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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. @Jonney5 Latest update to KSP 1.1 was a bit codebreaking for the "switching mods". FreeThinker has already fixed the InterStellarFuelSwitch, you need to get the latest version.
  2. Quite an assortment of crafts. @OrbitalBuzzsaw would you mind reorganizing the OP to show pics of each craft in spoilers? Download links are good, pics are like honey for bees, don't you think? Like this:
  3. Hi @pellinor, a lil idea popped into my mind. I was stuffing a probe with science experiments when I realized that scaling down the science parts reduced the cost of the probe significantly. Is it possible to produce a reverse behavior for the cost scaling in science parts? Smaller part - expensive, bigger - cheaper.
  4. Dude, I love you ) I've been waiting for the ability to use Haystack in the Space Center view for so long. Purrr =>.<=
  5. @KAL 9000 As far as I can tell by the latest station screenshot there are 2 senior docking ports and around 5 medium free. I wonder when Jetski decides to increase the allowed part count per single module, cause it's getting hard to make creative modules with each subsequent launch. But for now the limit is 5 parts + 2 docking ports.
  6. @Jetski I think people can handle a station up to 300 parts even on old computers. 4 FPS is not that big of a deal for motivated players. So, lets not shed the weight yet. At some point the station may require people to have KJR installed to approach and dock safely without phantom forces causing it to dance. With 1.1 station may handle up to 1000 parts safely. Also there's an unspoken rule to keep stations stable: Keep the active reaction wheels only close to the center of mass of the station, deactivate the reaction wheels on all the docked tugs and capsules. The CoM is very easy to find, it is in the center of the screen by default. Zooming in as close as possible gives the idea of its precise location. Pushing @Angel-125, @nli2work, @MainSailor, @NecroBones, come guys join us in station assembly. I've seen you modding the hell out of KSP but I hardly ever saw you play. :3 Latest savegame link in the OP.
  7. It is very easy to remove the helmet and it has been done already by several mods. The size of the helmet is not the problem since it is removable. The size and the shape of the spacesuit itself is an issue for texturers. You just can't paint a shirt over it, it will still look like a painted spacesuit no matter your efforts. We need thin models with civilian clothes to breathe new life into the fanmade content.
  8. I the future, when the station gets big people might wonder how this or that module ended up on the station. Would be nice to have screenshots of those missions. Step 6 to complete the challenge: " Take pictures of the mission ", a vid will do as well I suppose. @Jetski I have a peculiar question. Does the mission to add a module accept only stock station building techniques? Or anything which is not savebreaking and not cheaty? I'm asking because claw docking is very wobbly and there are very shallow limits to using that claw as a root, especially when building on an asteroid. There are modded techniques which are 100% not savebreaking. One example is KIS surface attachment which makes station building very rigid, especially on that asteroid.
  9. That's probably the task for Ven's Stock Part Revamp. Cutaway rules represent an overlay mesh with cuts in the model file. One will need to reimport the model into a 3D editor, tweak that mesh and do all the export procedures through Unity editor. Which is not a trivial task.
  10. @linuxgurugamer nice screenshots, I really wish I could play with scatterer. My laptop is just too old for it. And I thought before that you play exclusively on Linux
  11. Actually it entirely depends on the model design. Stock models were designed to show cutaway. Some modders already made their pods and cockpits have only windows transparent with this feature on.
  12. Mission Finished! Reporting in. I'm sorry it came this early in the process, I just had to dock something special to the station :3 The final module turned out to be only 4 parts (Potato, Grappler, Adapter, Senior DP). Updated save file here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mitj13ohkgnasdb/KSS.sfs?dl=0 Pushing @linuxgurugamer and @Jetski
  13. As far as I know parts don't affect the game in any way. Only plugins can give unexpected results.
  14. I scrapped today my lander with the MK2 Can. It was just too heavy and inefficient. Slapped on a Stack Bi-Coupler with two MK1 Lander Cans instead. This poor weight balance comes from the lack of a dV readout in the stock game. People who play purely stock don't bother with efficiency, moar boosters fix everything.
  15. @XrayLima What you're looking for are the structural hatches from the Stockalike Station Parts Expansion mod. It has two airlocks both surface and node attachable: There are also some small service airlocks in the UKS Kolonization mod. All of them have space for one crew member. You just enter the hatch and then manually transfer the kerbal to the desired destination. The 2.5m version has a retractable docking port.
  16. After landing on every planet numerous times I would just build and flew planes on Kerbin if not the Kopernicus mod. If there was no Kopernicus with planet packs, I would be stuck with planes whenever I launched KSP.
  17. Currently there's no mod which can replace Kerbal models hence we're limited to retexturing or covering the bulky rounded spacesuits if we want some diversity. There are civilian kerbals models all around the spacecenter, would be nice if SQUAD opened the access to these models to the modding community. The access to these models would bring a new era to comics writers and movie makers and spark more storytelling and creativity. In reality we only need one or two models to start tailoring new outfit textures. One little thing I noticed: there are no civilian females currently... which might require some work from the person appointed to kerbal animation in SQUAD. More digital fanmade content will bring more publicity for the game, which in turn gives more income to the SQUAD. A trivial thing that's good financially. Side note: the current set of civilians would look good and fun in place of the generic models for tourists since they can't EVA anyway. Second thought: It might be that current civilian models have completely different skeletons and are not tied to player contollable animations. I still have high hopes.
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