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  1. As a serial hater of the 'shiny part syndrome' that plagues legacy faux-implementations of the PBR workflow, trust me when I say that, after being shown some previews by Nertea: a) using a well developed shader implementation b) having not only great artists but also the source artists work on this development ... means that even I'm loving the way that the in-progress work is coming out. I think that you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  2. I would suggest getting rid of the banner completely, it adds no value. People visiting this forum know why they are here, we don't need to be reminded or sold the idea of playing KSP. EDIT: I would add that user experience (and interface by proxy) is incredibly important with a forum and getting users to the list of threads they want to see in the quickest and least interactions possible promotes engagement by way of posting. Its fairly annoying to have to scroll down a relatively long way every time you load the forum home page. In addition, and in a similar vain, grouping the three KSP1 mod sub-forums under another forum header seems like it could be reverted back to the way it was originally, and how the KSP2 mod forums are laid out. I get why it was done, KSP2 marketing and the push to get people to engage with KSP2, blah blah blah. I get it. That push is no longer present and it makes sense to revert the change and list them separately again. Its annoying enough that I just changed my bookmark to take me straight to the KSP1 Mod Releases sub-forum which has had the result of my engaging with less of the wider forum. Good UX drives engagement.
  3. Looking at membership roles it seems as though a lot of role/permissions changes have happened for groups like ex-KSP2 staff, admins etc. Is this indication that there may be some health in the old dog yet? Appreciate that if so, you might want to be holding back on an announcement or something.
  4. 4bpp or 8bpp indexed palette: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/blob/dacf20aa5d77cf9d0d46386634e7043c65428a09/src/Kopernicus/OnDemand/OnDemandStorage.cs#L493-L541
  5. @SheepDog2142, would you have any interest in expanding the configs to include RLA Stockalike (RLA Reborn)?
  6. Love this Zorg... except I installed it and think I may have found a bug. Got the command pod in orbit but when trying to use the RCS some of the thrusters kept on failing and wouldn't fire. On a serious note, the care and attention here is great. The modularity of it all is perfetto.
  7. Restock v1.5.1 ------ - Fixed Mk2 Lander Can bottom porthole window (#1028) - Moved liquidEngineLV-1, liquidEngineLV-1R, rcsBlockRV-105 and ServiceBay in Restock Blacklist to deprecated filepaths to resolve log error Restock+ v1.5.1 ------ - Fixed offset thrust transforms for Cheetah engine verniers (#1032) - Fixed drag cubes for 1.875m decoupler and separator (#1026) - Fixed Oscar-A Fuel Tank packed volume size (#1025) - Removed duplicated bulkheadProfiles line in Launch Escape System Jr. config https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/releases/tag/1.5.1
  8. Go to this thread: And search within the Original Post for the patch called: "Add Angled Docking Ability to Docking Ports." Copy that, change the value for the angle you want, and save the patch in your GameData folder.
  9. Can confirm this is the correct answer.
  10. Patch to convert all references of the Magnetometer from DMagic Orbital Science to instead use the stock part and experiment ID, thus allowing us to hide the DMagic Magnetometer part completely and just use the stock part. //Change all references to DMagic Magnetometer part and experiment to instead use stock part and experiment. //Author: Poodmund @PART[dmmagBoom]:AFTER[DMagic] { @TechRequired = hidden @MODULE[DMModuleScienceAnimate] { @experimentID = magnetometer } } @Contracts:AFTER[DMagic] { @Survey { @SURVEY_DEFINITION:HAS[#DataName[surface]] { @PARAM:HAS[#Experiment[magScan]] { @Experiment = magnetometer } } } } @DMContracts:AFTER[DMagic] { @DMMag { @Magnetometer_Parts ^= :dmmagBoom:Magnetometer: } @DM_CONTRACT_EXPERIMENT:HAS[#experimentID[magScan]] { @part = Magnetometer @experimentID = magnetometer } } @PART[dmUS2MagBoom]:AFTER[UniversalStorage2&DMagic] { @MODULE[DMUniversalStorageScience] { @experimentID = magnetometer } } @EXPERIMENT_DEFINITION:HAS[#id[magnetometer]]:AFTER[DMagic] { @baseValue = 5 @scienceCap = 5 @situationMask = 51 @biomeMask = 1 !RESULTS {} RESULTS { default = An accurate reading of the local magnetic field is recorded. default = Local variations in the magnetic field are detected. KerbinInSpaceLow = Initial scans indicate a large magnetic field surrounding