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Everything posted by Overland

  1. I started it because theres far too many hostile threads about such a thing The community is better than that.. Such difficult things deserve the kerbal treatment Semi serious, funny awesomeness in a friendly way.. That was my aim Most people have read the OP and answered with humor and jest... One of the prides of our community Thankyou
  2. Indeed I do.. KSPs given me my own class of trains with thier own lore.. But! I once considered the lack of rails cheating.. Until I discovered there was a such a thing as a land-train in real life based off railway technology..eg diesel electric.. Slowly not having rails became less cheaty.. And instead became a quite normal thing.. To the point that I can say I admire landtrains as much as thier railbound cousins Sadly in the realworld most forms of serious land train was abandon to rust after a failure in the middle of nowhere, LLC1, Snow Frieghter and the US army version all suffering the same fate.. But this is kerbal space program! It is no longer cheating to have a railway inspired train that doesnt run on rails because theres no spline based track system.. Its now home to dedicated land trains and thier operations.. And its a beautiful thing too
  3. exactly.. hence, Im attempting to create a thread that people will post too. humerous in nature so that similar posts can simply be refered to it and see the best of the community. rather than the worst.. it leaves a bad impression really.. since alot of new players wont actually know what a sandbox game is, I mean true GTA and suchlike is sold as a sandbox open world game.. but is got a goal. KSP is unique like gmod building mode in that theres no goal or rules as such.. for some people the question might seem entirely logical.. and thats where its a tad sad with threads shut down and the worst of the community come to light.. we're better than that
  4. So my fellow Kerbalists! It comes to my attention of late that there is to be a rash that once in a while appears on these forums.. Perhaps a kraken inspired.. in the form of question without answer, form or substance of any kind.. IS IT CHEATING TO?...X Regretably even while possibly started in honest wonder and innocence.. soon resorts in fires starting, that should only have a place in general proximity to a rocket engine, one does hope anyway.. Threads get locked and good people become hurt Sadly this tarnishes our great community and generates conflict.. in a place otherwise enjoyed and loved by many.. Given that KSP itself is about to be released onto other platforms and waves of new people new to the forums and indeed the game.. perhaps even the game style.. eg.. most games have goals.. and one would naturally wonder if X is cheating if they were such conditioned to in previous gaming adventures I put it to you all, that it is time we answered what IS cheating to the respective person.. so that we may direct the poor soul without direction to this or similar threads. where they may have their fill of what IS cheating.. how to avoid it.. its result in summoning the kracken or all seeing blue-orb and indeed hopefully maintain the spirit of happyness.. while educating those perhaps.. a little new to our beautiful community This may be a hybrid screenshot thread much like the What did you do today thread.. its my greatest hope though that a great many people might contribute to create a long lasting resource of humor, education and fun rather than the initial unfortunate events detailed perhaps screenshots, explainations.. stories.. anything that'd blend in and help the cause.. to define once and for all.. what IS cheating So! WHAT IS CHEATING IN MY KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM? Is it: Driving trains.. rather than rockets.. ignoring every single thing regarding space and the beautiful creations squad has made, never touching the orbital dynamics, the gravity whats-its,having delta V being nothing more than a prospective station name or track junction.. admiring kerbol from the surface of a planet and thinking the stars are just painted dots in the sky.. trying to work out if the mun is infact real or made of cheese and the whole thing about the train depot looks disturbingly like a space center like the one NASA has.. yet im never really sure why that is.. especially with the next station being an ungodly distance almost half way across the planet NO .. is it not cheating.. indeed this is the very nature of Kerbal Space Program for me.. Trains, exotic transmissions.. railway practises and other train inspired madness.. for this player.. Kerbal Space Program has become the ultimate land train simulator.. a beautiful planet to drive on full of vast distances, perfect unexpected beauty and a physics engine that while ment for more adventerous things, definately doesnt disapoint... So what IS cheating for me? Simply ignoring 3/4 of the above statement I just made.. ignoring 200km long drives