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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. There haven't been any new ones added since release. However, in that screenshot you are missing one of the two experiments that Apollo 11 *did* leave there - the Passive Seismic Experiment! If you had attached those solar panels to it (which were made for SEP, since we needed solar panels and the actual PSEP would have been redundant) it would be a perfect match for the PSEP. That is very exciting news! You'll have to make sure you download the newest version of BDB that should be out some time in the next week or two. ~Half the textures got significant updates.
  2. @Jso I'll look into it. Does anybody think they could dig up some reference on how payloads are typically mated to kick SRBs? I have not figured out how I want these adapters to look.
  3. Are you running the absolute latest version? It should include a fix for the screwdriver. The spanner and the electric screwdriver are from KIS, not us. In case there was any confusion there. I would be willing to look into making it so you just have to connect the conduits, without having to place them. I can imagine it gets old.
  4. Look at him, he's gone mad with power. I for one welcome our new undead moderator.
  5. More stuff uploaded to the GitHub, biggest thing is the TweakScale and RT configs are updated. Some other stuff got checked off the list but I don't remember what.
  6. Hey people, I finally got around to pushing this to GitHub. I also managed to fix the solar panel issue. Figuring out the issue turned out to be a bit harder than expected, until I turned the camera around... EDIT: Tagging @AlbertKermin so he sees it. I don't feel like contacting him via another medium.
  7. A) how are you installing and B) can you provide a screenshot of your gamedata folder?
  8. ... do you not know? 0.o it decouples in both directions. Useful if, for example, you need to separate two ships and don't want a big decoupler stuck on one of them.
  9. It's in the dev releases, sometimes TGAs fail to load. I only compress at the end, otherwise I'd have to constantly be deleting DDS textures and recompressing TGAs. I am going to be comprehensively fixing and expanding the Malhena and Hermes next update.
  10. Guys, let him go. I'll heat up the popcorn.
  11. I am going to try and revert my PCs back to 8.1 tonight, and hopefully will resume our regularly scheduled programming.
  12. The way BDB handled it was they were separate parts for the Atlas series, and the Delta engines integrate them because the independent versions already existed.
  13. My thoughts on Windows 10, copied from what I just posted to Facebook: Basic upshot: No, I didn't lose anything. All my work is backed up, somewhat infuriatingly, on Microsoft's Onedrive service. However, at the moment I cannot start Unity on the computer I was planning on working on tonight. My desktop is fine for the moment but it needs to be used to render class assignments so it will be fairly busy for the time being.
  14. .... just, whatever is needed for it. I'd rather work on the more or less finished part. I can grab the beta for the part cfg myself, don't worry about that.
  15. Can you send me the most up to date version of the unity source files for the IUE? I have to try and get classwork done right now but if I work on KSP stuff tonight it'll be the first thing I do. Second would be hotfixing SEP.
  16. Hraban, I will take a look at it when I get the chance. Shouldn't be tooo hard, I think. I'll email you if there are any issues. Also, I uploaded the work I did today on to GitHub. I think. I'm not sure. Like I said, nothing new just more fixes to the for the textures and such, The two Titan fairing bases got converted to the new style (ie not a tankbutt). The textures on the Able and Ablestar tanks got adjusted. The Titan engine parts (specifically the fairings) got cleaned up and a fresh coat of paint, if you will. @Jso did I do it right?
  17. uhhh, I'd have to learn how to animate in Unity but I could try. EDIT: I woke up feeling pretty 'bleh' today, so I hoped on and worked on a bunch of BDB stuff for a few hours. Nothing much new but there was a bunch more work done on the Thor and Titan parts, including a new LR87 variant. I completed most of the todo list I made yesterday morning.
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