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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Beale's amazing tutorial describes step-by-step a part creation and integration. (About the Unity - from the words "Unity time!"). Following this reference I've integrated several free 3d models as VAB parts and as KerbalKonstructs static objects. You need Unity 5 and PartTools for KSP 1.1 installed. (I used Unity 4 and PartTools for 0.23 with KSP 1.1.x — still with no problems.)
  2. Now it's a griefers' turn: to write a predator bot hunting the pokemons before anybody can catch them. While the crowd of muggles can see just a dull cityscape, a Pokemongo stalker will see creepy creatures tearing the pokemons apart around the street and frighten the bypassers with screams of disappointment and furor.
  3. They will update this list while you'll be showing progress.
  4. I just followed the original assumption. Also, how we can know: maybe Li, Be and B (i.e. the lightest elements, presumably the most widespread) are so rare in the Universe because the ancient intergalactic civilisation of Forerunners spent them massacring each other's stars. Look, honorable PB666 believes that we cannot exclude this theory.
  5. Most of the gas thrown away will stay on low orbit (inside the Triton's orbital sphere), so the gravitational mass will not significantly decrease.
  6. Comets consist mostly of oxygen (H2O, CO2) and fly with near-escape speed. So, this means they should spend ~12 km/s to move the iceberg to the Earth orbit and then throw out 95% of its mass because they already have enough oxygen and rocks on the Moon. It's easier just to deliver hydrogen from the Earth. The same with nitrogen from Titan. You can calculate total dV to put a nitrogen tank onto: 1) Titan escape 2) Saturn escape 3) Earth transfer 4) near-Earth parabola-circle reorbit And you realize that it's easier to launch the Nitro from the Earth. So, they must deliver either ammonia or hydrazine from the Earth. The former is easier to make, the latter is easier to deliver and store. As every launch means thousand tonnes of burnt fuel and they need to store the delivered substance, hydrazine is more relevant choice.
  7. Btw, an oxygen atmosphere is not much breathable, unless you're going to breed lunar scorpions 10 meters long herded by teethless shepherds.. Humans also need Nitro to breathe and Hydro to drink. So, you must deliver an ocean of hydrazine to there.
  8. That would be not a star, but a hot steam cloud which would then mostly condensate and rain back onto the Neptune. Triton would be probably damaged and its orbit would be definitely affected at least by the drag force of this cloud. As it's already near the Roche limit, it would be probably teared apart by tidal forces and make a dense ring system which would fall down onto the Neptune too several millenia later. Afaik, the last planet where the greenhouse effect can keep more or less decorous temperature conditions is Saturn.
  9. Both car and VTOL are saving their engine minimizing its power. One - thanks to the inertia, another - thanks to the lifting force of the air. VTOL plane can stay in air without wings, but it does the same.
  10. Do you keep the gas pedal pressed into the floor all the road driving a car? Or it's mostly moved by inertia?
  11. We can dip out its inner meat, leaving its crust, then spinning it fast. This gives a hollow Moon with normal gravity on its inner surface near equator and a gravitationally stable breathable atmosphere inside. Linear speed on the outer equator would exceed the escape speed, of course, but it's no problem if we make an outer iron belt from its former iron core.
  12. What a strange fantasy. Why catch the comets, while they have enough icy moons and iceteroids for that? They could also make a belt of beryllium dust around the Sun making it burn hotter.
  13. Not necessary. You're a slider (I mean a slider on a logarithmic ruler) running maybe an open path, maybe a closed loop, maybe a closed loop with possible side branches. So, you can step on another way, but you can already loop endlessly. As you have appeared on a branch of a multiverse, the conservation laws tell that this branch includes your presence as a condition of this conservation. So, that's without you this branch would break the laws, while you are a necessary piece of the conservation puzzle. You don't "can", you must appear on this branch to preserve the laws. So, the thermodynamics not allows, but needs you there. As the time is just one of dimensions, it belongs to the same Universe. Nothing neither needs, nor can to come into, it eternally exists as a member of equation. Say, solving "y = ax + b", you don't care whether a,b,x,y already appeared there and where they came from. They just given. You are just given on any branch of the multiverse like a coefficent.
  14. Somebody should write "Pokemongos' survival guide". Vertigo, Vendigo, Pokemongo.
  15. Solar flares, proton storms, sometimes gamma-bursts from outside, often geomagnetic storms. Streams of ultraviolet alternating with solid clouds of protium hydroxyl covering all over the sky. Only the radiation belt helps, but the planet core with magnetic poles looks liquid and unstable too, and the crust shakes from time to time.
  16. Many small engines = boom-boom. One large engine = bada-bada-boom.
  17. If RP - "roleplay", no. A collection of fanfics on the same theme, with moderators, etc. But not a game.
  18. SCP — Special Containment Procedures or Secure, Contain, Protect. http://www.scp-wiki.net Series III (2000-2999) Series II (1000-1999) Series I (001-999) An internet setting/project/pen-game about a fictional worldwide Foundation collecting surrealistic/fictional/anomalous artifacts and protecting the humanity. A large catalog of the artifact descriptions and short mostly creepy novels about them, with main characters and organizations, crossing between each other. A bunch of casual computer games/mods, creepy stories and from time to time movies are based/use this setting. Basic classes of danger. http://www.scp-wiki.net/object-classes Classes of personnel (pay attention for D) http://www.scp-wiki.net/security-clearance-levels
  19. Everything what really could destroy the Universe, had already destroyed it. We live in a safe one.
  20. That's why we never hear about successful attempts to build a time machine. Every time the next inventor creates it, he enters "yesterday" — just to test. And a moment later both machine and inventor are floating a light day behind the Earth. Probably, there is already a comet tail of time machines and their inventors behind the Solar System.
  21. As F9 launch mass is ~25-30 times greater that its first stage landing mass, such quad in total should give ~9/25 = 1/3 of one Merlin engine thrust.
  22. The key question is: whether this a single-use time machine, or you can use it permanently. If permanently, would be better to do voyages to the early XV century, buying here pepper and bullet-proof vests, sending them there for gold and storing this gold in a XV cent. Swiss bank on 500-years deposit, also buying a city district in Geneva and leasing it for rent. Maybe, Biff would be banned for life after several initial wins.
  23. Or they would just use 1 big engine to ascent (700 t) and a quad of small to land (25 t).
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