Kerbin, its intensity decreases with increasing altitude. KerbinInSpaceHigh = Kerbin's magnetic field spans several planetary radii, protecting its atmosphere from the solar wind and cosmic radiation. KerbinInSpaceHigh = Interactions with the solar wind significantly distort Kerbin's magnetic field, resulting in a compressed field on Kerbin's solar side, and a tapered tail on the opposite side. KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad = The magnetometer is properly calibrated and records Kerbin's surface level magnetic field. KerbinSrfLanded = The magnetometer records an accurate reading of Kerbin's surface magnetic field. KerbinSrfLandedIceCaps = The magnetic field lines near the pole are almost directly vertical relative to the surface, indicating that Kerbin's magnetic poles are closely aligned with its geographic poles. KerbinSrfLandedMountains = A strong magnetic field suggests that you may have stumbled upon one of Kerbin's mythic "magnetic mountains". KerbinSrfLandedBadlands = Strong local magnetic fields are detected in this area, suggesting high concentrations of magnetically active elements. KerbinSrfLandedRunway = For some reason the magnetic field lines are continuously changing directions; it's almost as if someone is running in circles around the runway with a giant magnet. KerbinSrfLandedFlagPole = The magnetometer provides a decent approximation of this flag pole; all that's left is to climb to the top and hang a flag. KerbinSrfLandedTrackingStation = The enormous radio dishes block out Kerbin's natural magnetic field. KerbinSrfLandedVAB = Wouldn't it make more sense to have taken readings from the VAB before launch? KerbinSrfLandedVABMainBuilding = Now is this really necessary? KerbinSrfLandedR&D = Maybe someone else should be taking reading from the R&D center... KerbinSrfLandedR&DTanks = OK, really now, let's go somewhere interesting to take magnetometer readings... KerbinSrfLandedAdministration = Pointing this magnetometer at the Admin building might not make the bosses too happy. KerbinSrfLandedAstronautComplex = Those astronauts sure are missing out on this grand adventure... KerbinSrfLandedSPH = The tower controllers are not amused... KerbinSrfLandedSPHRoundTank = Nothing better to do? KerbinSrfLandedMissionControl = Mission Control confirms that this is indeed a waste of time. MunInSpaceHigh = A weak magnetic field indicates that the Mun may once have contained a molten iron core. MunInSpaceLow = Localized magnetic fields are detected over several regions of the Mun's surface. MunSrfLanded = A very faint magnetic field is detected on the Mun's surface. MunSrfLandedNorthernBasin = A weak magnetic field is detected in this region. The absence of large craters nearby suggests that this crustal magnetization is left over from the Mun's once molten core. MunSrfLandedPolarCrater = Strong magnetic fields are detected in the base of the crater, likely arising from magnetically aligned ejecta from a large impactor. MunSrfLandedHighlandCraters = A strong magnetic field is detected in the deeper regions of this crater. MunSrfLandedEastFarsideCrater = An intense magnetic field is detected in this crater, possibly originating in material from the meteorite that impacted here. MunSrfLandedPoles = Magnetic field strength remains at baseline levels for the Mun's surface, indicating that no further geodynamo activity occurs in the Mun's core. MinmusInSpace = Frozen ice cream doesn't emit a magnetic field dummy. MinmusSrfLanded = Closer study reveals that Minmus does indeed not generate a magnetic field. MinmusSrfLandedGreaterFlats = Even Minmus' minty-looking frozen surface is magnetically dead. MinmusSrfLandedLesserFlats = The readout is flat, like the frozen surface. SunInSpaceLow = Sensors overloading... oh dear, I think the boom is melting. SunInSpaceHigh = Kerbol's enormous magnetosphere extends well beyond the orbit Eeloo, affecting all of the planets in the solar system. MohoInSpace = Scans indicate only a weak induced magnetic field, this is most likely caused by the stream of charged particles in the solar wind flowing around Moho. MohoSrfLanded = Low surface level magnetic fields reflect Moho's lack of any internally generated magnetosphere. EveInSpaceLow = Intense magnetic fields nearly overload the sensors. EveInSpaceHigh = A strong magnetic field ensures that Eve's atmosphere remains protected from Kerbol's radiation. EveSrfLanded = Surface level magnetism is slightly lower than that measured in orbit; Eve's strong ring current may be responsible for shielding the surface from some of its magnetic field. GillyInSpace = Gilly appears to be nothing more than loosely held together rocks with no detectable magnetic field. GillySrfLanded = No magnetic field is detected on Gilly's surface. DunaInSpaceLow = Isolated patches of Duna's atmosphere appear to be protected by small magnetospheres. DunaInSpaceHigh = A very weak magnetic field indicates that Duna's core solidified long ago, allowing its atmosphere to be largely stripped away and blasting the surface with intense solar radiation. DunaSrfLanded = Surface level magnetic field lines suggest the presence of several small, but powerful magnetic anomalies. IkeInSpace = Cold, dead, lifeless, no readings of interest here. IkeSrfLanded = Ike appears as magnetically boring on the surface as it did from orbit. DresInSpace = Who comes to Dres? DresSrfLanded = Were you expecting something different on the surface? JoolInSpaceLow = Jool's strong magnetic field traps belts of powerful radiation; observe caution in low orbits. Conditions could prove hazardous for Kerbaled crafts. JoolInSpaceHigh = Jool's enormous magnetosphere extends well beyond the orbit of all its moons in every direction. LaytheInSpace = Laythe generates its own magnetic field, indicating a molten core and an active geology. The field is strongly influenced by Jool's much larger magnetosphere. LaytheSrfLanded = A surface level magnetic field is detected on Laythe, with field lines indicating that the magnetic poles are located far away from the geographic poles. VallInSpaceHigh = Only Jool's magnetic field is detectable here, suggesting that Vall lacks any geodynamo activity. VallInSpaceLow = A very weak magnetic field is detected in low orbit of Vall. This is perhaps due to Vall's mysteriously liquid, sub-surface oceans. VallSrfLanded = Weak surface level magnetic fields are detected, possibly caused by sub-surface water flow. TyloInSpace = Tylo doesn't appear to generate its own magnetic field, but strongly distorts Jool's field, indicating a high concentration of dense, magnetic elements. TyloSrfLanded = Strong surface level magnetic fields are detected, but little consistency in direction is observed. BopInSpaceHigh = Bop produces an intensely powerful magnetosphere; much further study is warranted... BopInSpaceLow = Bop's magnetic field appears very uneven, localized primarily in the northern polar region; further study is warranted... BopSrfLanded = All magnetic field lines point north, indicating a small, but intensely powerful source of magnetism somewhere near the north pole. PolInSpace = Like a grain of pollen blowing in Jool's magnetic wind. PolSrfLanded = Only Jool's magnetic field is detectable on Pol's surface. EelooInSpace = Eeloo appears cold and lifeless. Only Kerbol's weak magnetic field is detectable from here. EelooSrfLanded = No significant magnetic field is detected on Eeloo's surface. AblateInSpace = A significant induced magnetosphere causes a noticeable distortion in Kerbol's much larger field. AscensionInSpace = There is little to no detectable magnetic field beyond the background levels here. ErinInSpace = Erin's ionosphere and a band of charged particles are likely responsible for the weak magnetic field detected here. InaccessableInSpace = The rapid rotation of this planetoid creates a constantly shifting magnetic field. JokerInSpace = A weak magnetic field is detected around Joker, likely induced by nearby Serious. PockInSpace = Nothing beyond Erin's magnetic field is detected here. RingleInSpace = The moon itself doesn't appear to generate any magnetic field, but a weak signal is detected in close proximity to the ring system. SentarInSpace = Sentar generates an intense magnetic field, likely trapping several bands of dangerous, charged particles in its ring system. SeriousInSpace = Serious generates a significant magnetic field that interacts with the remnants of Kerbol's much larger field. SkeltonInSpace = Skelton's high inclination generates an interesting interaction with Sentar's strong magnetic field as it passes above and below it. ThudInSpace = A fairly strong magnetic field is detected around Thud, suggesting the possibility of a dense, iron-rich core. SarnusInSpaceLow = The magnetic field around Sarnus is distorted by the ring particles orbiting its equatorial belt. SarnusInSpaceHigh = Distortions in Sarnus' magnetosphere are detected around some if its moons, particularly Eeloo and Tekto, as they add plasma into the system. HaleInSpace = This tiny moonlet produces little more than a blip in the larger magnetic field of Sarnus. HaleSrfLanded = Magnetic field measurements from the surface of Hale differ little from those taken in orbit. OvokInSpace = Ovok appears to generate no magnetic field of its own, but it strongly distorts Sarnus' field. OvokSrfLanded = Magnetic field measurements at Ovok's surface level are minimal, indicating that it disrupts