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Everything posted by wreckreation

  1. Love this mod, been using it for some time. Unfortunately, it's listed as incompatible with Blackrack's Deferred Rendering mod, which ofc I'd love to use. I assume the devs are aware, but haven't seen any mention of it in this forum. Anyone know what the state of this mod is, vis-a-vis Deferred Rendering? Are there plans to make it compatible, is it worth it, has it been discussed, etc? Thanks!
  2. One more thing: I don't know if this is true for other versions, but for the 1.4 version of SpaceY Extended, the SYvernier1 vernier thrusters have the thruster plume coming out the back of the thruster, through the body of whatever they're attached to. It's just a visual glitch, they still actually thrust in the correct direction. Linuxgurugamer has written a patch for it, which you can find here.
  3. To be fair, T2 stipulated conditions that made it very difficult for the development team to succeed. Not saying the dev team is entirely blameless, but T2 did put them in a bind.
  4. My ultimate solution to this was to downgrade from the latest versions. I'm currently using SpaceY Heavy Lifters v1.17.2 and SpaceY Extended v1.4, and so far they seem to work just fine in KSP v1.12.5, with no z-fighting. I'm totally guessing here, but in the newest versions (v1.9.99 and v1.4.99 ) it looks like the author(s) were trying a new way of allowing users to choose the appearance of the tanks, but hadn't really finished implementing or testing it. Life probably got in the way, and in fairness, the latest versions are marked as '-pre-release'. They probably shouldn't be listed in ckan, but that's another issue entirely. Hope this helps!
  5. Sorry to necro a two year old thread, but this seemed the most appropriate place. I'm getting back into KSP1 after KSP2 has apparently tanked, and I'm experiencing the texture z-fighting glitch on the SpaceY 7.5 meter and 10 meter fuel tanks, as well as some adapters. I've taken all the troubleshootinhg steps described in the OP, in the section titled Problem: Fuel tanks or SRBs flash different colors, with glitchy "z-fighting". I went so far as to completely delete and re-install KSP1, then install only the latest versions of SpaceY Lifters & Extended, and Firespitter, from ckan. So right now, the only things installed are: KSP1 v1.12.5 ModuleManager v4.2.3 SpaceY Heavy Lifters v1.9.99.3-prerelease SpaceY Extended v1.4.99.3-prerelease SpaceY Corp v1.0.4.0 Firespitter v7.17 Firespitter Core v7.17 Firespitter Resources Config v7.17 and the glitch is still there. Referring to the troubleshooting steps, I can confirm that: 1. Everything is installed correctly. Deleting the MM cache does not help. 2. The lastest version of Module Manager is installed. 3. SpaceY Lifters and Extended both appear to be installed correctly, as far as I can tell. They are the latest versions from Spacedock via ckan. 4. Firespitter is installed and functioning, and is the latest version. I can change the appearance of SpaceY 3m tanks, for instance, no problem. Note that the option to change appearance of the 7.5m and 10m tanks does not even show. 5. There are no other mods with parts to confuse Module Manager. 6. Again, there are no other mods with parts, so I don't think this applies. Fingers crossed someone is still around as I 'yop' into the void. Thanks in advance for any and all help. Edit: upgraded Lifters, Extended and Corp to latest release from curseforge (ugh), no improvement
  6. Same bug (I think). Pic here. It's a big rocket, with a fairing and four of the biggest solid rocket boosters. That's the tip of the fairing poking out of the VAB floor. Possible steps to reproduce, or at least, here's what I did: built a rocket (call it Odin) flew it to orbit reverted to VAB made some changes saved it loaded a different craft from same workspace (not merged) reloaded Odin rocket (not merged) only to find the rocket now disassembled and mostly buried under the VAB floor. Unrecoverable. An hour and a half effort wasted. Grrrrrrr. And while I'm complaining, I might as well mention, I hate the current VAB camera control scheme. Middle mouse button is unreliable on my mouse, so using it to try to reposition the camera sucks, big time. And what about people who don't have a middle mouse button? Please, please give us WASD control of the camera in VAB.
  7. Of course. Though I feel I should point out that any misbehavior is far more likely to come from the decision to use a mod on a version of ksp the author has not verified it works on, and that the mod itself explicitly warns against.
