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Everything posted by goldenpsp

  1. That is what the Karborundum scanners are for... Ok fine, I'll give you a hint. The only places I am aware that you may find Karborundum is the surface of EVE and Eeloo, and in very low orbit around Kerbol (don't get too close and burn up). Also try not to blow your budget either. That large Karborundum tank alone costs 30,000,000 funds EMPTY. Bottom line is there multiple ways to balance in a game.
  2. Who cares? It's Karborundum (and please dear god stop butchering its name). Nowhere has Rover said it is supposed to be any analog to somethig IRL. You still haven't talked about actually collecting Karborundum. Go mine the 75,000 you'd need to fill that tank and bring it back, rather than cheating the tank full. Then come talk about the engines.
  3. IIRC from interstellar, antimatter was relatively easy to get compared to Karborundum.
  4. Only one left who hasn't followed instructions (its in the OP). need the latest version of KIS.
  5. Where have you been? Of course they are crazy OP. Go and start collecting Karborundum and tell me how easy it is.
  6. FYI, Over on the MKS thread Roverdude was able to repro this issue with a fresh vanilla install, no mods, fresh save.
  7. My video making is almost as bad as my landings. I decided last minute to hit record. And it's long, but easy to skip around.
  8. OMG totally. I just put up a vid of me landing a honeybadger VTOL on Minmus and it would not have been possible without TCA
  9. Get the KAS old parts file. Has the old parts and containers
  10. Ya know, one option is to just grab the KAS_Old Parts zip and then you can use the old KAS containers all you want. Just keep in mind due to their size they only have a KIS storage size of 500.
  11. 2 per bay, attached to the front and rear nodes. Sure there is wasted space around the sides, but that is the nature of the MK2 bays, most cargo ends up with wasted space. Now that being said, I'd be all for a MK2 specific container, that matched the Mk2 profile. I'd bet if someone made the model KosPy would be happy to use it.
  12. TBH I'd say the issue is they don't fit the way you want them to. I don't personally see a problem if you can't jam that many containers into one cargo bay.
  13. I'm not an expert, but I am pretty certain adding a custom resource to CRP pretty much breaks the intended purpose of this mod. What kind of resource are you adding?
  14. I don't know how "good" it is. But here is a pic of one of my mining honeybadgers. The parts are connected either from the front node or rear node. They don't actually go all the way front to back. I shored each side up with some struts.
  15. Ok, it just seemed odd given your question. Namely that MKS has drills for each resource it adds to the game, and the drills needed to mine a resource really have nothing to do with CRP.
  16. Just curious but are you loading this up like it was just another mod?
  17. Click drag to inventory. Don't let go of the mouse button.
  18. considering he has been updating all of his mods to .dds I would say yes
  19. It seems no. Kospy I believe wants to keep KAS as a parts pack for those various pieces. That being said, KAS is pretty light now that it is pretty much a parts pack and uses the KIS engine for attach and storage.
  20. A few things. First, The planetary survey camera is not part of this mod. It is part of MKS The "balls" haven't been a thing in forever. I am pretty sure they disappeared with the .90 releases All USI mods now use the stock resource engeine. So the survey camera works much like the stock system for scanning. Make sure you have all mods fully up to date.
  21. Yea, there are plenty of other mods with big wheels and tracks. I don't see Rover needing to put time into it. Honestly though, the stock wheels work fine for me. Also, Get Throttle Controlled Avionics. Trust me it is a godsend for VTOLS. Especially if you are like me and can't be bothered tweaking the balance to be perfect.
  22. Yes totally normal (sorry being a smart-) Make sure your KIS is up to date, as noted in the OP.
  23. Yes installed wrong. If you look under the KAS_v0.5.1 folder you will see a gamedata folder. Under that you will see a folder just called KAS or KIS. Those are the folders that go under gamedata. [edit] Ninja'd. Just keep in mind if you go down the CKAN path, that issues surrounding CKAN go in the CKAN thread, not the various mod threads.
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