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Everything posted by shdwlrd

  1. Various tracks from the following soundtracks: Surviving Mars, Aven Colony, Mass Effect (1-3), Interstellar, BSG, Halo, Deus Ex:HR, Titanfall.
  2. Just watched the linked vods, I'm really impressed with this. Everyone is calling out the bad with this, but I would take this KSC over the one in KSP1. Granted, this looks to be a test scene for the clouds, so I'm not expecting perfection. But I loved how the clouds are rolling along fading in and out. What really impressed me is the fact the clouds are casting shadows on both the terrain and buildings. The only thing I can't tell is if the clouds are occluding the stars being reflected at night from the water. Once they get the lighting dialed in and the scatter effects hooked in, this will be a really pretty game.
  3. Then in your dream like state. You find yourself doing some God awful work you don't remember doing before. As you try to wake up or stop, nothing happens, you continue doing that job. You continue in this state until some industrial accident, act of violence, or your flesh deteriorates enough for you to be decommissioned and recycled. Welcome to the "life" of a servator. "Even in death, you will still serve the Emperor."
  4. I don't know how much you know about the 40K universe, but it's a lot worse for the general citizenry than you would believe. There's too much to explain with how horrible the 40K universe actually is. Just watch: https://youtube.com/@Luetin09 He goes into good detail about the 40K universe.
  5. Don't know what's worse, that or the WH40K universe that tstein mentioned. They both really suck for humanity.
  6. You won't hear a sonic boom when in the plane. The only indicators that you passed the Mach barrier is the shock cone moves and the air speed indicator goes weird for a second. See the video below:
  7. The mountains near the KSC were removed. Nate did say that in one of the pieces he did about the KSC. He didn't say what actually happened to them.
  8. That's not right. The robotic and all associated parts was specifically sited as not being included in KSP2.
  9. There was a warning about using the Orion drive near your bases, colonies, and the KSC. So that isn't a worry.
  10. Maybe he does, I really don't know or care. Without getting into the bad and good of Apple and derailing the thread. All I'm saying is Apple didn't do the desktop gaming industry any favors over the years. Apple made it difficult to near impossible for game developers to work within their OS. (Not because Apple are jerks when it comes to their OS's, (they are,) it's because their OS's is a derivative of Unix not Linux. They are similar enough to code for, but the optimizations required are different. And Apple doesn't tell you what you should be looking for.)
  11. Steve Jobs and his bizarre thoughts how his products should be used.
  12. Outside of my usual couple hours here and there flying around Kerbin. I'm not planning to do anything that involves space in KSP1.
  13. Hard to say with the brief sanity check I did with Linux and Apple silicon. I would suspect the minimums are there for Linux to run on Apple silicon. But you’re right, nothing jumped out at me for x86/x64 translation for these distros. But who knows, someone could be working on one right now or one could be finished by the time KSP2 releases. This is Linux were talking about, almost anything is possible.
  14. If can deal with the headaches and (current) shortcomings, there are Linux distros that can run bare metal on Apple silicon. From there, Steam's Proton can help.
  15. That's an old GPU. Have you tried the 2nd hand market? You can find really good deals on 20 and 30 series cards. If you want new, the 1060 and above will be able to handle the game. Granted, you may not be able to run with all settings maxed out, but you should be able to get decent frames with a medium to high settings.
  16. You are saying it yourself, KSP is a game. KSP is not a true to life simulation. So KSP begin a game first, then a simulation, not every little detail required in RL doesn't need to be accurate or even added.
  17. But why would Intercept add old DEAD ideas from Squad? They know most players haven't visited most of the planets outside of the Kerbin system. Why add to the Kerbol system at this point. Really why? Because the promises and ideas from 8-10 years ago says so? No. If Squad did add and remove them later, I wouldn't be arguing against the addition of the these missing planets. But they where never added to the game or the ideas taken seriously enough for Squad to act on them. They are just random thoughts and ideas. Nothing more. That's the down side of openly talking about ideas and why Intercept is so tight lipped about what they are thinking and working on. Because players will take every word to heart and if anything is missed, these players with take any opportunity to remind and then attack the devs for every decision that doesn't include or against said features. Even now, players are STILL taking what the Squad said to heart for KSP2 and Squad isn't even developing it. Intercept is developing it and is free from the musings Squad.
  18. There's a lot of unknowns for the colonies in general. But from what was said early on in the development, you'll have to bootstrap a colony with small items before you can start building a colony up. For surface colonies, it will start as a surface base and grow from there. For orbital colonies, they would have to start as a user placed station, and follow the same mechanics. For editing and adding to your colonies, there will be a Building Assembly editor. As of now, that's all we really know. Everything else is just speculation.
  19. It seems like everyone suggesting that the Kerbol system should have the old ideas from Squad are thinking that KSP2 is going to be KSP version 2, not a sequel to KSP.
  20. It's because there will always be those consumers that will pay the "bleeding" edge tax generation after generation just to say they have the latest and greatest rig. That's the type of consumers the CPU and GPU manufacturers are banking on. Not the consumer that saved for a long time to by "bleeding" edge gear every five to ten years or so.
  21. There was talk after the announcement that an in-game simulation mode was going to be added to the career mode. That was a long time ago, who knows if it's going to happen or not.
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