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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I am having an issue with KerbalKonstructs in SSRSS, I can hand modify the configs for position but the altitude is determined by PQS and that seems several meters below the ground, I read through your conversation with Alphaash and it seemed that you had a solution. Is there anything that can be done to improve the PQS altitude accuracy on the Kerbin scale 'Earth'
  2. Yes I tried using the fairing switcher mod but it does not seem to work in 1.1.2, then I tried the modulemanager path using your texture.
  3. If you edit your post and look in the top right, there is a little imgur button, click that and enter the album code, in your case M2TYQ and that's it.
  4. Getting the assets ready for the intro sequence is taking a while, but progress is good, just playing with some textures on the shuttle thanks to @5thHorseman
  5. No, in the readme in the zip it tells you to go and get rss-textures, those ones in the zip are a few optional textures you overwrite rss-textures with.
  6. I think this is affected by sigma dimensions rescale, you may need to ask @Sigma88
  7. I'm working on bringing some assets through KerbalKonstructs to SSRSS - Pad 39b and shuttle gantry
  8. That was a leftover from my test config, pretty sure it's fixed in the next update They are RSS heightmaps rescaled as far as I know, so changed by the rescale factor
  9. Yessss! Yeah I was using this to test why Jupiter was crashing my game, finally tracked it down to the scatterer folders having the wrong case in some instances
  10. Sure, thats fine and even RSS don't make it as high as it should be I don't think, I was just playing with it being more realistic.
  11. Yeah but venus is 250k, but it needs a curve anyway, kahman line is 100k on earth, much higher on venus
  12. @Berlin, do you have an easy way to convert real life lattitudes and longitudes into ones appropriate for SSRSS, eg. SSRSS KSC is at 28.61,279.49 while the real KSC is at approx 28.61,-80.6445569, are they reversed? Hmmm thats funny, Hyperedit sees the correct lattitude and longitude, will check it out.
  13. Lights on other bodies is a known EVE issue, rovers dropping through the surface has happened before, but I thought it was fixed, also the moon texture from far away is bad, does not look right from Earths orbit. @Berlin, these clouds are awesome
  14. Here's a couple of screenshots with the difference in performance I get when turning off the ocean, this is with SVE UR and all clouds so my FPS is pinned anyway, nice hurricane by the way, I am at a very dramatic moment in my save, you can see a slight scaling issue in the second shot with the cumulus volume cloud I'll add some screenshots in a minute after I delete different cloud layers Hurricane and Cumulus Volume removed suddenly not pegged at 25 FPS anymore, but no hurricane With no clouds on Earth at all, just scatterer With no clouds and no scatter on Earth As you can see scatterer is not that big a hit compared to SVE
  15. Put the oceans back and go to alt-0 ingame and then arrow across to Cloud Manager, delete the Earth-Hurricane and the Earth-CumulusVolume settings, then hit apply and see if it helps. With all the cloud configs mine flatlines at 25 FPS and physics goes yellow, when I play I delete all the clouds except cirrus to get back up to 30-40 FPS and green physics, I am using 8K textures and SVE UR for configuration. Plus I set my oceans to 128 rather than 64. My aging GTX 570 has for some time had an issue with SVE's clouds, EVE was fine because it only had one layer but SVE always tanked it.
  16. If your talking about your FPS on Earth it's more likely SVE, too many layers of volumetric clouds is what tanks my FPS, scatterer is rarely more than a 5 FPS loss, but layers of volumetric clouds costs 10+ FPS for me.
  17. I think you have either an old version of EVE or a new EVE but an old version of SVE
  18. Can't wait for the next update, I know my clouds are not quite as good as yours, and I am not using SVE ultra yet, but since I saved myself some memory I might make the change, the moon looks weird though from orbit
  19. That first shot has been put through gemfx processing which is not part of scatterer. Also this is WIP so a lot of stuff is hown that is not released yet.
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