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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. There's a separate branch for Saturn/Apollo (we wanted to leave the master branch open for interim releases, like InvaderChaos' probes), but they haven't been tested let alone balanced/bugfixed.
  2. ah, oh well. Yeah I didn't really try to get it working (it might not even have the relevant transforms), once I have the new passive port in game I'll make sure things work.
  3. I mean. I'm certain I've seen people making Multibody Heavy before. Not sure what could be happening. I'd also add that this doesn't affect the Github. New stuff will still be going up on there as it's put in game, as always. Broken and unbalance. Re: ETS stuff, I'd maybe find another project to do in the meantime. I don't see myself being able to get to them for a couple months yet.
  4. I mean, honestly, on some level it depends on what people want. We can release the historical stuff as soon as its ready, and the mod just wouldn't have the alt-history Saturn/Apollo stuff for a release. If people would rather, we can wait until we've gotten full parity with the stuff currently in the mod before making a release. Right now my biggest priority (some late night modeling of the Early Lunar Shelter aside) is getting the historical lunar stack in game, so @Jso can start dialing it in. Once we're past that I need to get the Saturn 1 done as well, before moving on too much.
  5. Oh my god, streams two days in a row?? https://www.twitch.tv/cobaltwolfy im not posting new pics they're literally 5 posts up lol
  6. Please don't install all of BDB_Extras. Just copy the realnames.cfg out of there and into your Gamedata.
  7. No, the parachute module is finicky enough as it is and would require some absolute weirdness to make it work. Maybe once RealChute2 is done. In other news, its been so long since I started up KSP, I forgot to take screenshots the whole time I was testing? But fortunately @DylanSemrau got my back. This is like... early alpha. Pre-alpha. Half the functionality isn't there, and the compression on some of the textures looks jacked up. But... the CSM is in game.
  8. They're inverted because you're putting them on backwards, chief. And I'm not sure what you mean about the paint... they're both white. It's displayed as a Thor-Agena A also, Thorad doesn't mean Agena. It means (THOR AD)vanced, I believe.
  9. yeah I really want to finish the CSM and get it uploaded so it can start getting dialed in, I've just struggled to scrape together the time or energy. Also why there hasn't been streams lately.
  10. No, just the first I'm hearing of it (and I'm not at my home PC to upload the images I used as refs)
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