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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Or alt-f10 go to ocean settings and press rebuild ocean
  2. If you find the clouds config in SVE just change the DetailStorm entry to Storm, that will get it going for now. But it might not have the Hurricane
  3. @Berlin @sDaZe, just downloaded the latest version and you are missing detailStorm texture from SVE, which is causing a parsing error for the clouds.cfg and stopping any more clouds other than kerbin aurora being seen
  4. Just a thought, don't call it stock inclination, I don't know what that refers to, 0 inclination, stock kerbin inclination, stock RSS inclinations, maybe have real inclinations and 0/easy inclinations, just trying to save you boys some support questions
  5. It is still alpha never released, dont be misled by version number he is starting eve integration
  6. @Berlin now you have a hurricane in EVE you need to hook it up to @silverfox8124 mod
  7. On atmospheric planets moving parts could be damaged by re-entry heat if not sheilded and electronics as well. Also landing on Eve or other hot dense body could alao degrade electronics amd moving parts.
  8. I use the same skybox and Distant Object and haven't had any issues
  9. Probably best Also warning if they have changed planet sizes, ground or return all your craft before updating. And dont forget sigma dimensions. Did that once and all my sattelites were suddenly underground
  10. After a long sleep I suspected that it might be Sigma Dimensions, though I didn't see why it would affect EVE
  11. Very sorry about that, here are the logs and my config https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6gbi4omighqeTF3TEV3WmNlV2c https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6gbi4omighqRTlZcGdiTHU4dmM
  12. Increment experimentalAtmoScale in scatterrer by .1 until it goes away
  13. Hi @rbray89 I have a strange problem with EVE losing a zero or two on the altitude, this is the config before and during the game, it does not change, I am using Linux, I do not know if this makes any difference just thought I would tell you. Edit: I just saw the update from 2 days ago, I will try that version Edit 2: Newest version does not seem to make a difference, it actually wiped more zeroes off, it's like every time the game loads another zero is gone EVE_CLOUDS { OBJECT { name = Earth-Lowest body = Earth altitude = 1500 here is what I get when it loads, all the clouds are under 1000m
  14. You didn't put the settings.cfg from the zip file in the gamedata folder
  15. Blame licences and choices @sDaZe and @Berlin this also happened to me in the Jupiter moons, I wondered what the explosion was when time warping, I'll check again and see what moons collided.
  16. When I did my oil rig i tried something similar but i ended up just floating it
  17. @blackrack I am trying to recreate the atmosphere on Venus as seen in the Venera photos, I am wondering how to bring the scattering in closer so it is more apparent. I have tried a few things but nothing seems to do what I want, also the how to change the tint of the scatter? Second picture is actual photo (probably brightened)
  18. I just realised, why are you using SVE? Why not use RVE?
  19. Are you talking about the colour? it's just KerbPaint and does not affect the craft in stock, you can only see it if you have KerbPaint installed otherwise the game ignores it, it adds no benefit apart from aesthetically. You can see it here, it's not updated for 1.1.2 yet, so i don't know if it will fly well anymore
  20. Front page, downloads and videos all updated for the new parts.
  21. Don't install RSS, that will conflict with SSRSS, also you probably need Simga Dimensions and the settings.cfg from SSRSS in your game folder
  22. Create an imgur account, then hit the upload button, you can either choose the classic search directories or just drag and drop
  23. I said to him yesterday he should get thread of the month for this, it's incredible
  24. Yep, can confirm, did a landing on Venus last night and could not get any thrust out of engine. On the other hand terminal velocity was 15ms.
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