and redirects Sarnus' field while generating none of its own. SlateInSpaceHigh = Slate distorts Sarnus' magnetic field but appears to generate none of its own. SlateInSpaceLow = Magnetic field disruptions in low Slate orbit appear similar to those generated by the ring current found in an atmospheric planet's ionosphere. SlateSrfLanded = Magnetic elements in the soil are very consistently aligned along a North to South direction. TektoInSpaceHigh = Tekto appears to have a strong induced magnetic field; it is generated as the moon passes through the plasma in Sarnus' quickly rotating magnetosphere. TektoInSpaceLow = Sarnus' magnetic field is distorted by Tekto, causing a drop in the field intensity in its wake. TektoSrfLanded = The surface level magnetic field is extremely weak; Tekto's induced magnetic field largely shields the surface from Sarnus' larger field. UrlumInSpaceHigh = A strong magnetosphere is detected around Urlum, which appears to be tilted significantly away from the planet's axis of rotation. UrlumInSpaceLow = Closer to the atmosphere, Urlum's magnetosphere produces isolated regions with a very strong magnetic dipole moment. PriaxInSpace = The shared orbit of Priax and Polta creates a wake in Urlum's large magnetosphere. PriaxSrfLanded = Regions of Priax's surface exhibit detectable magnetic anomalies, probably a result of iron-rich asteroid impacts. PoltaInSpace = Only a slight disturbance in Urlum's magnetic field is detected in orbit around Polta PoltaSrfLanded = Surface level magnetic field readings on Polta don't seem to be affected by the tiny moon. WalInSpace = A weak magnetic field is detected in orbit around Wal, perhaps signaling some kind of ongoing internal heating. WalSrfLanded = Regions of the surface on Wal have strong magnetic field readings. TalInSpace = A very weak magnetic field is detected in orbit around the tiny sub-moon. TalSrfLanded = Metallic elements in Tal's surface are detected in magnetic field readings. NeidonInSpaceHigh = Neidon's magnetosphere appears to be offset from its center by a significant amount, suggesting that it may arise from convective currents somewhere in the planet's mantle layer. NeidonInSpaceLow = Close reading from Neidon reveal a strong quadrupole magnetic moment; a significant departure from the dipole moment that dominates most planets' magnetospheres. ThatmoInSpace = Neidon's magnetic field dominates the local environment around Thatmo, though the reverse orbital direction generates a significant distortion in the magnetosphere. ThatmoSrfLanded = Only a week magnetic field reading is recorded on Thatmo's surface. NisseeInSpace = Nissee's path through Neidon's magnetosphere causes a gentle disruption in the direction and strength of that field. NisseeSrfLanded = Nissee doesn't appear to generate any magnetic field of its own; the only readings seem to come from Neidon. PlockInSpace = Plcok disrupts Karen's magnetic field as the two tiny bodies orbit around each other. PlockSrfLanded = No significant magnetic field readings are recorded from the surface of Plock; only the weak signal from Karen is detected. KarenInSpace = A weak magnetic field is detected in orbit around Karen, neighboring Plock seems to have a significant impact on the field strength. KarenSrfLanded = Karen shows signs of an interior magnetic field; the mechanism for its generation remains a mystery. MercuryInSpace = Scans indicate only a weak induced magnetic field, this is most likely caused by the stream of charged particles in the solar wind flowing around Mercury. MercurySrfLanded = Low surface level magnetic fields reflect Mercury's lack of any internally generated magnetosphere. VenusInSpaceLow = A weak induced magnetic field is detected in low orbit around Venus. VenusInSpaceHigh = Venus' upper atmosphere appears to be exposed to the solar wind, with only a weak induced magnetic field providing some protection. VenusSrfLanded = Surface level magnetism is slightly lower than that measured in orbit; Venus' strong induced ring current may be responsible for shielding the surface from some of its magnetic field. MoonInSpaceLow = Localized magnetic fields are detected over several regions of the Moon's surface. MoonInSpaceHigh = A weak magnetic field indicates that the Moon may once have contained a molten iron core. MoonSrfLanded = A very faint magnetic field is detected on the Moon's surface. MarsInSpaceLow = Isolated patches of Mars' atmosphere appear to be protected by small magnetospheres. MarsInSpaceHigh = A very weak magnetic field indicates that Mars' core solidified long ago, allowing its atmosphere to be largely stripped away and blasting the surface with intense solar radiation. MarsSrfLanded = Surface level magnetic