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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. I don't really think Tantares or BDB fall under Porkalike either.
  2. ... does that work? We don't even really know what is causing the issue. It's not a matter of a band-aid fix, but finding a fix at all.
  3. That is fantastic news! Getting a head start on updating (even though I only have part mods) will definitely be a big help!
  4. Hey guys! Just FYI I threw up a donation link in the OP. It's just a Paypal link for now but I'm going to try and get a Patreon set up once everything is back to normal, in case anyone is interested. I only have two and a half weeks left of classes before I start my six month internship. My current plan is to just continue working here and there as I find time, and then worry about things like finally figuring out GitHub, completing commitments to other KSP projects, and of course, getting the next release of BDB out. Cheers!
  5. Are there enough parts to warrant putting them into their own section? Or should they just use the KIS section? There are a finite number of tabs that can fit on the screen.
  6. type '@' and then start typing their name. A drop down list should come up, you need to make sure they're actually tagged with the blue background for it to work. You can't just type the name and keep going. The drop down list doesn't always appear for me.
  7. @The White Guardian @saurodye while @GregroxMun's comments might come off a bit rough I think he has a fair point. Basically, worry about putting in the work and making something good, and not trying to massage your ego. I don't think anything negative was directed specifically at either of you, but rather just expressed a weariness of people with big ideas that don't have much to show for it (yet). It's something that has happened many times on these forums. My two cents: Keep at it. Everyone starts somewhere, modding is a continuous learning process. Don't be afraid to post, ask for help. I think I can safely speak for the community when I say we all want you to succeed and add another great mod to the game.
  8. ^^ @tygoo7's Dragon V2 and Falcon 9 are pretty good.
  9. 1) why did you not ask on their thread 2) There are B9 procedural wings.
  10. I think the best option would be to use the new part search feature coming in 1.1. I can tag the parts with both their IRL names and their BDB names. @davidy12 You need the 1.7m > 1.5m adapter from Juno, then use the 1.5m>1.25m short structural adapter from Thor. For Juno 2, build the Sargent clusters assembly, and then encase it in a 0.9375m fairing. There is a 0.9375m > 1.5m Juno adapter. My current plan is to figure out if anything else would use the 1.7m size class. If not I'll just rescale Juno to 1.5m.
  11. Well, for one thing you're trying to build Juno IV and not Juno II. You need the 1.5m>1.25m adapter.
  12. Well... do you mean left and right doors? I think you could basically just do 0-60. 0-30 is the left door, 31-60 is the right. Don't need to have separate closing animations, because the animation module can just reverse it instead.
  13. Good thing I told you it was a) broken and b) shouldn't be played with. I just figured I'd let everyone open up the VAB and look at everything since I haven't been posting a ton of screenshots. EDIT: Plus any sort of Saturn 1 first stage you make wouldn't actually work right since the scaling would be off.
  14. Well, they're clusters... So, uh, yeah. I suppose the point of those pictures was more to show off the different variants that were possible with the new redstone tanks. You can build a pretty decent Redstone missile analogue by attaching the Juno IVA tank and clipping 4 of the control surfaces in. Not sure what you'd ever use it for. I think Redstone-Sparta was closer to the Juno 1 / Jupiter C than it was to the actual missile in terms up the upper structure. Eh, heck with it. I've uploaded a zip to my dropbox. I would have used GitHub but I still haven't had time to figure it all out. This doesn't even count as a dev release. I don't want bug reports, since nothing in this zip is finished. But if you were curious what direction things were headed in, well, there. It's easier than trying to take more screenshots. Nothing is balanced, none of the textures are finished (like actually - everything new needs another texture pass), half the stuff isn't even in game. But if you want, download it, take a look, then delete it since it isn't worth playing with. Also, completely unrelated but I noticed that you can make the Delta 2 Lite now. It's basically a Delta 7000 with the first stage liquid tank and engine replaced with two Castor 120s in an Athena 2 configuration.
  15. Perhaps having your computer die was a good thing? Now you're doing actual cool stuff rather than pretending.
  16. Ugh. Reminds me of trying to straighten out the various things named 'Juno' and 'Jupiter'. Thanks!
  17. The decoupler decouples the top node, that floats at the top. Use the extra height to cover the engine. I don't know about the shielding.
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