Would you be interested in taking a look? I have access to InDesign but little to no experience with it, and I would prefer to continue trying to get new parts out.
  14. Thank you! I know you're busy with your other mods, but when you get a chance, do you think you could take a quick look at ModCategorizer? It appears to not only be non-functional, but it also breaks other mod's custom categories, including ones that use other methods for inserting custom tabs. Interesting! My understanding is modern US engines are also moving to a construction that's closer to the Russian method, where instead of little copper tubes they simply fuse a piece of corrugated metal to the inside of a solid/sheet metal bell, which forms the tubes for the regenerative cooling.
  15. All the images I see of the H-1s, they look like they were spray painted with a solid silver paint (ignoring the red covers). Makes me think of a certain mod Beale pls no kill me is jokes
  16. Left is the H-1C, which was partially aspirated and used for the inboard four engines. Right is the H-1D, which was fully aspirated and used on the outboard 4 engines. @Jay that's awesome haha @DiceCaller I outlined my plans in the post above yours.
  17. I currently have no plans to do IVAs. They are time consuming and I'd rather devote time to more significant things. We are currently planning (planning being the operative word) to split BDB into LVs, probe/science parts, and everything else ie capsules, station parts, etc. EDIT: Forgot the whole reason I posted. The H1 engines are mostly done and are up on Github. Their textures need to be finished and they need a balance pass but there.
  18. looking to start streaming within the hour. Wanna get the Saturn parts finished now that I'm home, starting with the H1.
  19. Love your work as always! Awesome to see more stuff added to this pack.
  20. I think there was always something super funky about the Castor's model, don't remember what Sorry if I wasted your work! It wasn't on purpose I promise haha.
  21. bae stahp is 2 gud No, seriously all those new parts - especially the remade barometer and gravioli detector - are AMAZING.
  22. Any idea why TweakScale does that? I'm going to make my own KerbalStuff CKAN competitor, and it will be way better. I'm calling it PKAN. Ayyyy
  23. you could do that. Though idk if gold is appropriate tho for a handhold. But as you know I will always shy away from bold colors.
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