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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Big tunnels for ships. Put the river in a pipe, and let the ships run inside. Then no bridges are needed. Like this one, but bigger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neglinnaya_(river)
  2. Let's refer to the basic concepts, well-known to the conspiracy alarmists, but for unknown reason rarely widely mentioned by other educated public. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances It's a set of resonant frequencies of the Earth planet/atmosphere electromagnetic system, working as a resonant cavity. From 7 to 40 Hz. This is the range of frequencies, which the planet is buzzing at. So, by listening them, we can detect the electromagnetic activities. As probably only Earth-like planets deserve the name of habitable, so probably their Schumann resonances will be more or less same. *** Compare them to the human brain waves. https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/brain-waves https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ритмы_головного_мозга (In Russian, the online translators fail to translate.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_wave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_wave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_wave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_wave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theta_wave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_wave As we can see, the human brain wave frequencies almost match the Schumann resonance frequencies. (That's why some accuse the innocent HAARP and other ionospheric communication systems, including but not limited with the ultra-low frequencies for submarines, and partially the 5G networks (the low-frequency beats between a pair of close high-frequencies, say 8 Hz beats caused by 99 996 Hz and 100 004 Hz), in ability to affect the mass human behaviour and climatic/seismic activity at the selected region on the planet. Btw, about the Starlink network and its coming analogs from other countries as well. And no, a tin cap won't help. At least you need a dyno suit with a grounding in the tail.) *** Thus, hypothetically it's also possible not just listen to the other planet activity, but also to affect that planet population and nature, by modulating waves in its ionosphere.
  3. The reactor is placed at the opposite side of the hill,and is being cooled by the 480°C cold Venusian "air". It feeds the turboexpander which transfers the expansion/compression work to similar "air", warming it from 480 to 700..800 and exhausting up with a smoke pipe, separated with a reflective screen. Hot parts are outside of the habitat hull. They are connected with pipes.
  4. What's the purpose of killing the in-NO-CENT people for money? As pirates, you should avoid the people with no cent, you should rob the in-A-LOT-OF-CENT people. See the Robbing Hood practice. And here we come to the question: why is the license given by the state, founded by the Normandy usurpator Guillaume le Bâtard, aka William The Conqueror, who later conquered and depopulated England, considered more legal than similar license from any free pirate republic? Only cuz they can? (Here we also come to the Ankh-Morpork Guilds of Thieves and Killers.)
  5. Privateers. They are both navy and pirates 2-in-1. Should they commit suicide?
  6. They do it right. They'll be just in time. https://planetes.fandom.com/wiki/Von_Braun
  7. The ISS had it once. Based on the leftmost docking port side position, it's easy to repeat.
  8. They first must construct ANY pylons at all. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/03/27/baltimore-bridge-collapse-bodies-missing-workers/ Some money numbers. https://pro-rbc-ru.translate.goog/demo/6606e1d89a794771d153b471?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp I'm disoriented. The bridge costed 60 mln USD, but the economic loss is already 800 mln USD. So, I still have no idea, what's cheaper, the bridge or the ship. Space lifts... They were so close ten years ago.
  9. So, when I was suggesting exactly that for cooling the Venereausian habitats with a turboexpander, powering it with an external nuke reactor, they were laughing "Ew! Ew! You dunno da Carnot cycle!" But when it has a brand label and called "heat pump", it is "Wow! Wow! Heat pump is da best!" A well-educated KSP player is so well-educated... Btw, the wiki doesn't explain the word "compressed". It is still compressed by the power of air and fire elementals power station.
  10. Dispellet A pellet, crafted by witch to dispel someone's magic.
  11. Casting Dispel Bane. And Dispel Ban.
  12. It's the 17th post here. 1300 bans in advance.
  13. The cat already did it for you.
  14. A big progress, if compare to the 0th gen warships like trieras. Being 35 m in length (Olympias triera) and armed with bows (30 m accuracy distance) and catapultas (85 m in the BBC study, and after several shots it was crashed). Having a ram as a part of the keel, and thus ramming right with keel beam into keel beam (flimsy envelope meets inertial shock, and then the enemy torches, thrown just from zero distance by hands). Somehow they were bombing even coastal fortresses, placed on high ground and separated with two hundred meters of coastline reefs and rocks.
  15. As it's the page 1299, banned be everyone who will have miss the 1300.
  16. Let's imagine a heatpump of the Universal size. The entropy is defeated, a perpetuum mobile is in every car.
  17. Carpenter A person who is penting the car.
  18. Calling 911 to ask her if her mom wants a son-in-law.
  19. Yes, it's precisely juicetified. Why no Las Vegans?
  20. Yes, it'sparta hill. 'Tsparta Hill
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