that I enjoy and what have become lore, legend and what is expected within my Kerbal Space Program duties.. driving long distances for a variety of reasons.. And replacing it with the likes of strapping aircraft parts on a locomotive.. in a very un-railway like fashion.. and simply flying a spare locomotive to where shes needed.. for this.. I suffer terribly from guilt, a feeling of weakness.. and the constant threat of an angered kraken.. THIS IS CHEATING!!!.. It is very bad indeed, and to be avoided.. bringing with it bad luck, a feeling of being defeated.. perhaps conned out of glory.. it never comes with any degree of happyness and instead leaves me...dead inside.. a shell of a former kerbalist, bringing great shame to my mission, my craft and their crew.. A terrible experience for all Infact.. it leads to a great sadness So!, share fellow kerbalists, let us all see what indeed cheating is to you.. simple.. complex.. quirky.. funny. shameful.. all within the beautiful context of KSP and G rated for all to enjoy
  5. Yes..it is And no it isnt KSP is MY GAME.. As much as yours is yours There are self imposed rules..traditions.. Heartache and pain at losses but no cheats to the wider community. the only cheats are in your head.. much like mine I took a 44 out of the yard..didnt adjust the couplings correctly so the train was too rigid.. Thus she cut across many tracks on the way out of the depot.. Shamelessly spooling upto notch 8 and out to the mainline..breaking months of tradition.. Cheating.. Overland style TRAINS? But why no rockets or planes?? Because that would be cheating Thread derailed
  6. 5 car passenger train on a crew transfer mission to bombo outpost.. 8 passenger pods per carriage with an early D class BoBo engine Fully loaded.. Started the locos engines.. Clamped my wheel to the desk.. Set some music and made a chai tea.. The traditional thing at the start of a long drive Turned on headlights.. Station flashers Blew the horn and advanced the throttle with a smile only land trains heading into the world can bring BANG! Fire!! Explosions..the can windows filled with orange.. The locos nose blew off.. Wheels went flying..kerbal count dropping 4th carriage rear wheel got momentaryly caught on the invisible bump that mounts the tiny thresshold runway lights and sprang down onto the runway.. Wheels back then weighed 1.5 ton for momentum and physics reasons The runway exploded.. A perfect moment ruined.. The mood shattered and squad got cursed.. WHY U MAKE RUNWAY EXPLODE????
  7. Took a pure passenger train to an outlying outpost some 100km behind the mountains of KSC.. 2 passenger cars, 10 kerbals Burnt too much fuel climbing hills.. Eventually loco ran out.. She was a branchline centercab.0-6-0 The only fuel was in the hoods each end made up of jetfuel tanks I usually drive tanker trains for a reason.. Fuel.. Twas an enjoyable drive.. The fun bit was the earthshattering click when I realised the mistake Was rather obvious
  8. I get the same feeling when I bring a train back to the yard and for whatever reason she needs repairs.. Made all the more difficult by each train having a unique class number I countered it by realising as long as shes within KSC grounds.. And only ever launch one of a craft of that type Then its no different from pulling the craft from public eye behind the scenes for repairs or refit Your orbiters done her lifes work.. If ever she needs to be welded or repaired then recovering that one then launching another.complete with tug operations to haul the old girl back to her parking spot should be seen as a sign of respect Comes with the added bonus that once you see this as a continuation of preservation.. Perhaps on special occasions she can be put back into service for a flight eg The launch of 1.1 KSP Ive certainly taken the time to put a much older design train back into service before.. Be it for fun or to rescue a fallen sistertrain.. Theres a beautiful sense of familiarity and respect that comes with it Plus Some things just work.. Even when the flags been passed on to much superior designs
  9. This makes me wish there was a stock way to turn off physics on a specific object.. So that we may have our fleets lined up..be they orbiters..rockets..aircraft..cars or trains People get attached to our craft alot more than youd think.. Its a beautiful thing youve done for her
  10. Since you got a reply.. Similar thing Could I print a 40 class locomotive? She'd use stock parts and sam hall's Kn2 Kerbinov cockit The worry I have is the spindliness of the trusses and the major use of M1 rover wheels (id paint them) The 44 class is a bit more stocky.. Not sure if thats bad or good Light engine (no wagons just the loco)
  11. Make 4 spotlight mk1 hovering mechjeb controlled radial engine.. It made the perfect sky-light for outdoors That and I built a perfect glider.. She soared beautifully.. Landed like a feather.. It just wasnt kerbal.. So i hit it with whack a kerbal and smashed bits off.. Then it flew like a rock.. Much better
