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Everything posted by tg626

  1. I have a plan to put my craft on kerbalx, even installed the plugin. I'll post when I've done it, soon(TM) It has begun! If you visit the launch log on my site, the titles are now like to KerbalX craft files. NOTE: I am uploading them in batches, so not all will be available right away. http://ksp.federalproductions.com/launch-log/ Tagging @Kerbal007 and @CobaltWolf
  2. I'll probably get dinged for this, but I respectfully request that the moderators not act juvenile on the thread. Resorting to "duh" and upside down text is nothing but inflammatory and unhelpful, and I'd expect better behavior from Squad "personnel" even if they are volunteers. On the issue of the forum, obviously mobile is usable, I'm using it now, but any time I see an old quote in the textbox or feel the need to quote in a reply, I just don't... I move on because the editor is so... Unpredictable. FWIW I use this forum on Android chrome when on mobile, if that makes any difference to reporting.
  3. Here's a bit of fun I've been having - Until now I hadn't touched Career mode since v0.24 but BDB has brought back the fun. I no longer feel the grind using this a the other mods I have installed. (You can check those out at my site: ksp.federalproductions.com ) I started with Avant-Garde (Vangaurd): Viklun launchers Launching these simple probes: Then came ATMOS: And finally, the side by side launching of the Venture (Pioneer) and Voyager (Explorer) series On Etoh (Juno) above and Fenris-Alpha (Thor-Able) below: So far I've had my share of failures and triumphs, just like the real early days of NASA. Soon, Hermes (Mercury) will start suborbital testing! You can read all about it at ksp.federalproductions.com
  4. I wonder how it would look in blue dog design bureau's Apollo capsule... I did make a patch to add my target to their LEM ascent stage...
  5. I gotta say, you two ( @Drew Kermanand whoever made the Kerbal Aerospace Institute ) got way more going on then I do! Those sites are amazing. And that's not even touching on the tweets! (to which I am subscribed)
  6. You raise a good point, I do think rss has become passe, but should be possible. Actually, it's there already just not linked. Try http://ksp.federalproductions.com/feed/ Btw, what reader\aggregator do you use? This might be better still... http://feeds.feedburner.com/Kerbin626
  7. So I started a web site for my latest career. It's a Bluedog Design Bureau modded install (among other mods, all listed and linked on the site) I thought it might provide an amusing diversion for some. http://ksp.federalproductions.com/
  8. Well whadda ya know, I helped! Guess I should have mentioned it sooner...
  9. Don't know if this applies, or is in any way related, but I.know in the past it seemed an unconcious Kerbal wouldn't slow down with the chute deployed. I have no.time to test if this is happening, or if it's even real or just appeared that way. Just thought it might give some ideas.
  10. Well, you're redistributing game files, and copyrighted images.
  11. Since this is the only thread I saw about the movie, I'll reply to it: Saw it, and loved it really. Like Apollo 13 it's NOT a documentary, but they did a reasonable job on the technical end and it is a truly interesting story about a very dynamic time. I had known of the flesh and blood computer used in the Manhattan Project, but I really didn't think they were still in use by the time the space race kicked off. Interestingly, that too - the dawn of electronic computers - is also touched upon in this film. Anyone else see it? What did you think?
  12. Your mean terrain scatter? Oh yes, one of the first things I turn on! Along with full-rez textures.
  13. I can't decide if it's a bug or bad judgement... Just got to Duna again and upon exploring the great face (not to be confused with the great butt on the other side of Duna ) I find that the collider for the face only bears the vaguest resemblance to the visual model. Some places you sink below the surface, others you stand floating in mid air. Is the face having a collider new, like the monoliths? I can't remember and it's been since .24 that I visited it. (frankly I think it got hit with a fugly ray somewhere between .24 and 1.2.2!)
  14. I had never heard of this movie. Seems to be availablke on amazon, so I'm going to hazve to check it out!
  15. In my experience the gravity on the mun is jussst low enough to give you the false hope that you can right the craft without damaging anything, but you will, and whatever explodes will be the most important part
  16. 46 Usually a design following a real life example. However my "Vostok" for example will take the form of a mk1 capsule with no chute on a core with 4 radial boosters, but I don't go nuts trying to make it look like the actual rocket.
  17. It kinda has an unfortunate name given what it does, I ignored it for a long time because of the name, now I can't imagine flying without it! I also use kramax autopilot for occasional autolanding and trajectories and navigation instruments to get all the various must have readouts for shuttle landings.
  18. Your stick and throttle are positioned just like the game
  19. Turn on advanced tweakables in the settings menu and you get all those (chute angle etc)
  20. Take a look at atmospheric autopilot, despite the name, it isn't an autopilot, it's a fly by wire system that basically acts like you wish SAS would in atmosphere. Keeps the surfaces under control and makes them behave dynamically with speed and atmospheric density.
  21. The model needs a transform for the docking attachment point. Technically this could be done but you'd need a mu file that was only a docking node (no visual model) and some config trickery...
  22. I did notice that the video exaggerated the effect. It seems that not only do the scenarios get their thrusts reset, but so do crafts loaded from an install that doesn't have realplume installed. Thinking on it, it makes sense, since that's the same thing the scenarios do (as far as the craft goes) but you might want to clarify that in the OP.
  23. So I found an issue, RP is altering performance of SRBs at least. Craft file - > https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4GZ_xaPIBHhMFdFX3RzZ1R1dE0
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