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Everything posted by Sigma88

  1. thanks! I'm a bit busy right now
  2. I don't remember if you try let me know
  3. yeah, only the packs listed in the OP are supported support for Gameslinx's pack is still under development I guess Grannus was added after I added GPP to GN, I'll fix that in the next release EDIT: I checked and it was a simple change so I just added it in the current release
  4. Gameslinx Planet Pack is still not *officially* supported, I'm still waiting for @Gameslinx to choose a star analogue and a name but the files are already there so if you install the mod it will get it's own star (A "B2 II" Blue Bright Giant, analogue of Epsilon Canis Majoris with a placeholder name)
  5. yes this is the idea, there are some limitations, for examples you need to specify which of the KK groups needs to be kept together (if there are more groups in the same place) for example, if you scale a planet there's no way for SD to know that the group KSCUpgrades needs to be centered around the KSC so you will need to add a small cfg to tell SD that the group KSCUpgrades needs to be centered around the KSC Like this: PQSCity_Groups { GROUP { name = KSCUpgrades body = Kerbin CENTER { CentralPQSCity = KSC } } } (syntax is explained here) to do this you will need to create a PQSCityGroup in SigmaDimensions with the same name and define where you want it to be moved so, assume you want to move "Arakebo" to Latitude = 5, Longitude = 74 you can do this: PQSCity_Groups { GROUP { name = Arakebo body = Kerbin MOVE { CentralLAT = 5 CentralLON = 74 } } } PS: to move groups that are centered around the KSC you just need to add the cfg that centers them around KSC, if in your install KSC is moved by some planet pack (like GPP) the statics will show up in the correct place and finally... nope, can't change planet for now
  6. Galactic Neighborhood v0.4.0 Big overhaul, thanks to @GregroxMun joining the team stars finally get some love. All stars are now procedurally generated by GN using mass radius and temperature, all stars have real life analogues that are listed in the OP. A new Settings.cfg file has been added with two settings off by default: - LoadAllStars will make GN generate all stars regardless of which planet pack is installed - RealisticStars will generate stars that are more similar to real life stars (except with 1/10 radius and 1/100 mass) all the links are available in the OP If you want to follow the development of my mods: If you want to buy me a cup of coffee: Changelog: **v0.4.0** - Updated to KSP 1.3.0 and Kopernicus 1.3.0-4 - Star generation is now completely handled by GN - Stars are now procedurally generated from mass, radius and temperature - Added custom parameters for white dwarfs, brown dwarfs and red giants - Changed brightness curve for all stars - Added SunFlareSwitcher to allow for multiple custom sunflares - Added GNCoronae to handle custom star coronae - Rearranged internal folder structure - Added parameter to allow generation of all stars regardless of planet packs - Changed names of planets from Alternis Kerbol - Changed star analogues for some packs - Added a Settings file and two Settings: > LoadAllStars (off by default) > RealisticStars (off by default)
  7. KKtoSD Download Follow Discuss Donate License All Rights Reserved
  8. Sigma Dimensions v0.8.2 This update improves the stability of SD. No new features but now it should be more difficult to get nullrefs or mm errors. It also improves the ExternalGroups feature to allow for better compatibility all the links are available in the OP If you want to follow the development of my mods: If you want to buy me a cup of coffee: This mod would not be possible without the work of: - sarbian (ModuleManager) - Thomas P. (Kopernicus) Changelog: v0.8.2 - Improved loading of SigmaDimensions Settings - Improved loading of ExternalGroups - Improved debugging tools
  9. that's very cool, if only you posted about it a month ago I wouldn't have had to make my own flares for GN now I have everything ready to release with GN, but once I have released it I will look into your stuff and if it's better I'll consider making it a dependency
  10. lol, this sounds risky is it a key combination? or just one key?
  11. don't worry, I'm not releasing anything until the changes are included in an official KK release, and I'm not in any hurry so just do that whenever you have time and thanks again of course
  12. @Ger_space I was trying to make use of the public method GetAllStatics() but the static class StaticDatabase is not public is there a way to get around that? or do I need you to make that public as well?
  13. as I previously said, the latest versions known to work together on KSP 1.2.2 are SD v0.7.7 and Kopernicus 1.2.2-6 there is a chance that more recent versions could be compatible, but I haven't tried it since I don't really support older KSP versions once I moved on
  14. basically, when a curve ends with pressure = 0, SD counts the last point as "finisher", so it removes the last point and processes the curve using atmoTopLayer without that point and after having finished it restore the "finisher" at the new altitude so that the curve still finishes with zero pressure I change the scale on the x axis only for the "Atmosphere" parameter, because that's exactly how the Atmosphere parameter works. it keeps the same pressure values, but changes the altitudes. (as opposed of atmoTopLayer that only extends or trims the curve) when Atmosphere and atmoTopLayer are used together, Atmosphere is applied first, and atmoTopLayer second
  15. I can't see anything wrong in the logs, try opening an issue on github and link there all the information you have so that thomas might take a look when he has some time
  16. try this: make sure you don't have "PQSLandControl" in the list "removePQSMods" and add these classes to your landcontrol: Class { name = BaseBeach delete = True } Class { name = BaseMountains delete = True } Class { name = BaseSnow delete = True } Class { name = Tundra delete = True } Class { name = DesertMountains delete = True } Class { name = RockyGround delete = True } Class { name = Savannah delete = True }
  17. I assume you have removePQSGroups = PQSLandControl have you tried not removing the original landcontrol? I think most of your setting will overwrite it anyways
  18. not really much more tedious than making a new one... if you show me the old cfg I can tell you where it needs fixing
  19. editing the LandControl works tho, so you might want to try that route until I can understand what the issue is here
  20. this is probably the easies way to visualize the effect:
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