  12. Elcano challenge first attempt with 4408.. She'd unexpectedly blown a generator set 1 of 2.. Reduced to half power thus less torque and speed.. 115km from home.. No give up nor surrender for this girl.. The powercar at the rear of the train designed to keep the lights lit when the loco was shutdown.. Powered by a lesser detriot bus engine was brought inline with the locos genset on the same throttle.. Not exactly 100% power.. But it helped For more than 50km she powered on..not as a locomotive and train of tankers but as a single unit train whos operation depended on the whole train for survival She defied the odds until D4001 finished her mainline trials and met up some time later...eventually help bank 4408 up a very steep grade and descend in full dynamic brake with nothing lost.. https://youtu.be/3SyA9LEizPw?t=160 One of my proudest moments Sadly the two locomotives were lost in a system format not long after
  13. Forgetting to set the locomotive brake on an unbraked 5 car train that I thought was on flat level.. Only to hear the traction motors slowly spool up behind a kerbal planting a flag.. The train was slipping down a slight grade.. Over 5ms by the time she got intercepted by a kerbal and increasing speed.. Traction motors now buzzing in unison like a chrous of bees happily dancing around a hive.. The cold dark loco with headlights and markers off proceeded with her own mind away on a different path.. Kerbal now in running mode trying to catch up and grab hold of the ladder..slipping off.. Trying again... Slip off again.. Finally the locomotive bit her driver The kerbal nothing more than an intricate collection of arms and legs went whirling to his own destruction Under 5 left side wheels of a locomotive.. Hit by every coupling between cars.. And hammered by each wagon wheelset.. Arms became long..legs no longer resembled a kerbal.. Head..disjointed and alien..rolling with each impact Finally.. A cloud of dust came from the rear passenger car.. The train had her fun.. 44 class 1, Kerbal 0
  14. Given that most early to mid stage missions involving EVA or orbiting seem to end up exactly like major tom by default I always felt it should have been KSPs themesong
  15. Each train has a soul and her place in the world.. As such ive gone great lengths to recover a disabled locomotive even if it means launching another rescue train and retracing the sometimes 200km journey.. Being ever mindful that on the way to her destination to assist the disabled sister train, the rescue train herself..can..and has in the great history of the KTP, fallen to the same difficulty as the one before Vs simply strapping a train on a rocket or using hyperedit Also any accident outside of the 10km threshhold outside KSC depot that results in the destruction of the train warrents a whole new train..individual rather than simply another copy launched of the same..bearing a higher class number as her fallen classmate and some changes unique to that locomotive...which at times isnt always good...nor always bad This are the ways of Kerbal Train Program - Landliner division Easy...no.. Traditional..respectful..and no train is just a throwaway copy of the last But kerbals... Like startrek..its the ship thats the star of the show..kerbals just happen to operate the machinery.. After all... All they are is dust in the wind
  16. When the route from KSC to KSC2 becomes less dangerous wreck littered point of no return for mark 1 derived land trains and instead becomes a well worn path of predictable and dependable cargo and passenger runs for mark 3 sized all terrain sure footed land trains formidible machines built through custom mods to ply the lands of kerbin as a ship conquers the sea A simple thing for some..perhaps boring for others.. the ability to jump into the cab behind my steering wheel and throttle setup with a strong coffee and some good music as the terrain flows by has truely been one of KSPs most immersive gifts only interupted by the questionable nature of smaller mark 1 trains Once mark 3s are built and modded..things will change To settle in for a long drive upon familar known roads learnt upon sacrifice and success as the detriot twin engines argue and reverberate with one another settling into a symphony at cruise knowing that no sudden change in terrain is deadly but rather a challenge for the train and her driver would be a proud moment indeed Foot on the deadman pedal and hand not far away from the throttle as KSC gets smaller behind the train knowing it doesnt mean eventual destruction and death of all involved.. Hours later pulling into KSC2 yard..refuel the locomotive and her reserve tanks.. Offload cargo.. Uncoupling flat cars and slowly driving the loco to the stabling area ready to depart the next day..with no death..minimal destruction and a class number to be proud of eventually repeating the return trip This is the stuff of accomplishment... Not end game..but itd mean everything over years has been worth it
