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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. Thanks! I'd have assumed that within a fairing the shape of the cross section shouldn't matter so much for lift, only the size. But I am happy to be wrong. The only reason for a smaller rotational shape, or a reduced pre-deployed width is that I don't tend to upgrade my launch pad past tier two, and prefer to only use the 2.5m fairings. I suspect that it won't be possible even with the rotated hab modules. For the IVA it was the access hatch in the ceiling that got me. I tend not to use the Mk3 parts. Peace.
  2. I couldn't wait so I downloaded set aside work to have a look... and it seemed too much in addition to my above post, so apologies. Nice concept and great conceptualisation. Would you be able to release telescoping corridor tubes separately as there isn't anything else like that around that I can see. They may need to be an Infernal Robotics part for this to work though. http://www.artificial-gravity.com/sw/SpinCalc/ suggests that a gravity of .67 is good. A suggestion for reducing the size - potentially to get behind a aero-braking shield would be to rotating the habitat modules to be flush forward, then when deployed they spin 90 degrees to their rotational direction as in now. It could mean you could fit four sections and create a complete torus that way! If the structural beams also telescoped rather than were simply guidance rails then the width pre-deployment could be well reduced. The IVA I think is unique? Looks good - further development would be cool, perhaps couches and tables like in Nills277 Kerbal Planetary Base Systems for a long term craft. On IVAs however there is always a complication with FireSpitter and the windows I think. I'm not sure how to combat it, except windows in the ceiling only? It seems that the craft is rotating, but not the window - the horizon doesn't stay the same. My preference would be developing to utilise JSI transparent windows, but the firespitter could be a complication. Well done though. My compliments to the chef. Peace.
  3. I haven't downloaded yet but I like! A smaller version to fit in a 2.5m fairing perhaps? IFI life support support would be good too. Also, how does it rotate? Peace.
  4. Awesome work. The stack mounted ones just made some ship designs that much awesomer. Thanks! Peace.
  5. Agreed, quite a lot of parts for something that can be a little unwieldy, especially with the KAS type corridor too. Would you see a centrifuge using the firespitter rotation, or an IR styled rotation which would be adjustable?
  6. Why not mock your own with a combo of parts from IR and KPBS? I was use the extendatrons to extend and contract arms and KAS based corridor that Nills277 made for KPBS all together with the spindle from DSEV. Peace.
  7. Hi all, I've decided to get a little deeper into the world IR in my saves, but was wondering if there was a telescoping corridor or gangway part in any mod? If not, would someone be able to assist? The idea would be to utilise the stock texture for the structural fuselage, with a 1.25m ends, but thicker so that the when the part is fully extended it bulges out then back in to the 1.25 node. The idea for such a part would be to create our own rotational habitats that will still be able to start within a stock fairing, and then once in space then extend out. Peace.
  8. A reasonably longish list. Hard Career mode in spirit, but reducing science further to 50% and reducing penalties back to 100% Launchpad and runway taken no further than Tier Two to limit to 140 tons for launch. This really is to make me focus on how I might construct interplanetary craft and launching fuel. Mods (for the limiting you understand) Antenna Range being a game play changer IFI Life Support, mainly because I felt TAC-LS would be more awesome if the values were given as per day, rather than weight/volume. Kerbal Planetary Base Systems for the awesome habitaton parts The rotational hub and spindle only from DSEV with of course Infernal Robotics (I'm a very basic user) Stock No Contracts because I get sick of the part tests and rescues. All trips longer than 3 kerbin days must have some form of rotational habitation and space. This is where the KPBS mods and the spindle come in. A home away from home! Try doing that with only 140ton launches! Also, rotational set-ups can't break with game play, No side swung habitats if you catch my drift. Will only use KPBS habitats on Interplanetary craft so I don't worry about 'additional' seats. No stranding kerbals. Peace.
  9. Awesome! This may cause me to finally get KAS. I look forward to other inspired ideas you may have! Peace.
  10. I see what you did there. Peace.
  11. 1 January 2016 in New Zealand as I type this. I'm logged in on mobile and the latest posts are being listed as 16 January. Hope this gets sorted otherwise it will be a long month. Peace and happy new year.
  12. Merry Christmas and may peace on Earth finally come when we convert our weaponry into ploughshares to feed us all the hungry. Blessings.
  13. Can I add to the fervour please. Simply a docking node that is able to be rotated to ticks of the clock would be great - perhaps via a tweakable and maybe something like Nils' Kerbal Planetary Base Systems corridors. Peace.
  14. Wow. Awesome idea. I'm looking forward to giving this a go... once I manage to complete the tech tree! With RAM limitations is this a mod to install later on in a save? Peace.
  15. Agreed to all especially Nils' time. What amazing work he has done this far. Why not store the base in the garage then drive it out. Will it fit? Peace.
  16. As mentioned in my own post... Have the forums list number of threads rather than the total number of posts. Peace.
  17. Hi all, a quick request from a frequent reading of the forums on mobile. Can the forum mobile view show the number of threads in a particular subforum rather than the total number of posts. This woumd save me clicking through the Daily Kerbal simply to find that a few more replies have been made to previous posts. Thanks and Peace.
  18. Again so unbelievably awesome, even with all the various requests of ramps and top opening too! Not just good, but Great Job Sir! Peace.
  19. Great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing this develop. Are you going to do the other pods too? Peace.
  20. Fully understand the New Year release. Keep working well guys! Peace.
  21. Hi. Looking forward to trying the mod however it hasn't come up on KerbalStuff and the link doesn't work.

    I thought I'd PM you rather than clog up your thread.


  22. Awesome sauce. So very cool. This will change EVERYTHING! Almost. Nice idea :) Peace.
  23. This would make sense for levels 4 or 5, in that you could choose a secondary or tertiary profession from there. It would still require an interplanetary trip and back based on the current model for level progression. Peace.
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