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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Piglet A smaller element of a cassette pig.
  2. Pay no attention, he is always doing this. We call him Soupface. Barbie Q! Where is my barbecue?
  3. More bearded women in circus, and a happy time for the stocking manufacturers. Why shave with razors, when you can use towels?
  4. B'ned for not saying "bancause".
  5. Calling 911 to clean your voice.
  6. Irish farm in savannah of Congo Leprecongo
  7. Anti-ship stone posts across the river. The main question is: Afair, the captain had called 911 or so and reported about the ship, which lost control, and possible bridge ramming. It would take seconds to call the nearest road police car and tell them to put the car across the road to stop traffic. I believe, there is a pack of police cars near a big bridge, sitting in bushes and hunting the road rule violators. And? Is explained in another thread. The traffic was stopped, the construction crew on the bridge was not warned.
  8. It uses mirrors. The lenses are on small lasers, in addition to the mirrors.
  9. The book from SDI times with formulas was operating with ~1000 km distance to intercept a protected warhead with an orbital laser. The focus doesn't play role, as it's anyway much closer to the laser than the target. Only wavelength/diameter of mirror plays a role. The orbital lasers use mirrors, not lenses.
  10. It has all its tasks plus shaving. Mammoth is not hairy elephant. Elephant is shaved mammoth. Who is shaving mammoths into elephants?
  11. Your soup, sir, with more pins in it. Kitchen-gardener! Why have you dug the potatoes in ground? Should we stick our heads in it to eat?
  12. Calling 911 to ask if they had called you.
  13. Not "to", but "from". It's about the mini-rocket on top of the lunar lander (lunder?). Got it. As I said before, unless you are aiming zenith, any rocket follows a curve, more or less vertical.
  14. Banned to warn everyone about the coming page 1300. P.S. 11+13-18 = eleven + thirteen - eighteen = eleven + (thirteen - eighteen) = eleven + (thir-eigh) teen = (elev + (thir-eigh)te) en
  15. Floor 4665: The Condemonium from the Floor 4663 uses the Washing Well Wenches from 4664 for getting to the next floor (see its last digits before enter).
  16. Luna-16 didn't have other option. It was barely able to quit the lunar well vertically, moving towards the Earth in zenith. And it was able to do that only from the center of the Moon visible hemisphere. Thus, it didn't have a full-featured control system, only local vertical, fixed (zero) vertical angle automate, and acceleration integrator to cut off the engine before the Earth turns with a non-USSR part of surface on its coming re-entry.
  17. Floor 4662: Money demonination to stop the inflation.
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