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Everything posted by kcs123

  1. Just avoid atmosphere flight as much as possible until FAR is updated. Unavodable on lunch and re-entry, but try to spend more time in space until then. Can't do much about it than be patient.
  2. Just wait for that 5 minute downtime, at that moment, forum thread will explode
  3. Thanks @m4v for update, RCS build aid is one of essential mods for my playtrough. Don't know if you noticed, but @nightingale have posted some info about toolbar. It seems you just need to add additional piece of code and it will work again. Can't help you more with that, other than forwarding info about it.
  4. Take your time blowfish, plenty of mods are updated within first hour of release. Probably all of dependencies will be updated within few days. Hype train for 1.2. has arrived, now it is time for patience ferry.
  5. According to Murphy's law within that 5 minutes of downtime there will be at least tens of questions what has happened to SpeceDock Despite warning about it more than ten days before event,
  6. That is way too high and too fast for those engines. I think that both curves should be nerfed, for atmosphere/thrust loss and speed/thrust loss (sound barier). After all, propelers need some more dense air to be able to provide any thrust. At 38.7 km air is so thin that at low rotation those propeler could get as much as thrust as like craft is in vacuum. Try to nerf down velocity/thrust drop first than fine tune engines with atmosphere curve. I don't think it should be possible to reach much more than 10-12 km and 0.8 mach in very best occasion. I'm sorry that I don't have much time for testing in latest days to help you further with this.
  7. I don't thik so. Unless I'm missed something, transfer window planer do that. It use Kerbal alarm clock in combination to create alarm just before transfer window is scheduled. Transfer window planer gives you only data you need for maneuver nod, while MJ can create whole maneuver nod for interplanetary transfer that you just need to execute, if you consider MJ executing maneuver burning as cheating. I have to admit that i never fully understand whole data that transfer window gives (phase and angle, relative to what ? for example).
  8. For sounds try to look at KRX thread. They were recently searching/editing sounds for helicopters and other propelers. @Eskandare, might get you more info about it. I'm just a messanger here.
  9. Already replied in firespitter thread. I think your first stop should be KAX mod. My recall on this topic is slightly blured it was a long time ago when I spot it, but IIRC what KAX mod does to parts is that you have one kind of mesh on stoped engines with proper blades and everything like in your pictutre above. Propelers in this mode still rotates/move but they don't provide any thrust. What happens when you turn on engines is that propeler part of mesh is transformed to different mesh and texture type. Blured disk type of mesh, with different collider, texture and probably some other stuff too. While in transformed "blured" disk mod, electrical engines are highly responsive to throttle input, making it ideal choice for small drones and similar crafts. You could probably be able to use most of config values from KAX engines and modify it slightly, but you would probably need to include mentioned mesh transform from regular propeler to blured propeler too, somehow. I hope it will help you to get on right track with it.
  10. @ZodiusInfuser, try to look at KAX mod. It is derived from firespitter, even required firespitter plugin, but it was updated more regulary than firespitter parts. Snjo was out of free time for proper maintenance and RoverDude does his best to maintain plugin compatibility, parts comes to second place on maintenance schedule. I was using those electrical engines from KAX in combination with IR for some aircrafts. You can follow link in signature for craft files and pictures.
  11. You might have better luck if you look in USI config files. I'm pretty sure that you can find some part module in USI files that you can put in SETI greenhouse. To make it crate some supplies, recycle etc. Can't be more specific, I haven't look in those for a while and Roverdude update those more quickly than I was able to track down all of changes. IIRC, USI was created in a way that is created that you almost never can do full closed self sufficient circle. You will need to send some supplies to colonies from time to time. Perhaps you will need to tweak more than one part to be able to accomplish full self sufficient circle for station or colony base.
  12. Two mods cover both issues. FAR solve bug issue. B9 aerospace already have 1.25m cargo bay. Created some aircraft that allow to enter/exit from Mk1 cockpit trough backdoor connected with MK1 cargo bay. Looked nice, it is easeier to hide that retractable ladder and you don't need to attach two ladders to keep propr weight balance.
  13. USI mod update might be availabe even before official KSP 1.2. upload finish to distribution servers. Or couple of minutes later
  14. Link for it should be in Ziw's signature few post above: I think that was the latest one available, but I can't tell for sure, I downloaded those quite a long time ago. There might some update after that one for 1.1.3., if there is link should also be available, buried somewhere in IR threads.
  15. Agree. Have to draw line somewhere between realistic simulator and just video game that only need to provide some fun. KSP is kind of special genre of video game as you always learn something new as side effect .
  16. One of the first thing after fresh windows install is to turn off windows sticky key. Just because of that reason, it is quite annoying having it turned on, not only for KSP, but other games too.
  17. Main difference regarding relays between stock 1.2. Comnet and latest published RT as we know is that in RT, you need to direct each antenna to specific craft or ground station. For example you have relay probe landed on Mun or in orbit around Mun with 2 relay antenna. You need to direct one antenna to KSC and other antenna toward some probe at Minimus, for example. Probe around Minimus need to have their antenna directed toward Mun relay probe, to be able to establish connection. Quite realistic behaviour. Drawback is that UI for specific probe/antenna quickly become filled of data, creating a bit of confusion, especialy for people who started to use RT mod and have no much clue how things work in real life. Stock 1.2. ComNet calculate connection trough network to always use strongest signal possible, without need to specify direction of each antenna/probe. Less realistic but more user/player friendly UI. Major drawback of stock system is that it does not check if relay probe have at least 2 relay antenna, you can establish network node with only one antenna. Some players found that quite unrealistic and immersion breaking over existing RT mod. There is also ongoing debate, should antenna be able to stack up, to get stronger signal on one probe or not.
