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Everything posted by Overland

  1. awesome.. now we're all on the same page.. how about adding some missiles to a moon lander and seeing if it can down another rocket on the descent to the mun.. and yes thats a thing to..(see lunar flight game) BDarmoury is a thing of beauty
  2. lies! @Scotius Take your realism elsewhere.. this is KSP in all its glory!! show me a train simulator where you can be anywhere near galaxy railways level of armed spacefaring steam locomotives and diesels? yes im being factual.. not trolling.. KSP is the only one to come close Train + weaponry + space flight.. its a thing and its awesome.. last time I tried it though the RCS thrusters tended to make the train arch a bit.. but thinking about it maybe coupling the wagons and the gun battery coach up using KAS so each is its own vehicle might just work eg.. I take your pointless, belittle it and .. well it doesnt matter.. pointless isnt a thing, neither is a blood curdling shrieking cry of simply.... "why?!?!!?" that im sure you might emit in short order given your above post enjoy Heckspress, your new thing is awesome.. KSP is for everything.. least of all space flight (with boring rockets) any chance of a video of your exploits?
  3. in the 1500s, some physicians believed that by simply smelling basil scorpions would grow in the brain. The scorpion theory can be traced to the writings of an English physician who, while in Italy, observed that if basil were placed under a stone in a moist place, a scorpion would be produced in two days’ time. There’s also at least one anecdotal reference by another “learned physician” to a patient having succumbed to scorpion infestation in his brain brought about by frequently smelling the herb. /historical GROUNDBASE BASIL
  4. Do you have a groundbase basil by any chance?
  5. Ya I loved that episode of jeb-bob kerbalpants where everyone was squadward even that starfish guy
  6. Does it work with ground vehicals? I tried once..it didnt seem to know what to do?
  7. I Think its damn well sad to see some negativity in this thread.. Nassault's work brought me to KSP, his JEB movie elevated KSP from cutesy muppet looking green things to kill in the demo.. To the more correctly seen blank canvas of which awesomeness can be achieved both in an engineering sense and emotionally The KERBAL movie changed KSP further still.. Showcasing kerbins beauty not as a green blob on water under a spacebound rocket but as somewhere truly worth while to be explored upclose and personal.. Starstuff and jool also rank in the top 5 machinema movies ive ever seen.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_Q03O-F4fE The negative tones suggest those with such narrow viewpoints havent ever seen this mans great work and just came here to complain in matters unrelated much like the PS4 and Xbox threads... Or... Possibly have the emotional spectrum and humanity level of a common housebrick! Hes an absolute master of kerbalised emotion and drama.. Someone whos skills should be respected for what theyve done for KSP as a whole and by association the community too.. Hes making another movie.. Great.. Its well known to those who follow his movies that the hardware used is aging..as is KSPs system requirements and thats before the whole CGI aspect is even considered..hes asked for donations before Without his impressive work.. Alot of KSP would be less inspired and lack feelings associated with viewers seeing a movie of his then wanting to relive it themselves.. Personally as im sure its well known..my elcano challenge and associated train madness thats become its own thing...all started with the seeds of nassaults work on my mind... And damn well it didnt disapoint..becoming the best gaming experience in modern times for me... I dare say many feel the same.. Inspiration brings wonderful things that might have never been found without it I think the voyager movie might do the same for others It all deserves to be admired..encouraged and thanked.. Both the movie itself..KSPs inclusion and the man himself Give it the respect it deserves Edit: can I loan a 44 class for a scene? Edit 2: ohhhh..scott manly.. Well someone else fill in the good people on how awesome he is too.. +1 everything i said about nassault applies too
  8. We had rockets..then spaceplanes with questionable physics... Then we got better physics and more planes...next we got the chance to make thunderbird 4 with new water physics... I see a trend. KSP2 is going to put every 'simulator to shame if it hasnt already..and the common theme is in the cab of every truck and locomotive...in the cockpit of every plane...in the wheelhouse of every fully simulated steam paddlesteamer... Is bug eyed short green people with no noses that never blink Other simulators know nothing of kerbal..therefore they are lesser