field lines suggest the presence of several small, but powerful magnetic anomalies. DeimosInSpaceLow = Deimos appears to be nothing more than loosely held together rocks with no detectable magnetic field. DeimosSrfLanded = No magnetic field is detected on the surface of Deimos. PhobosInSpace = Magnetic field reading show what appears to be an intrinsic magnetosphere present around Phobos; a curious result given the moon's small size and likely origin as a captured asteroid. PhobosSrfLanded = A weak surface level, dipole magnetic field is detected on Phobos. JupiterInSpaceLow = Jupiter's strong magnetic field traps belts of powerful radiation; observe caution in low orbits. Conditions could prove hazardous for manned crafts. JupiterInSpaceHigh = Jupiter's enormous magnetosphere extends well beyond the orbit of all its moons in every direction. IoInSpaceLow = Io appears to generate no magnetic field of its own, implying that its intense geological activity is most likely due to tidal forces, not a molten core. IoInSpaceHigh = Strong interactions with Jupiter's magnetic field are detected as Io's thin atmosphere is stripped of charged particles. IoSrfLanded = Only a weak magnetic field is detected on the surface of Io. EuropaInSpaceLow = A strong induced magnetic field is detected in low orbit around Europa; this could be generated through interactions of Jupiter's magnetosphere with a sub-surface ocean on Europa. EuropaInSpaceHigh = Europa generates distortions as it passes through Jupiter's magnetosphere. EuropaSrfLanded = A weak magnetic field is detected on the surface of Europa; this could be a result of sub-surface water flows. GanymedeInSpaceLow = Ganymede appears to generate its own magnetic field, which distorts Jupiter's larger field, indicating a high concentration of dense, magnetic elements. GanymedeInSpaceHigh = A localized distortion in Jupiter's magnetic field is detected in high orbit of Ganymede. GanymedeSrfLanded = Strong surface level magnetic fields are detected, indicating an internally generated magnetosphere. CallistoInSpace = Cold, dead, lifeless, no readings of interest here. CallistoSrfLanded = Callisto appears as magnetically boring on the surface as it did from orbit. SaturnInSpaceLow = The magnetic field around Saturn is distorted by the ring particles orbiting its equatorial belt. SaturnInSpaceHigh = Distortions in Saturn's magnetosphere are detected around Titan as it adds plasma into the system. TitanInSpace = Titan appears to have an induced magnetic field, generated by Saturn's much larger magnetosphere. TitanSrfLanded = A very weak surface level magnetic field is detected; Titan's induced magnetosphere is likely protecting the surface from Saturn's stronger field. UranusInSpaceLow = Closer to the surface, Uranus' magnetosphere produces isolated regions with a very strong magnetic dipole moment. UranusInSpaceHigh = A strong magnetosphere is detected around Uranus, which appears to be tilted significantly away from the planet's axis of rotation. PlutoInSpace = Pluto appears cold and lifeless. Only the sun's weak magnetic field is detectable from here. PlutoSrfLanded = No significant magnetic field is detected on Pluto's surface. AsteroidInSpaceLow = Only the background magnetic field is detected around this asteroid. AsteroidInSpaceLowMettalic = Faint magnetic signals are detected around this asteroid, suggesting that it could have a high metal content. AsteroidInSpaceLow = A weak magnetic field emanating from the asteroid perturbs the field from the surrounding magnetosphere. AsteroidSrfLanded = A weak, but stable magnetic field is detected near the surface of this asteroid. AsteroidSrfLanded = Localized fluctuations in this asteroid's magnetic field suggest a complex interior composition. AsteroidSrfLandedStony = This asteroid generates no detectable magnetic field, indicating little to no presence of iron. AsteroidSrfLandedCarbonaceous = Some very faint, short-lived magnetic signals suggest the presence of some electrically conductive materials in this asteroid. AsteroidSrfLandedCarbonaceous = Only a very faint magnetic signal is detected from this asteroid, suggesting only low concentrations of iron and nickel. AsteroidSrfLandedMetallic = A relatively strong magnetic field is detected from the surface of this asteroid, an indication that it is primarily metallic in composition. AsteroidSrfLandedMettalic = This asteroid is generating a significant magnetic field, suggesting that it is metallic, rich in iron and nickel compounds. } }
  11. 2 weeks to the day almost... you all had us very worried. Glad to see all is well... well kinda, never been so happy to see the ole 502 error!
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