  18. There was a mod called sticky keys, or sticky joystick, something like that. Don't know if it was updatet for recent KSP. IIRC, it was featured on moding mondays long, long time ago. Can't remember if it was worked in EVA, though. I think it was doing exactly wha tyou want. Controls are pushed slightly to certain percent and when you release "W" key, pitching stay in last position. Author was got idea from Microsoft flight simulator. Have yet to search for proper name of mod. EDIT: Don't know if it still works, @inigma, you have to try it. It would be possible for someone to adjust it for EVA too if not work already in EVA.
  19. Actualy, quite a lot of bugs are found and reported. But on bug tracker, not in this thread. To be fair, quite a lot solved too, new patch is available once in two days, sometimes even sooner.
  20. Yes. A bit less of realism, but still work properly.
  21. Check out last post in SpaceDock thread. Should be solved soon, but workaround is provided. Some patreon donation might be thrown to SpaceDock staff members to make things more reliable for your favorite game and mod hosting site.
  22. Regarding Spectrometron, I think that is correct, you should no need lab for it, but take this with grain of salt. New version of KSP hit before I was able to advance enough in my career games for latest few releases. I might not recall of it correctly, regarding Spectrometron. Someone else should give you better answer for this.
  23. Well, part upgrade feature is still WIP, everything is prone to change and is not something that comes with stock immediately. Those upgradeble parts are just example for moders how upgrade system might work. Probably it will be possible to remove upgrade features trough MM patches if someone desire to do that. Upgrade system might not be so bad, have to see final result to be able to give fair judgment. TAC, KER and MJ already have something similar even in current KSP release. You don't get immediate access to all MJ features until you unlock certain tech tree nodes. Similar upgrade feature might be useful for kOS parts too, for example. Speaking of MJ, might be quite simple to use it features as replacement of RT flight computer. Stock CommNet system allow you to create maneuver node only if you have connection to Kerbin. So i think that might be possible to create maneuver node that is behind line of sight while still have signal, tell MJ to execute node and block MJ user interface if you lost signal, but allow MJ to execute maneuver node as you were able to do before. Pretty much similar as RT flight computer was doing. Personaly, I prefer kOS as autopilot, it has slightly higher learning curve, so it is not recommended for everyone, but it is also much more satisfactory and more fun to use on the long run. Have yet to see how thing will be developed after final KSP 1.2. release. Yep, they were shifted some parts back and forth trough tech node tree, indeed, it is much closer to UbM setup. Science return capsule is not necessary bad thing. At the same time they have created some parts more vunerable to "g" forces and material bay also have low heating tolerance. I found it quite difficult to preserve on re-entry trough atmosphere. That means you either need to transmit data with lower science value, or put data in science return capsule that have also penalty in additional weight you need to carry on craft. I don't find it too much gamebalance breaking. It is often hard to implement a lot of customizable features in game that everyone is able to customize for personal usage and have simple job in terms to gamebalance tasks. It need a lot of consideration from various point of view to do everything properly. Cutting off some of features or limiting them makes gamebalance task easier, but also it limits ways that someone want to customize his own game for personal better experience. I just started new career game due to parts shifting trough tech tree, to be able to see differences in latest patch. For example, I would move Sputnik one or two nodes earlier in tech tree, as you are able to quickly unlock next higher probe (I think it ius HEKS), making Sputnik quickly obsolete. Also I try to do everything this time without any additional ground stations except KSC. If you choose to have more ground station, those are covering entire planet, polar caps too. That also removes need to have any kind of comm satellite in Kerbin orbit, you only need some in Mun and Minimus orbit to cover blind spots. Ground stations with only equators covered are something in the middle between having or not having ground stations at Kerbin. Speaking of it, might be a good idea, balancing wise, to create some mod that will allow you to use some ground station only if you have bought it tropugh some additional UI, similar to upgrade tracking station at KSC. So, instead of having all ground stations or only one at KSC, you might choose to invest money in some specific ground station on Kerbin, one by one, only those you need the most, to cover some necessary blind spots. Anyhow, even with flaws, I found that 1.2. is much more balanced compared to 1.1.3 stock game only, without any mods. Those flaws could be more easy to balance trough customizations for personal preference. Parts upgrade system can be enabled/disabled trough advanced settings menu, for exaple. And we still have to wait what other moders will bring, once things become more stable. All in all, some significant progress is made from previous release. I skiped lot of things from 1.1.3 due to lack of free time to play KSP, so lot of experience are still from my comparison towards 1.1.2., so I might miss something from previous official release.
  24. I think that is. To prevent player to do money grinding doing exactly same thing again and again. Once you have station in place in Mun orbit it make sense to send stuff there on your own, start experiment and bring results back on Kerbin to get more science points. If there is no such system you will never have desire to left Kerbin SOI.
  25. Unfortunately, there is no lack of bugs in KSP, so there will be enough for anyone to hunt them and participate in contest Jokes aside, I realy hope that you will not restrict public test phase to only 2 weeks. There is dedicated community around KSP project to find all those nasty bugs and provide quality feedback. Sure, there is some noise generated from time to time, but moer often community discover proper source of bug. Bottom line is, don't restrict public test phase to limited time frame. Prolonge it as much is needed to solve all of critical bugs at least. By critical, i mean bugs that cause CTDs, then serious FPS slowdown and also those that makes things does not work as intended (wheels are obvious example). There are also good feedback on new KerbNet feature introduced by KSP 1.2. that will allow you to fine tune everything prior final release.
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