  9. Finally got a PC that'll run KSP 1.04 properly again.. sadly Locomotive 4016 sat on a USB drive with 2 wheels missing waiting to be rescued for far too long and it was erased by accident.. as she didnt come to any permanent grief.. the decision was made to relaunch a replica to carry the flag.. slowly 4016 Mark 2 is taking shape, her detriot beefy sounding engines have been enhanced slightly, traction motor sound modified to be more realistic.. Custom class plates still have to be made and generators refined inline with the monoprop drinking wheelsets but all up she'll be ready for the road and im hoping 6 car trains will be the regular thing vs the old 4 and 3 car local consists considering using KAS for coupling.. but im going to need a proper gaurdsvan to control the heavy train on descents.. linked with the locomotives brakes... if all fails though i'll just mod docking ports and stick with tradition only yard trials today.. but the horn of a 40 class locomotive sounded once again within KSC yard.. a sound I very much missed.. she'lll be launched to a very good cover of Embrace/Gravity by coldplay originally.. keeping with KTP lore.. hoping to video her first maiden run
  10. Im a traditionalist.. I use classes In that when a design works well its foundations must be honoured and is so with each after that resembles the first in both function and hopefully achivements.. Another aspect is paying tribute to the lost class members that the then existing or new members of that class carry with them to a certain degree.. Ships..railway ..spacecraft It all works.. They dont have to all be the same just be built upon the same ideas..even in real life sisterships or sistertrains differ from one another.. Stick to your names add a number prefix.. Use decal flag mod to paint it on the side.. Display it proudly! Edit: LV-1R make good airhorns..modify one with a horn sound.. Sound it so it echos throughout the land as a warning for the kraken. A new gemstone class rocket just took to the skies.. G124... Glory or death!
  11. I dont think they make noise at all... No no not because thier small.. They seem to have a radially mounted RCS port for a mouth.. They make the same sound as cat stevens in a moon shadow with no mouth no more..with overtones of gordon freeman..
  12. Make a craft with 2 cockpits..and see how one of them disturbingly clips in the iva view as it seems to detach from its mounts in flight... Fix this and itd be awesome.. Its gotten worse since 1.05
  13. Soo can we have stock KAS & KIS instead? Because we must have a hype train..rather than a stationary "preserved" one of late
  14. Awesome news finally someone will understand the docking port twin cabin kraken and beat it to a pulp The world of double ended railcars awaits!
  15. My god, its full of mountains!! Ahh mountains.. Eater of planes..kilometre wide unintended docking ports of landers.. Genset consuming fiends of trains.. Each disturbingly grey as if the dust of a thousand kerbals was scattered here.. A reminder of the all powerful kraken.. Evil things indeed... And disturbingly capable of reproduction given how ....unfĺat terrain has become in 1.05 Terrain detail doesnt fix it? KSC2 has a similar problem But! Congratulations are in order.. You never gave up..never surrendered.. Even though indirectly it ended up the same as many illfated missions..becoming one with the ground.. Take pride in that
  16. Thankyou everyone so far, Some beautiful uniquely kerbal moments made all the more great by the fact that I and im sure others reading can visualise even feel the very same pride and sence of urgency as experienced first time around. A wonderful credit to both the author and squad that gave such a game to make such things...actually...a thing The only other game to ever compare with similar aspects would be world of goo although its likely the goo balls having some place in a kerbals evolutionary past.. Makes it not all surprising
