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Everything posted by CobaltWolf

  1. Known issue, need someone to contribute updated CLS configs. https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/issues/1092
  2. I mean, my confusion stems from, uh, it shouldn't have a docking module on it. With that said, I just looked, and it in fact DOES. I wonder why. At any rate, it doesn't have a dockingNode transform so it wouldn't work no matter what you do.
  3. It will happen, but we need to make a custom module. The existing BDB "decouple after burnout" module doesn't work with radial decouplers, since those work completely differently that stack decouplers code/module wise. All that and more! Also, as a small reminder, I will not be streaming (or making progress on this stuff) the next two weekends due to IRL stuff.
  4. I can't even test the stack... trying to launch anything with an Apollo CM permanently corrupts my installs...
  5. Not that it helps, but I can at least confirm there definitely isn't a mesh like that in any of the Mercury parts. Allow me to give closure - I could never get the model to fit inside a 1.875m fairing I think it's too different from the "real" thing - in as much as there was one. The Gemini lander doesn't really match the Langley lander, and given the fact that the lander can is already as small as it could be... yeah. It's already pretty, uh, optimistic when you think about how there's no space allocated to life support, electrics, etc in that build... My headcanon is that it flies in a Titan 3E fairing. You could probably get away with the Atlas MPF that was added somewhat recently, the slightly expanded 1.875m fairing.
  6. Annnnd one more stream for the weekend. Working on the S-II and S-1C, don't expect to get it in game today.
  7. We'll have to see what the rest of the weekend brings... and with that said, stream starting in a minute here!
  8. The plume deflectors are also a toggle now. Gonna try and stream tonight after work or something idk
  9. Yes, I need to speak with @Jso about making them auto-jettison after burnout. Yes. AFAIK the functionality/implementation will be the same as it is currently - there will be a separate version with nodes+panels, and the panels will be reused for the Venus Flyby as well.
  10. I think my overall takeaway from the early Pioneer missions (including the Atlas-Able ones), is they required a level of calculation that simply can't be expected in KSP.
  11. Streaming for a couple hours, trying to get the Instrument Unit done so @Zorg 's Skylab can be complete. Working on the LM more afterwards!
  12. Not sure, the old version was baking in the oven for wayyyy too long. Probably fewer parts, but open up a lot of possibilities for future development.
  13. Yeah, but I don't think that would affect the autoshrouds (which the Minotaur/Athena parts were some of the last to use)
  14. I believe I left the Nimbus parts where they were because we ran out of texture space on those sheets. Maybe some day
  15. If I remember, that module was added to the game after the original mod had been discontinued. I remember being so frustrated that there was no way to transfer science data without a Kerbal on EVA!
  16. I'm sure there will be a period when the parts are in development, but playable (as in our previous dev cycles). We're just not there yet. My plan right now is to basically work backwards getting stuff in game: - Next up is the LM. I figure that will allow testing to start, since you can just cheat a CSM+LM to lunar orbit and go from there. - Then the S-IVB, both to get the instrument unit done for Skylab, and to test the TLI burn. - After that, the S-1C and S-II. The full lunar stack can then be tested and balanced. - Saturn 1 and 1B, to round out the historical parts. - Whatever else. Unfortunately my weekends are mostly spoken for until mid September. I think next weekend might be the only chance I have in the foreseeable future to get the LM in game, so that's my big goal.
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