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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. This is "someone on the RO server ran the numbers and the ETS Artemis program's J-2A2 can't get the performance it claims without an extension"
  2. Definitely worth looking into at some point, probably not for this update. A strobe, I believe? I didn't put any functionality in for it. Definitely possible, I don't know about Centaur. I could see a proper S-II wetlab being added at some point. I think enough people use them that they'd be worth updating. I just don't want to have to do it myself Yeah, my understanding for these is the end goal is to lay the S-IVB down and semi-bury it in order to get some long term habitable space. In that situation, I think the volume is important and not bringing stuff to fill it out with. re: LM-Truck, I think the down mass is probably sufficient to fit out an S-IVB's internals. it's basically just a descent stage with an ascent stage's worth of cargo mass on top. Definitely doable, might not be doable as a B9 switch. I'll look into it once we start adding more LM stuff. Were there any real proposals for fitting 3 people in an LM? I'd like to know what other modifications they thought it'd need. EDIT: That's just the LM-Taxi, which I was planning on doing some variants of the Ascent/Descent stage for. Sounds good.
  3. Can @linuxgurugamer or @HebaruSan help with that? We should be compatible as far as I know, we're all on 1.12.2 for dev stuff here. Oh, so the J-2 + 2xRL10s is a real proposal to land an S-IVB on the moon (somehow, I don't know anything about it) - I actually modeled the engine mount variant way back when, just cus I thought it looked cool. I'll finish it sooner that later. Yeah I think it just needs to have it's names added to the config, it's just cus its a separate part. Zorg, make sure you don't miss this one next time you're in those cfgs. Yes, we don't maintain those configs anymore. I know they're pretty essential for getting the most out of these parts, so if anyone has time we'd appreciate some help here. Should be pretty simple - just go through the Tweakscale compatibility patches in Gamedata/Bluedog_DB/Compatibility/Tweakscale. The custom BDB profile would need to be rewritten for the new 4.25m and 6.25m diameters, and then the Saturn configs updated to just reference the new part names and default scales. I don't think any were quite that complex - there was the project to use an obsolete KH-7 camera system docked to an Apollo to do lunar surveying if the Lunar Orbiters returned insufficient data. On that note, the ETS stuff is coming sooner than later. Getting the Saturn 1C and Multibody in game is high on my to-do list. I wonder if it's because it has solid fuel now as well? @Jsoany insight? Do I need to separate the solids or something? I think that means it's missing a ModuleSurfaceFX{ }, I'll have to see. I'd be interested in the ACES IVF module, seems useful to have and pretty neat tech. EDIT: Oh, also, last night I got the lil Apollo 17 Cosmic Ray Detector from the LM in. I believe this completes the science that will be included - though remember you have crew reports and surface samples to generate a lot of science as well!
  4. Walking down an alley on a rainy night, you see a flickering neon sign beckoning you inside. Curious, you stamp out your cigarette, pull open the door, and step inside to discover what awaits you...
  5. Yep, AJ-260s will be revamped in this update cycle. On another note, I will be streaming a lil surprise tonight after I get home from work. So something like 5:30-6PM Eastern time.
  6. I think if the player is trying to launch big payloads, then just dual launch it and rendezvous in orbit. Put the CSM on a smaller rocket with the SLA
  7. So, backing up - the biggest issue with the SLA is that the slope begins at the base. That means making extended versions of it gets weird kinda quick? I know that I'd like to make one that's vertical, so for landers and such you only need to worry about the cylindrical envelop and can ignore the slope. Past that, there's the large SAF fairings. I can't speak to whether any of those will include some sort of mounting option for the CSM - Zorg, is adding a B9 switch to make a 2.5m hole in the nose of the SAF fairings possible? Might be the best solution. S-IVB will have length variants up to 2x the original length. I would like to make sure there is a 4x J-2 mount for it as well. I know technically its supposed to be S-IV diameter but... I am planning on doing the Block IV SM this time around. In general I'd like to make sure there's some amount of choice for the Apollo SMs. Just turning off boiloff is for cowards. We'll come up with a way to actively manage it using some sort of external radiator parts, I think.
  8. can I just delete the OldParts folder the problem is, for a lot of these parts, the file naming convention was already perfect and I don't want to make it more awkward just to avoid overwriting the older stuff...
  9. Huh, I already moved the nodes upwards a good bit so the force was applied at the top... it looks like it might not have been pushed to Github though.
  10. yes, we're kind of obligated to do proper 6.25m parts this time around. I haven't gotten a chance to look at the SLA panels, idk what's wrong with them. People just keep saying they're wrong and that's not really helpful/encouraging. EDIT: Sorry if that was rude, I saw the post right as I sat down after an annoying meeting. I'll see if I can check it out tonight during tabletop. EDIT2: With that said, I'd appreciate some screenshots and better descriptions of what you think needs to be changed.
  11. Don't forget Goodyear's proposal for transporting the stages cross country... Length extensions for the S-1C, and a lil goodie in there for ya. I'll get to S-II and the 7x mount (maybe others) soon.
  12. Since I know what you're on about - the artwork with the airbrakes depicts a full S-1C, not an S-1D's engine pack.
  13. Take this with a grain of salt since this is from memory and off the cuff: As far as I know, the science experiments were some of the last things finalized for each mission. Something that gets lost quite often is that most of the proposals we see for upgraded Saturns, etc, are all from the early-mid 60s. By the late 60s the fate of Apollo is already more or less sealed. The decision to launch Skylab as a dry workshop, which essentially counted on there being Saturn Vs left over from the initial order, was made around the same time the Apollo 8 mission flew. So by the time you get to Apollo 17 in 1972, those missions were long dead. I'm sure there were scientists who had plenty of more payloads they wanted to fly, even upset over not being able to squeeze in on the flights that did happen, but if they had proposals I wouldn't know where to find them. I've never seen anything about it, though I also have never really looked into it.
  14. A classic, to be sure. Nah, we don't spend enough time with this stuff to really think of all the alternate possibilities.
  15. We have good reason to be hopeful for KSP2 at this point, even if BDB winds up being something of a total conversion that ignores most of the late game additions. As far as I'm concerned, we have until KSP2 comes out to do all the crazy stuff we always wanted to make but never have gotten around to - which is to say, additions to the Apollo and Saturn parts. Stay tuned
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