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Everything posted by tg626

  1. I think I discovered something, so I'm looking for confirmation and perhaps some opinions on how important it is. It seems to exist for other parts, but I've directly investigated the OscarB fuel tank so far... The folder for the Oscar B tank ( \GameData\Squad\Parts\FuelTank\fuelTankOscarB ) contains fuelTankOscarB.cfg model.mu model000.dds model001.dds tank.mbm tank_n.mbm Note the existence of both DDS and MBM textures? Opening the model.mu in a hex editor shows textures named "tank" and "tank_n" being referenced. If I remove model000.dds and model001.dds the game doesn't care (no errors in log, no issues in game) So - exactly how much memory / time are we waisting loading textures we never need? Or loading MBM textures which is supposed to be slower then DDS and was the reason for DDS being adopted in the first place IIRC... For those who know enough to ask, there is no MODEL{} node in the config, therefore no reassignment to the DDS files.
  2. Roughly, I get the following pitches which seem to be the critical parameter... 60o @ 3km 50o @ 5km (maybe 9km, my handwriting sucks) 45o @ 20km (MECO) 40o @ 40km 31o @ 70km 25o @ 80km If I pull ALL my mods from my modded install I get near the same performance. Now I add them back, one by one, until I find the culprit. This could have far ranging implications, at least for me...
  3. Um, first attempt to use your craft file resulted in 552,435m x -399,421m "orbit"... interesting use of timers tho. EDIT: Genuinely assuming it was me and not you I then moved SmartParts and your craft file from my modded install to my plain vanilla install. That launch yielded 582,241m x 84,304m. That raises 2 questions. One, why didn't I get EXACTLY the same thing you got? Why is my modded install resulting in a WILDLY different result? (None of my mods are atmospheric (IE no FAR) and all guidance mods were inactive...) I shall continue to investigate
  4. Ah! Ok. I was hoping for a simple way to have an active monitor as it were.
  5. I gotta admit, I *was* interested until I hit the smart parts requirement. And truthfully it is a requirement. Perhaps there should be with and without smartparts categories? I did it anyway, and somebody else did it all stock! Shows what I know
  6. Have you quick saved ever? You might be able to rename quicksave to persistent (back up your borked persistent first) and open that.
  7. Well that description from @fourfa sure helped me! Made me think to try a lower speed for the turn. My x20 kept flipping so I upped the speed for the turn and ended up going straight up almost. Tearing my hair out I read that description above and it hit me, turn when the air pressure it too low to flop it!! Worked a treat!
  8. I took an IVA model I had made and opened it in unity, the same unity file I had used before to successfully export a normal IVA for KSP. I added a Camera I added a plane I created a render texture I created a material using the render texture and applied that material to the plane At this point, in unity, anything I place before the camera can be seen on the plane -so the plane is like a CCTV Screen. When I export it, it doesn't work. In addition to it not working the log file reports that the 2 transforms for spawning the Kerbals can't be found and the 2 transforms used for camera switching inside the IVA (Click the window, view changes to "looking out the window") also can't be found. If I remove the plane and reexport the IVA, it works again. I have another plane with a regular diffuse texture applied, so I think I can state it's not the plane it's self. The camera is still in the scene, so it's not that. I can only conclude it's the render texture that breaking things. The shader I'm using is KSP/diffuse
  9. I notice that RPM seems to use render texture. If so, is it because that's a mod and what I'm trying to do is Unity? Again, like only ksp shaders will work, render texture won't when done this way.
  10. Well, I'll put it this way. If someone learns to play music "by ear" and can not read music, they may find there's a limit to what they can play. However, when that person later attempts to learn to play by reading music, they will, for a time, find themselves unable to perform as they used to. There will be a period of it all seeming more difficult. It's up to you if it is worth it.