  17. Complete reading IVA tutorials..get back into 3d modeling and make a kerbalised diesel electric 3 car land train based off the realworld sno-frieghter or LLC1 Land Train in mark 3 size Or start on a steam locomotive based roughly on a hybrid of the lombard log hauler and a JNR look with ore wagons
  18. With a few mods and modded mods.. KSPs given me more train goodness and pure "spirit" of an active railway ecosystem that no other dedicated train simulation ever has Its given me the ability to build classes of land train locos each with thier own personality and uses that goes way beyond realworld rail enthusiasm Long drawn out journeys on kerbins beautiful landscape with more land to explore than any truck simulators ever been capable of Locomotives with systems derived and evolved from 2 years realworld experience.. Each train is her own girl rather than just a copied and pasted 3d model running to a set scenario Memories and traditions built upon those 2 years of land train operation that rival my own real world life.. Stories to be told of great success and sacrifice And the ever persistant persuit of the perfect land train experience..including hardware controller mods being considered All of this and more makes KSP a platform of which has unexpectedly forfilled some dreams and fuel more.. AAA title? Boring... I dont need anything but KSP installed to be happy Eg.. https://youtu.be/dFfGAz1hxgI
  19. +1 on what fuel the rocket uses..it appears to be fired on monopropellant? Great job on the golden joystick award squad..KSPs become more than any sandbox game ever has for me.. Its a well deserved award for simulation in general
  20. It's quite useful as a transmission fluid too if your into modding and driving, my 40 class locomotives made the change from diesel electric where lights would go out if the traction motors were pulling too many units of power now the Detroit engines generate monoprop as the transmission medium..wheels being modded to use it the same as electricity It's got like the above posters has said the advantages of having RCS thrust on tap..something useful to both aircraft, trains and spacecraft alike same goes for spacefaring or vtol aircraft with the underside jets having more monoprop is always a good thing.. It's a valuable resource depends how "pure" you want your missions to be though I guess too i
  21. Do kerbin next? nice write up too..just skimmed it at the moment but ill read in detail later.. Question though given that ive never been to another world . Does any of them you visited have that dull rumble background sound that kerbin does when alls quiet?
  22. Its not currency as one knows it, its actually the number of kerbals to construct a part multiplied by the hours divided by the lives lost in the process.. See kerbin much like mars lost its atmosphere.. Eons ago the population upped and fled far beyond kerbols influence.. For the remaining few that unfortunately awoke too late from kryo sleep and missed the mass departure of thier kind.. KSC remains all whats left of thier civilisation..the rest lost to the sands of time apart from a few artifacts For those who through conditioning.. Depression and simply knowing no better ... KSC is home..a world within a world.. Why would they leave.. They have everything here plus no need to wear the dreaded spacesuit.. There are some though that through word of mouth and stories from the old legends.. Believe in the myth that they were once much more.. Differing from thier brethren they work sleeplessly on old outdated used relics of the past to achieve flight.. Its dangerous.. Deadly.. The opposite of a sheltered life in the KSC Few care for thier efforts.. Many are lost trying..some die horribly in industrial accidents deep within the underground factory complex.. Every now and again though a flight takes off..achieves goals and returns.. Stirring the interest of others.. Kerbals rally around thier cause.. More manpower...more engineering.. Success means more... Loss.means less.. Thus... This currency.. Its not numbers or coins.. Its a societys will..its interest. And its possible future It does not have a name... Only what its used for is prized...to name it would dishonour many So.. It has no name... Lest naming it might cause kerbal at war 3 THIS is what happened last time someone dare name a currency.. Many disagreed... They instead turned to war..dealing in death.. Paying with lives..
  23. Build a shunting engine or yard bug and do some fly switching..thats where the real danger is
  24. Narrow wheelbase.. My 2 primary aircraft an ultralight sky trike and skycrawler hybrid heli both fly amazing.. The skytrike takes off at 24m\s and floats like a feather.. Similar how skycrawler can float and manuver around KSC as if on rails.. They both make perfect stable terrain surveyor scouts Landing is different.. Never landed a skycrawler in one piece without a parachute and the skytrike isnt much better requiring flat ground
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