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    Rocket Surgeon

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  1. I'm having this problem too on the forum, like layout is non existent on default theme. Android, Mobile, Firefox or Chrome as the browser. its okay with on the dark theme.
  2. Interesting. I think with Kerbalism Simplex I get around this by giving probes 50 EC. I'll add this in though rather as @PART[batteryPack]:NEEDS[KerbalismConfig]:FINAL { @TechRequired = start }
  3. More antennas of the same part will help methinks. but data rate will also drop off over distance as well. Another option is to increase the size of the harddrive in the probe, or put an external one on. Peace.
  4. What a great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops. Peace.
  5. In terms of shielding, that could be configured in an MM patch config. it would need to be AFTER[Kerbalism] as I think it is part of the base code rather than the Profile, but I could be wrong. the reason it wasn't put at 100% to start with as it increases the mass off a part significantly. With unlicence you could take the code, profiles and anuthibg else and use them how you would like. best bet would be to make your own fork and release it as a new mod.
  6. How far down the rabbit hold do you want to go? Do yiu want to reposition on an existing tree, add some nodes to a tree, or build your own one? If you are keen to really do your thing have a look at cfg files in my SIMPLEX TechTree. Also have a look at this mod: https://spacedock.info/mod/1526/YongeTech: Tech Trees Plugin Re-Revived Peace.
  7. This is what Rasterprop and through the Eyes of a Kerbal always promosed to be. Thanks!
  8. Not in Simplex. However, in the options for the save game if you make lifetime radiation is switched off I think that recovering them at the KSC their radiation is reset.
  9. There is no TV RDU in Simplex Kerbalism sorry.
  10. Indeed! Now I can't unread this. Any who... it was better than the previous advertising of KSP2! Peace
  11. Yip. My games I do the same as i also limit my rocket architecture to a size 2 launchpad
  12. Interesting observation! I wonder if this mod would also solve the issue
  13. The science requires EC currently so background it is. It might be possible to do a rewrite of them but i dont currently have the time. In the kerbalsim gui for your craft you can turn off EC messaging which will help.
  14. Sure. In tetrix there are extra hidden nodes for KSPIE (interstellar expanded) i could add these in for blueshift. Sterling Systems seems appropriate. Give me a chance to get back at my PC which is more difficult in the christmas period.
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