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Everything posted by Kartoffelkuchen

  1. I just posted how to do a thrust Curve above? ^-^
  2. Nope - since KSP 1.1 you can actually do real thrustCurves, not atmosphereCurves which define the Isp at various atmospheric pressures. To use, you need to add "useThrustCurve = True" to your engine module. Then, under the atmosphereCurve, you put your thrustCurve. A thrustCurve for normal SRB's looks like this: thrustCurve { key = 1 1 // 100% propellant, 100% (thrust) fuelFlow key = 0 1 // 0% propellant, 100% (thrust) fuelFlow } (Since the fuelFlow doesn't change) Now, if you want a custom thrust Curve, just insert whatever you like, for example thrustCurve { key = 1 0.8 // 100% propellant, 80% fuelFlow key = 0.8 1 // 80% propellant, 100% fuelFlow key = 0.3 1 // 30% propellant, 100% fuelFlow key = 0.05 0.75 // 5% propellant, 75% fuelFlow key = 0 0.2 // 0% propellant, 20% fuelFlow } Thrust first increases, then keeps at 100%, then goes slowly down to 75% at the end of the burn and then rapidly decreases to 20% fuelFlow before cutoff. Try it out it's really cool
  3. Great idea, looking forward to this! Keep in mind, stock now supports thrust curves (not only for SRBs, also for liquid fuel engines and RCS to simulate rcs tank pressure dropping), so you don't need to code that.
  4. Nice triston. ^^ I really need to make a proper Grasshopper though.
  5. @Treble Sketch Thanks for telling me, I will fix it.
  6. And the traditional Mission Overview in KSP ( though I've skipped one for the last couple launches):
  7. Static fire went good. Weather 90% go for launch. CRS-8 Booster will probably be reflown in fall, they also said that they try to do so with a paying customer.
  8. In Unity, when setting the texture to "normal map"; there's a checkbox below, saying something like "create from blablabla". Uncheck that and you'll be fine.
  9. I am no expert here, BUT I think that you somehow have to combine the specular map with your diffuse colour, so you need to adjust RGB, intensity, transparency for areas you want to be more shiny. That's the only way I think you can right now control the look of the texture a little bit, but that's the only thing I know. When Squad will finally (I hope/think in KSP 1.2?) include the new Unity shaders, we will be able to do Specular Maps etc. I have no idea why they haven't included these new shaders with KSP 1.1. But if you take a unity shader, not a ksp one, you'll see slots for specular map for example.
  10. @Wardstone111 I appreciate your efforts, but I fear that people might encounter (more) bugs or other issues when installing this mod via CKAN, but thank you for your offer. @CSXK921 That is interesting, I've never heard if that before, so I hot no idea what could be wrong. Have you tried reinstalling this mod, or deleting other mods and check if this works then? Thank you! Oh, we can't have enough mod (ders), would be happy to see what you would come up with!
  11. Yes of course! I am just providing a little update here sometimes since we (for whatever reason haha :P) don't have a dev thread, and ej shows his stuff off during stream, so I show my things off here.
  12. https://sketchfab.com/models/c48773a7eff04eab8dfd8e92844cee45 Here's the Delta IV Medium rocket for the official ULA mod pack btw
  13. This feature is actually like stock now. You can create your own thrust curves in the part.cfg. You only need to add a "useThrustCurve = True" in the ModuleEngine(sFX) partmodule, and then add a thrust curve under it, same like an atmosphere Curve. " key = 1 1 // full tanks, full thrust key = 0.5 1 // half full tanks, full thrust key = 0.1 0.7 // 10% fuel, 70% thrust key = 0 0.1 // 0% fuel, 10% thrust " Looks like this in the cfg: MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform engineID = GEM-40 powerEffectName = running_closed throttleLocked = True exhaustDamage = True ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 175 heatProduction = 350 useEngineResponseTime = True engineAccelerationSpeed = 8.0 allowShutdown = False fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.35 EngineType = SolidBooster exhaustDamageDistanceOffset = 0.8 useThrustCurve = True PROPELLANT { name = SolidFuel ratio = 1.0 DrawGauge = True } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 225 key = 1 140 key = 7 0.001 } thrustCurve { key = 1 0.8 key = 0.95 1 key = 0.3 1 key = 0.1 0.35 key = 0.05 0.35 key = 0 0.1 } } Bolt-written stuff is things you need to add.