  17. Im interested to know whats everyones most..emotionally deep and or epic moment in KSP? I know theres threads about worst deaths..best moments, but as a player of KSP that sometimes gets entirely engulfed within its own lore..along with my craft and her crews welfare.. itd be nice to see if others shared a similar thing such as the end of a terribly dangerous landing after a long draining journey that brought a realworld sense of relief once it was over..maybe even shed a tear in pride or sadness for whats transpired that moment where time stands still after a beloved craft is lost despite all your best efforts..knowing full well she was unique and even a rebuild wouldnt feel the same or that moment never relived.. one of a kind emotionally invested immersion the likes of very few games ever have..for me its disturbingly common sometimes.. even simple moments like the unplanned video of 4016s return home that mixed so well with a then recently discovered coldplay tune "gravity" that both fit KSP like a glove and made a simple return home of a locomotive and her crew such a profound moment.. my baby was home safe..not scattered horribly in bits on kerbins green unforgiving landscape.. coming into the yard at near idle.. but most of all.. driving over the very ground that in all reality very few kerbals and thier train ever see again once they depart KSC for the first time.. i admit it grabbed me unexpectedly and the whole thing seemed like a perfect moment..unexpected as it was so! yes ive got the courage to admit such things in the name of science anyone else? Edit: posted 4016s video..for the song mostly
  18. Good tip.. I gave up on delta gear long ago... Tadpole seems to be the way to go although makes liftoff more difficult.. Leading to another valid point.. Remove the front wheel entirely Taildraggers also work suprisingly well in KSP..infact due to only running on 2 wheels after they near lift speed .they seem to be the most stable planes to use.. With everyones problem being tricycle death dance.. Most taildraggers dont even need pushing foward to level
  19. Theyre repairable with right click menu if in sandbox by an engineer or suitably qualified one in career she did well to survive
  20. Not sure about the bumps but I know the tiny pinpoint threshold lights are a "thing" having actual physical presence.. Although only towards the end of the runway in the middle. A group of 3 they are.. Ive lost many 6 to 8 car trains with 1 ton wheels.. Long enough for a wagon to be sitting on one upon launch.. The wheel will fully contract its suspension as it goes over.. Happening for most of the trailing wagons too like an invisible speedhump.. Itll then spring back onto the runway after its freed where the impact will trigger the runway destruction Always wondered if planes ever hit it too?
  21. Youll be forgiven if you thought KSP for me is a sad depressing emotional adventure of the likes nothing has ever captured.. My tune of choice for SPH being Kevin Macleod's At Rest I guess in some ways it is.. Thousands of happy little green people dead.. The once smiling faces transformed into one of absolute terror moments before they smile never again.. Grey dust to drift around the landscape to be eaten by birds of the night.. Everything they once were reduced to a line of chalk on the mission report And thats just the regular passenger train service.. In that light.. I give you my default launch music in all its glory.. Arn andersons' farewell life Launch a rocket..plane or a train to this music and you shall experience what it is to be kerbal... As the music builds so will your bond to your craft.. A look back at KSC or the surface of kerbin is a goodbye to something your craft and her crew may never see again in thier lifetime.. Your rocket leaves kerbin for the first and last time.. Landing again is a dream..kerbin a memory A train..starts her engines..brakes release before the rpm of the genset builds..wheels slowly turn as a horn blast may very well be her final voice to the world.. Or a plane leaves the runway with the pilot unsure if it was the right thing to do as everything below gets smaller Emotional investment central and a true betrayal of KSPs semi serious light nature Its.....a beautiful experience... And it should be stock or atleast optional..
  22. Its a kerbal thing... Advanced interplanetary spaceship Thermometer from the kitchen section of Kmart
  23. Not really. although I think I did use some of the B9 for the tank, not too sure.. not exactly the same thing but.. it worked if I didnt deploy the parachute too quick.. would have been a nice aerolaunch lander or here we go, a documentry on how not to do that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B5kprpxAMA&feature=youtu.be&t=90
  24. Ive had KSP since 0.20.. Ive driven trains since 0.25.. In 0.90 I brought a proper steering wheel and throttle.. Trains are a sandbox thing.. Im still 2 years on trying to complete my own contract.. Drive to KSC 2 Career for me is like taking away my toybox and not getting it back until im a good boy Since smashing things in protest doesnt get it back... I never touch it When im restricted I tend to push boundries outside of the contract.. This is why we cant have nice things.... In limited quantitys
  25. ...... I think the hype train just went from mark 3 sized parts.. To N scale
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