  8. @Lisias, you are a KSP god. Thanks so much for your help! I'll get back to you via PM.
  9. I am indeed using an older version of SpaceY - because the latest version is missing parts (specifically some thrust plates) that some of my craft use, and is also missing textures. Can't upgrade until that gets sorted. The (apparently) offending (offended?) part, SYsasR5m, is a 5m SpaceY SAS part that I scaled to 10m. ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  10. I've encountered the TweakscaleRogueDuplicate message, and the craft refuses to instantiate on the launchpad. KSP.log Player.log likely offending craft Advice?
  11. Oh, no worries! I can easily live with this, and the rest of tweakscale continues to perform brilliantly. Just thought you'd like to know. Thanks for all that you do.
  12. bug: Auto Scale causes radial parts to lose mesh and texture when attaching. The part still gets attached, but is invisible and can't be interacted with. Turning off Auto Scale doesn't bring back the hidden parts, but new radial parts can then be attached normally. KSP.log Player.log
  13. PSA: with a hex editor, you can get rid of the incompatibility warning that pops up when used with ksp 1.12.x. I wouldn't normally presume to do this, but the author is, and has been for some time, otherwise engaged, and I think this is permitted by the license (if not, let me know). When it first starts up, the mod invokes a function called CompatibilityChecker, which compares the current ksp version against some hard-coded values. It expects the minor version to be no less than 8, and no more than 9 (i.e. ksp v1.8-1.9). We simply replace the hard coded value for the upper bound. In modularFuelTanks.dll, at address 0x273, replace 0x09 with 0x0C. Voila. No more popup, and the mod continues to works as it has in 1.12.x.
  14. Amen to that. In ksp1 I have a whole seperate save (named "simulator", naturally) that I use to build and test craft, and mission plans, before moving them to my main save. Would be so nice if the game itself had some such mechanic. Perhaps the devs can add that to their already ungodly long list of things to do.
  15. I'm excited for multiplayer! I know it's a ways off, but when it does arrive.. I can't wait to collaborate on exploring, and building out a (hopefully) shared vision for kerbalkind's future. Or one such of many, anyway. And better wheel physics! Wheel physics have been the bane of my existence in ksp1; hopefully rebuilding ksp from the ground up will cure this ill, and I can finally make good on some of the things I dreamed about doing.
  16. For some reason, Don't Be Cruel has started playing for a few seconds whenever I switch from the space center to either the vab, sph or tracking station (but not the astronaut center). Any ideas why?
  17. In honor of your grand necro update, I have to try this mod now. Welcome back!
  18. @ColdJ you just saved me a bunch of work. Thanks! Implemented as a MM patch; I'll let you know how it goes.
  19. Ah.. I read "The sub and boat have a ballast system." in the OP and for some reason thought you were referring to the ship and not the rubber dinghy. My bad. 0_o ... I assume you're talking about the various oceanCraftWaveInteractions* settings in the Scatterer config file? I had no idea. I've tried exactly one watercraft in KSP before, a large aircraft carrier that was way too big for my needs but did cut through the waves pretty nicely.. so I had no reason to even suspect Scatterer did this. I wouldn't have thought to look there for a solution. TIL, thank you! I'll give that a go. For whatever (probably not logical) reason, I'd rather try to tune the ship than turn off wave interactions altogether, so I'll try this first. Yes! I've been downloading the releases since v0.2.5 but somehow have never gotten around to installing them. Looks like this is the goad I needed to do that. I think between the three possibilities you've given me, this little problem is solved. Thanks again!
  20. Awesome work! Taking the Belafonte out for a test.. drive? / float? / excursion? She bounces like a bronco. I'm thinking if I add more ballast she'll settle down, but for the life of me I can't find where to adjust that. How do you take on / release ballast?
  21. Would love to be able to both group and hide/unhide toolbar buttons by scene. Mods kinda allow this in ksp 1, but it's pretty clunky and somewhat hit-or-miss.
  22. Personally, I'll be stoked if they just get wheel physics right. It gets old watching my heavy ground vehicles spontaneously bounce themselves to pieces.
  23. LOVE this mod! Really brings the planets to life. FYI, probably inconsequential, but thought you'd like to know: getting warnings from module manager regarding the Lifeless Eve config: Seems to work fine, at least on Kerbin, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Keep it up! Looks amazing!
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