  11. Hold AP Time Start - if you had a mod like Kerbal Engineer installed, you'd notice a readout called "Time to AP". This is how long until you get to the AP, and when Gravity turn in in command, you'd notice that it reduces the throttle to keep that time at whatever this setting is. Reduces wasted Dv. Using this value, GT "scales" the Time to AP between the two values (Hold AP Time Start and Hold AP Time Finish) during the launch. It gradually lets the AP move further ahead of the craft during ascent. Yes, minimum throttle. Have you clicked the "?" buttons? They do describe the variables, although there are errors "Hold AP Time Start" says it varies "Time to Prograde" which if it is actually a accurate term (I've never heard it) does fly in the face of how this is typically expressed everywhere else in Kerbal discussions.
  12. I made my own KSC2 and I don't have Kerbin-Side complete installed (AFAIK)
  13. Toolbar button? Click on it to switch modes, two textures to show AGL / ASL?
  14. Suggestion box: I've always wanted to see a "lite" version of this mod. No air races, or ATC, or radio link stuff, just the ability to add buildings and open alternate launch sites. Is that possible? Either as a separate version or the ability to suppress / hide these features (even if one had to manually edit a config file)? I appreciate the work that went into these additional features, but I only use the mod to "flesh out" KSC and open ksc2 to be my "Vandenberg" for polar and high inclination launches.
  15. So I followed this: http://unity.grogansoft.com/in-game-security-camera-using-render-texture/ And it worked as advertised IN UNITY. But when I try to load it in KSP it doesn't work. Further, the game posts errors to the log saying that it can't find the transforms for the kerbals, and the camera switches. (I have a collider in each window where you click it and your IVA view becomes looking out the windows, just like some stock IVAs) The one obvious deviation from the above linked tutorial is that I use "ksp/diffuse" as the shader rather then "mobile/diffuse". The troubles go away if I remove the plane with the render texture, but leave the camera. If I remove the camera and leave the plane and render texture it breaks again. So, is this a hierarchy/layer issue or is this simply not going to work in KSP?
  16. If gravity turn (the mod) still works, grab it and do at least one launch to see the difference. I still can't match GTs launch trajectory, but I try to. My dream is to get to orbit on one burn, like John Glenn's flight in Mercury. Still trying.
  17. Oh and I haven't seen it but I hear there are fan made editions where jar jar speaks some kind of alien gibberish with subtitles. Supposedly makes them hella easier to watch.
  18. My wife and I still mean "a new hope" when we say "the first film" and further more, we call it star wars because that was it's original freaking title, that ep IV a new hope was added on the first theatrical rerelease. It was still colloquially known as star wars then too. People didn't start calling it a new hope until those ocular ambitions known as the prequils came along.
  19. Thanks guys, the books are on my Xmas list and I'll have a look at the online resources you all suggested!
  20. I know it a little, as in "knows enough to be dangerous", but it seems clear that a more complete knowledge would be to my advantage. So for those who are formally trained, what would you suggest? I have googled it, but I find lots of options, some of which seem to bundle c# with a wealth of other things, but I'm just interested in c# and I don't want to just pick one at random. I'm not new to programming either, started with BASIC and went on from there to mucking around hacking c++ code, but skipped much of the structural stuff so classes and things like static, public, private, etc. don't mean much to me... Nor do the rules of asynchronous execution - which if you know basic makes sense since those programs followed a straight line - so within a function I'm fine, but the further out you get the shakier I become. lots of trial and error, and that's slow going...
  21. Valid, but I'd contend that by that measure Gagarin needs one since he was first in space - it becomes a question of where to draw the line.
  22. This is a good point, perhaps a memorial wall somewhere symetrical to the Mk1 pod memorial that has the names of notables that have passed. Neil, Yuri, John, and so forth. One by the Mk1 pod with Apollo 1's crew, and another one by the SPH with the various shuttle fatalities. I would also note, Squad kinda opened this potential can of worms with the Armstrong memorial on the Mun.
  23. It did - for some reason that statement looked backwards to me, but I came up with this: private bool checkMaster() { KerbalGPS module; if (vessel.isActiveVessel) { foreach (Part part in vessel.parts) { module = part.Modules.GetModule<KerbalGPS>(); if (module != null) { return module == this; } } } return false; } And that seems to do the trick, so THANK YOU BOTH!!
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