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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Feel free to test stuff people. Diamant is missing it's probes and the large diameter SRB, Juno's missing a couple probes still. But a lot of the other stuff was tweaked in various ways and is worth a look. Agena might need another balance pass. Titan's engines have some fun surprises. Everything is either over or underpowered.
  2. Does occur if you put completely different configs on all the parts? That would rule out if it's an issue with the cfgs or with the unity setup.
  3. Real reference will be helpful. Understanding how various rocket engines actually work means that you can create plausible looking ones from your imagination.
  4. Well what are you trying to make? Since I work from real engines most of the time, I start by looking at the reference and modeling the biggest details. Like the engine bell. I then move down, from the biggest / most iconic details of a design down to the smallest details. I stop once it reaches something that is about the right level of detail for a KSP model.
  5. tbh the antennas have godawful textures so they're getting remade soon. @Nookos that A300 is beautiful. Very stockalike.
  6. Eh you're the only person I know that was waiting for it haha. EDIT: Moreover, Explorer 1 + Sargents are fully textured now. The colliders were also remade and it separates pretty consistently now.
  7. Meanwhile, things have been happening re: Vanguard, Diamant, and Juno stuff... I think the first couple tech nodes will be very cool looking from now on Also the nose on that second rocket is, uh, a Stayputnik. It just kind of happened when I was making the fairing. I like it. EDIT: Well I was gonna go to bed, then I decided to do some more texturing work for 15 minutes. @davidy12 Pioneer 1 is halfway textured.
  8. I'm sure if you pushed it to your generic module it would find other uses. I'm not the only person that uses it anymore.
  9. Yeah it sounds pretty cool. It basically just amounts to showing / hiding transforms for sames, rather than playing specific animation frames, correct?
  10. Do you have any contact with him? I wanted the Philly Klaw from his Asteroid Cities mod, either updated to play with, or adopt. Whichever the situation warranted.
  11. Oh I usually sketch things out 2-3 times in class before I get around to modeling them. Helps figure out your direction to you hit the ground running once you open Maya. EDIT: Got another one. The electrostatic analyzer from Ranger. It's the thing sticking out the bottom, between the left solar panel and the dish.
  12. My goal is to have all proposed Saturn variants be buildable by the time BDB's saturn updates finish, some time during this summer.
  13. Here's something interesting I found. Mariner Mark II, was meant to be a standard design for a number of NASA interplanetary missions. EDIT: I didn't really feel like UV unwrapping for BDB so have some more... The APS from Glory. The LLCD from LADEE. Probably some cool stuff on the Mars Observer.
  14. Off the top of my head: An inline goo experiment, perhaps based on Laika's capsule from Sputnik 2. Gamma Ray Spectrometer. MECA - if you can find an image of it. Various other things ending in '-meter'. Reduxes / alternatives to a lot good mods that have somewhat low-quality parts would also be nice. Scansat and Impact come to mind.
  15. Except the drill doesn't unlock until later in the tech tree. @AlbertKermin just post a hotfix with the full drill functionality for now. Have you asked @KospY about it?
  16. Except that doesn't actually make them surface attach correctly, because in my infinite wisdom I made it so that 0.0 on the Y axis is not the center point of the model.
  17. Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Especially because I intended to keep somewhere around a monthly release schedule. ... oh god, I just realized that some day I won't be able to just go breaking save files every time I release something... Well right now like I said priorities are Juno and Diamant. They both have probes associated with them that are going into the probes folders. I also want to finish the upper stage SRB stuff, as well as fixing a bunch of stuff. After that is done, I would move on to the actual AVP and DKAP stuff listed on the roadmap. Speaking of which - if anyone has any probe type parts they want to see, especially if they're kind of generic and wouldn't be associated with any specific launcher, let me know and I'll see about adding it in. Just make sure they're not already getting covered by Coatl Aerospace. For Jupiter or for Redstone? They both should be working on my end now.
  18. Juno II uses the S-3D for the first stage. It has a single vernier placed near the bottom of the engine fairing. Juno IVA has a liquid upper stage, using the 6K engine and the 1.25m > 0.9375m fuel tank. Juno IVB uses that setup as the third stage, on top of a 45K and the 1.25m upper stage tank as the second stage. Juno actually got resized to 1.5m last night. So... yeah. EDIT: I'm trying to get an actual dev release out in the next couple days. I'd suggest waiting until then, since then all the new stuff should be in a state that approaches being playable, though not particularly well textured. I'm more focused on getting stuff in game right now. Question: So right now I'm trying to finish the Juno and Diamant parts. Once I get those done, cleaned up, etc, and take care of the long standing bug fixes on my todo list, would people want to have an intermediate release (ie split this release up) before I go back to working on the main probe projects (antennas, etc) and the Gemini stuff?
  19. They're pretty much essential for creating something approaching a Saturn V. KW, NovaPunch, FASA, and SXT all have 5m part for their Saturns. EDIT: And I suppose BDB's will likely be around that size once we get there...
  20. I actually don't know if I'm under NDA or anything yet. But it's working on the digital media team for a local museum. The good news is that it's only three days a week, so I'll be able to take some contract work. My phone stopped working Tuesday, and my laptop is on its last legs, so hopefully I'll be able to get some replacements in the next couple months. Nevermind paying for groceries, etc.
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