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Everything posted by Norcalplanner

  1. Loving all this discussion of mulch and fertilizer, as I'm a huge fan of both SSPX and SSPXr, nearly always have USI-LS installed, and frequently have MKS installed as well. One thing I would note is that SSTU is a great addition to the mix of mods listed above. You can make a single tank on your station which includes space for supplies, mulch, and fertilizer in whatever ratio and size you desire. I'll even add the USI-LS resources to a tank that already has LFO, MP, and EC.
  2. Here's the old challenge that I ran two years ago (has it really been that long?!?) that was specific to rockets in KSP 1.0.5. Feel free to borrow/steal any of the rules if you feel it would help, or feel free to ignore - no worries.
  3. @Nertea I've always really enjoyed your stuff, but the old Stockalike Station Parts Expansion had a special place in my heart. I was able to make some truly epic stations, moon bases, and interplanetary craft. This new version takes that existing high bar and raises it even higher. I look forward to the epic craft which will result from this new version. Thank you so much for all your mods - the KSP community is in your debt.
  4. It's a lot of little things that add up to make it work well at 2.5x. Lighter capsules, larger rockets, higher Isp engines (particularly for upper stages and SRBs) and a fantastic selection of small probe cores all contribute.
  5. There's a way to do this, but I'm away from my computer atm and don't remember which mod is needed.
  6. Karbonite currently implements this.
  7. And the more delta V the ship has on tap and the longer the burns, the more importance is attached (for me anyway) to the accuracy of the burn, which translates to a higher departure orbit. A Karborundum-powered ship making a 20 km/s burn does much better when departing from a 2,000 km orbit.
  8. Not strictly related to this mod, but is anyone aware of a mod or configuration edit to set a higher minimum altitude for pods to spawn? Having a craft appear at 75 km in an upscale system with a thicker atmosphere makes these rescues a bit difficult.
  9. Couple of questions as I'm working on my new GPP install - Has Thalia's heat been nerfed in this update? I did a quick sandbox flyby with a stock ship at a Pe of 9 km and didn't see any evidence of overheating. And is KK a requirement for anomalies to be present in the system? I'd like to spend some time hunting for them in this career, but am also trying to limit the number of mods as much as possible. Thanks in advance.
  10. Without putting any pressure on anyone, I'd just like to state for the record my sincere hope that Taranis has Karborundum or some other valuable resource present. :-)
  11. Forgive me if this has been answered before, but is pruning done on a per-save basis or a per-install basis? I'm setting up a new install and would like to open a sandbox save, perma-prune all the parts I don't want, then begin a new career save.
  12. Yep. All the indicators on the lower left will turn blue. Also works great with aircraft that have too much control authority at higher speeds.
  13. @Shadowmage What you described is nearly identical to what I do when docking, and the technique works great. The only refinements I would suggest are to hit caps lock for fine RCS control (this helps a lot if the RCS thrusters arent perfectly lined up with the CoM), and to use the "PAR-" hold for the actively maneuvering craft during the final approach. This particular hold keeps the docking port lined up perfectly parallel and opposite of the target port. It's also great when you have a truly massive station you don't want to rotate.
  14. BDB as it sits currently is well balanced for 2.5x scale (which is what I've been playing for the past few months). Nothing need be done. It's a tiny bit OP for stock scale.
  15. It can make sense in a modded game with reduced science payout, life support to create time pressure, and CTT for lots more nodes to unlock. I still only ever use one at a time these days, though.
  16. The trick is designing a craft that won't overheat and explode while down at the requisite altitude above Ciro. Especially if your craft has any parts with a heat tolerance of only 1200K.
  17. @eddiew Karborundum is a bit unique in that there's no way (that I know of) to scan and map it on a permanent basis, unlike most of the other CRP resources. You have to have the scanner window open and be watching it as you explore to find where it is.
  18. This last weekend I took Jeb to see the booster on display at SpaceX. Here he is checking out the business end of the rocket: And here he is expressing his enthusiasm:
  19. @Nertea I pulled a copy of the revamped Space Station parts under development, and almost cried. These new parts are beautiful, practical, well-considered, and just plain awesome. The large centrifuge in particular is jaw-dropping. Thanks for all your hard work - it shows.
  20. One place that Karborundum can always be found in any system (assuming you have Karbonite installed) is down low near the system's star, in this case Ciro. If you want to look inside the config file for Karborundum I suppose you could take a look, but that would remove some of the mystery. I'm guessing that it's somewhere on Thalia too, given the in-game lore and the difficulty of doing anything on Thalia, but I haven't found it yet.
  21. It's not like GPP is more complicated than a simple parts pack or something... ;-)
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