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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. I did a complete re-install, I just downloaded it again from the front page we will see
  2. I got it off the front page about 20 minutes ago Might be a good idea to put the version and date on the download zip Downloading from dropbox again, good I have 100mb speed
  3. It could be a difference with OpenGL, if you know people can fix it with that value at least you can tell them to play with it.
  4. Nope, the only thing that fixed it was modifying experimentalAtmoScale in scatterrer from 00002.0000 to 00001.0000, same with venus, but there I had to go from 00001.0000 to 00003.0000, see screenshots below (F5 and F9 remained the same), it is a scatterrer bug, maybe in conjunction with something else, I will go and delete other mods like planetshine with default values and see if that helps.
  5. If it is in the download zip, then do not install it seperately Only two things you need apart from the download are RSS Textures and sigma
  6. It was just the airport seemed very close, and small
  7. Ah, Here are some screenshots, first is KSC ground texture, wondering if this is intended? Second is the default scatterrer settings, I then played with extinctionRimFade, no difference and then experimentalAtmoScale down to 00001.0000 which was the fix for my similar problem last time and it fixed it this time too, last screenshot. Edit: OpenGL, Distant Object, planetshine installed but no custom skybox
  8. Just wondering why you don't include sigma in the download, you have all the other necessary mods?
  9. Probably need to start a round of testing again, especially the SAS and body lift fixes
  10. I think there is a thing with solar panels, see this gif from reddit
  11. Well it's not so much that I can't film it, its more that it wobbles and eventually destroys itself and you can't timewarp to stop the motion, it was never meant to be a working craft as it is, just a craft for someone else to use in Blender without loading it in game.
  12. It will all be stock so you don't need any plugins, but as far as I know all @Majorjim's Duna stuff is in the process of being updated for the latest version of KSP, hence why there are new posts in this thread. You will also need a great computer, @Majorjim does not spare any details, the part counts get pretty high.
  13. A couple of craft have been updated, new Shuttle payloads coming soon, and I have been playing with SSRS by @sDaZe got the clouds and city lights going, I am also looking at some other SVE tweaks. It looks flat enough to land doesn't it?
  14. It's in my sig, my last cinematic was Cold War Blackbird (don't choose the no music one, thats for people in Germany) the newest are tutorial vids for a build an ISS pack I am helping to put together. I am just about to start on a trailer for the pack in 1.1.2. If you can't see my sig here is the link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC85nS8ez4Ycaqg79P4gfzFQ
  15. This probably belongs better in the spacecraft exchange as it seems more about sharing craft
  16. Like I said, your computer seems to be struggling, 1.1.2 is much better performance wise and it might be easier to move to that rather than go back and edit out all the pauses. It depends how much filming you have already done, with my last movie I already had 85% of the filming done in 1.05 so I had to finish it in that, plus a lot of mods had not updated to 1.1.2. General advice, I think cinematic shots are great, and you can get away with one long shot every now and then, a look how beautiful it is shot. Other than that you should keep your scenes as short and action filled as possible, if you string 10x 1 minute beauty passes together people will get bored. The trick is to do staging or other interesting things in front of beautiful scenes.
  17. I like the cinematic shots, the trailer does not give a huge amount to go on in terms of story so I don't know what it is about. One thing that would improve it greatly would be to edit out the 1.05 pauses, your computer must be struggling it seems worse than mine with 4 planes in the air. You would probably find 1.1.2 much better for the performance and smoothness of shots, except large stagings but they are easier to edit out.
  18. Everyone should try the Canadarm, it is so cool, even if it does make me want to smash something sometimes.
  19. ah, though it only happened in this mod, both old and new dll, it never happened in the version I had before, but I did not have this mod installed before
  20. Well the others on the thread did not have this issue, I think I am the only OpenGL user, and I only have OSX or Linux to test with. But the solution was a couple of posts down Ah damn, I know what I did wrong, I did a replace all, and I bet I changed the texture name
  21. I set it back and Atmos. Height is reading 98000m. Yes it all seems to be good now, can't seem to get clouds but I know that you have not done that yet, I tried the renaming of Kerbin to Earth in clouds.cfg but apparently in my case that is not enough.
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