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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Back in my day, I was knowing what I want better than my computer was.
  2. Some use alt-history. Some use ctrl-history. Some use shift-history. Some use ctrl-Z. Some look at the last BIOS update in XV cent.
  3. He suggested. You asked. I explained. I'm just a consultant. Btw, hypergolics don't smoke, due to low carbon amount. Sometimes they vent excessive oxidizer on launch.
  4. Floor 4689: The end of the Australian road train with that poem written on board.
  5. It's Ivan Hoe. G*y Gisbourne went out to M*rry men. Brian de Bois-Guilbert, hurry up to the table! Reginald Front de Boeuf and Philip de Malvoisin are almost ready with front de beef and malvasia!
  6. DeLorien is an overestimated nothing. Just another clone of Charger.
  7. Vogue Hill (in the background)
  8. Calling 911 when it really works.
  9. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Power_Armor_Training_(Fallout_3)
  10. M-11 Storm aka SA-N-3 from the photo. http://militaryrussia.ru/blog/topic-24.html No nuke warhead is mentioned in Russian description, only "from the NATO info, can carry a nuke". I guess, the NATO info is the photo above, lol. The first(?) Soviet AA missile with the nuke variant of warhead http://militaryrussia.ru/blog/topic-411.html S-25 Berkut / Golden Eagle aka SA-1 Guild 20 kt, range 2 km, against bomber formations. Nuka-tested in mid-50s at 10 km altitude, 3 pieces were on service at Moscow.
  11. P.S. Interesting fact. When you are beating something with fist, you actually accelerate the pack of bones with power of muscles, and use your bones as a projectile.
  12. So, the hydrogen charge makes boom inside the rocket, and can't get out.
  13. Russia had them since 1960s, not necessary exactly these ones. And I'm about that "SA-N-3" caption. Since when Russia started using NATO designations? *** Upd. Wiki says, it's replica. Also https://weaponsystems.net/system/466-M-11+Shtorm
  14. Buster Keaton films are better than Charlie Chaplin ones.
  15. A verticopter pad on the Enclave Hill
  16. Indeed. Sometimes banning looks like chaeating.
  17. Calling 911 when you are the Nottingham Sheriff and the 911 yourself.
  18. Don't worry, it's just another attack of your pareidolia. Eat it. Made Marian! Get out of his soup!
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