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Everything posted by LupinoArts

  1. I wish you'd have put the developer's forum names in the second video...
  2. Here's my test results: Plain [LOG 10:39:22.929] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 607.2117s [LOG 10:57:09.827] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 632.0426s [LOG 11:11:47.336] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 472.6618s After installing Hyperspace [LOG 11:32:34.623] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 641.9018s [LOG 11:48:28.292] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 471.1871s [LOG 12:03:03.552] Loading Systems: Elapsed time is 472.1698s Rig: i7-4770K 3,5GHz, 16GB RAM, Win 8.1 64bit, KSP installed on a Samsung 860 EVO 1TB SSD CKAN lists 182 Mods installed, plus some additional 30 or so non-ckanned mods and the whole WildBlue Suite.
  3. I don't quote understand what that means: Say, i have a mod like "MechJeb for All" or "DE_IVAExtension" with all its dependencies. Do they "depend on the stock assets" in the sense of the OP, or is adding functionality by ModuleManager generally okay? What would not be Okay? Or more generally: Is there a comprehensive list of Mods that will require whitelisting "legacy" stock parts when using ReStock?
  4. Hi. First, thanks for this fun mod. A faithful compagnion for years of KSP playing. In the current (ckan) version i noted that the rotating bomb rack thing has no attachment points on its rails. Is that on purpose?
  5. Would it be possible to add a function that allows superceeding in the definition of User generated ribbons?
  6. I rolled back to the versions of late september for all WildBlue Mods i have, that worked. Thanks for your help .
  7. What did you do t make it work again? Currently, i have the same issue.
  8. It wasn't intended to be utilized by modders. Just for end users. In other news, i noted, that the script, as it is, hides all other weapon mod parts that are not BDAc or KerbalField. Be warned!
  9. Thanks for the replay. I've gone the long way and selected by BD Modul name, that was a close enough match. Would be a great addition to MM, thou, if you could select nodes by Mod folder.
  10. Hi there. I didn't like how this package spamed my Utility-Category, so i wrote a MM config that sorts the parts in the BDA subcategories, using the FilterExtensions mod. Maybe someone finds it useful. here it is: @CATEGORY[BDArmory] :FINAL { @FILTER { @CHECK { @value = BDArmory,KerbalField } } } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleTargetingCamera]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[BDModulePilotAI]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWingCommander]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[CMDropper]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[MissileLauncher]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[RocketLauncher]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleTurret]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleWeapon]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleRadar]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[CFEnable]] :FINAL { @category = none } @PART:HAS[@MODULE[BDACategoryModule]] :FINAL { @category = none } Simply put the contents in a cfg file and put it somewhere in the GameData folder. You will need the FilterExtensions, BDArmory, and ModuleManager Mods. Warning: The KerbalField parts will no longer appear in the "Filter by Function"-Category! They are moved to the BDArmory sub category (that is, in the left column in the Filter selection)!
  11. Is there a way to select all parts that ship with a specific Mod? Say, I want to remove all Parts included in KerbalField from the Utility-Category and move them the BDA-Category. Is that possible?
  12. Hi everyone, first of all thanks for this great mod. I have some serious problems thou creating a working and flyable (!) helicopter. Is there a tutorial of some sorts on how to build and fly the "Kuey" from the OP, for instance? Or anything that may help? Thanks.
  13. I have two questions: First, do template names need at least two(?) letters? I had some custom templates named *F* for planes and *R* for rockets, both threw an error message that the template name is too short. Second, is it possible to store template configs somewhere else than the plugindata folder within GameData/PersistentDynamicPodNames/ ? I fear that with the next update, my carefully crafted templates are gone.
  14. Hello @Beale first of all, thanks for this great little mod. It adds a lot of imersion to the game. You mentioned earlier that there is a settings-file being generated in the saves folder. For me there is a file, but when i open it, it is empty. Also i noted, that numbering only works for one game play session, that is, numbering is reset to 0 after i restart or reload the game. Do you have any clue what could be the reason for that? Does the settings file need to have any permissions to be set?
  15. "not supported" is not the same as "does not work with".
  16. Hi. Is there a comprehensive list of mods known to not work with Kerbalism? I know of MKS/OKS and CommNet Constellations for sure. Are there others?
  17. \o/ yeay, I was usefull! Seriously thou, i work as a software developer myself and i know how anoying "bug" reports are which are a result of a badly configured base system. So i wanted to figure out whether there are other users of KF that experience the same issue, or if it was caused by some of my hundreds of mods that don't go well together. Therefore I asked here first. But Thank you very much for looking right into this. I will try your development build in my current mod-heavy game and tell you if it works. Edit: Jupp, it seems to work fine now, no side effects so far. Thanks again.
  18. Not sure if this is the right place to complain: When i use the ALGs on my planes, the biome detector goes crazy. For example, when i launch my plane, i'm sitting on the runway but x! science claims i am on KSC/shore (so, no runway biome) and the contracts from contract configurator (namely, GAP) don't fire the "Sit on runway and wait for takeoff clearence" event. Any launched experiments also say, "KSC" instead of "runway". Then, when i took off and i am airborne, doing experiments inform me that i'm still landed, like in "Landed on Kerbin Waters". However, when I use Stock landing gear (which i won't because landing with these things is like riding a kangaroo) everything works fine. Is this a known issue? Can i do something about this?
  19. Hi, I'd like to ask how to get rid of the legacy parts? I searched the parts-folder but I couldn't find the right files to remove. I'm using the current ckan versions of firespitter, firespitter core, and firespitter resources config (v7.4.1. each).
  20. Good Morning. say, i have a <unknown_file_name>.cfg file that contains MyModule { name = Nice name // custom name SubModule { name = Nice name for SubModule 1 // Name for the submodule } SubModule { name = Nice name for SubModule 2 // Name for the submodule } } my question is: How do i access those information in the c# code of my plugin, without knowing the name of the config file this code is in? I know that my config file is recognized by the game, it is listed in the log file, but i could not find out yet how to access those information in order to process them from within my plugin. I already managed to manipulate the persisent save files and another .cfg file with a fixed name that I can access directly (using the ConfigNodeStorage code from TriggerAu). Is there a generic way to parse config files for code to "feed" them into my plugin? Thanks.
  21. Guess so. I keep telling me that TAC is for food, water and Oxy, USI LS for all the other stuff a kerbal needs, like clothing. Maybe i should get rid of one of them...
  22. Thanks. That worked. I was only confunsed since i had plenty of food, oxy and water aboard. But i also use UKS/MKS which has its own "supplies" resource. When i sent up some tons they went on working.
  23. I was just about to finish a long-term Station Science project when three of my eight men crew "refuse to work" and become tourists!(?) This happens all the time (I tried with quicksaves) and i did not accept any tourism contracts. Is there any way to avoid this or to "turn them back"?
  24. There is a link to my vanilla log in post #437 . Can you see/open it?
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