  14. OK, here's the log. Used KSP x64, and game crashed upon trying to reload the quicksave I made during that flight. A crash folder was not generated, and the log doesn't seem to reveal anything obvious, though I'm no expert there.. I can't think however that my OS, windows 7 could be the cause, I mean, it worked with previous versions, and only because of an upgrade of unity from 4 to 5 or better, from 5 to 5.1, shouldn't make a difference which OS I'm using, right? Thanks for your help guys
  15. Hey, I'm having serious issues, since KSP 1.1.2, and I hoped this would be fixed in KSP 1.1.3, but apparently, it wasn't. The game pretty much crashes on *every* restart to launchpad / VAB, and the same happens with quicksave reloading. I have no idea what happens, the log doesn't reveal any exceptions or something weird happening, it simply ends with a pretty normal looking message (creating dragcubes for blablabla). I am using KSP 1.1.3 64bit exe (also happens with 32bit exe), Windows 7 64bit Lenovo Thinkpad E531 laptop, and KSP with no mods or plugins. These crashes are so annoying that I basically can't do anything with KSP, which is really unfortunate. Any ideas?
  16. So, is your boostback script working (more or less...)? Or are you still working on that? I've also worked on a script like this, the landing wirks perfectly, it can even control the descend and land the rocket at the exact latlng, but I failed to get a proper boostback script, so i have to steer it close enough to the landing zone so thst it can account for the position error and still land at the target.
  17. @Xyphos Use a P(I)D controller (pd controller is good enough too). I'm writing this on a mobile so, ... First, you wanna get the proportional value, or better, the distance between you and your target altitude. Let's call it "error". As the name suggests, this simply measures the error in altitude. "set error to <targetAltitude> - altitude." Now, we multiply that with a factor, to get bigger numbers out. This factor is called proportional factor. Let's set it to..well I have no idea, maybe 2. So then the program looks like this: "Set error to <targetAltitude> - altitude. Set P to error * 2." The new variable <P> simply represents the whole proprtional part of it. Theoretically, this is already enough for your plane to try to keep its altitude @20. BUT, and you can try this, it will always overshoot, overcorrect, undershoot and will eventually spin out of control. So we need another variable, the "derivative". This basicallychecks how fast you are moving relative to your target (in this case your verticalspeed). you add this to thecode: "set D to verticalspeed * 1.5." Again, same as above, just that <D> is now your errorvaluee, multiploed by a derivativegain. Now, you simply add these two variables <P> and <D> together and there you have it, your pitch value! Then; you need to have the program run constantky, so just add this: set running to 1. until running = 0 { set error targetAltitude - altitude. set P to error * 2. set -D to verticalspeed * 1.5. set putput to P + D. lock steering to up + R (output,0,180). ON abort { set running to 0. } } EDIT: "D"must be a negative number if you ascend, because it needs to counteract the proprtional value which tries to pull up really hard! FIXED! I really hope this helps you...it was quite a hard job writing this out of my mind on mobilehahaa!
  18. Yeah, @Cheesecake is right about this. I have no plans to work on those until the official announcement has been made (in September?, I knew it!). Though once concrete information on the topic has been released, I'll definetely work on these!! @StevieC That's a little hard to say, but I'd say (i don't know by hard right now), you need about 25% less fuel for the two boosters for a RTLS and max. 1000 units of fuel for a ballistic downrange landing for the core (approximately 300 units of fuel at max. for a three-engine hoverslam and the remaining 700 units for the reentry burn).
  19. The "near finish" thing can't be true. They said during the webcast that they'd throttle the Mvac to keep an acceleration of 5g..
  20. Because chutes are heavy and cut into payload mass and are expensive. Because chutes cannot be "rapidly reused", as SpaceX wants it. Because you can't efficiently steer with parachutes towards the landing location, which is required for reusability, at least on GTO missions where you have to land on a "tiny" platform in the ocean.
  21. This is awesome! Why isn't this directly integrated into kOS?
  22. This probably isn't even related to the decoupler Force, but to the part colliders. Make sure that the colliders of the patels don't interact with each other, and that they also don't get in the way of the 'main ' Interstage the petals are attached to. If there is interaction between the colliders, parts will ve ejected with a high velocity, spinning in eandom directions, which leads to instability. hopefully this helps
  23. Oh, that's unfortunate. I saw this 4min after it was first posted, it was apparently a new Star system I think. I first thought this was an Antares-rocket mod sonehow, since I just came from the "rathe the antares thread", lol. Hope to see this up again soon...
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