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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They could grow uncut joint twins as a single pack, then separate them.
  2. Btw, about the correlation between the intellect and the socialization...
  3. I want to believe that they haven't seized every data storage 30 years ago, when the topic was hot...
  4. Btw, the movie, quoted in another thread. Should an underwater dino have small nostrils at the very end of the face?
  5. GPS = 105 km Galaxy = 105 ly Universe Today = 109 ly It's a ~1016..1020 times gap between the GPS and the Universe scales. Like between the human scale and the elementary particles.
  6. "Don't let your child the internet. It gets dumber... the internet." (c)
  7. The offender should just run to the interceptor's base and be a kamikaze.
  8. No, I mean if the name will be updated, and the "only one rename per user" rule got performed. (Or it will be cancelled "Enter another name" and not updated.) I'm ready to be a guinea pig for such experiment.
  9. Working with people... https://arxiv.org/pdf/2307.09009.pdf https://pikabu-ru.translate.goog/story/issledovateli_iz_stenforda_vyiyasnili_chto_chatgpt_stal_gorazdo_slabee_10481694?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  10. Yes, sir. You can see infusoria, bacteria, amoebas, and even a wom from that pool. Beertender! I don't want just something beer, I want the beest.
  11. Does renaming into the same name change the name?
  12. Floor 3567: An empty hall with a caption above the door: "Who needs manuals?"
  13. Axioms can't be proven or disproven. They define the area of proofability. Previous conclusions were that perpetuum mobile is impossible, and entropy is growing. The Hubble's law is a kind of observational astrology. Sometimes matches the result, but a law? Why not Titius-Bode as well? Many times and in different schemes. All of them were based on the idea that the tool is not a part of aethereal flow. If the light doesn't consist of aether as well. Otherwise the laser beam is also a part of balloon, drifting with wind. Iirc, the Universal equations were including average Universe density. So, 3/4 was missed, but the equilibrium stays same.
  14. I'm not sure if the statue is ancient at all, but where are terracota vases with scenes of casting, instead of forging or just touching with hands with forging tools at background? For example something like (I believe, also fake, but still) this: (Look, the "Ancient Egyptian" painters were better students, than "Hellenic" ones. They were visiting the university lections and were attentively reading the professor's books, which they were illustrating, so they didn't equip their Pepi-Boys-B.C.-3000) with totally anachronistic hammers, anvils, and tongs. Respect, "Ancient Egyptian" painters, you're strong, you're best.) It's just a heavy bulb on a thin stem. A purposedly piercing sword: A purposedly cutting sword: A purpocedly chopping sword: As we can see, the "xiphos" is the worst case of any. Too wide at the end to pierce and unbalanced (CoM close to the end), too curved at the middle to smoothly cut, too "not-concentrated" and with fragile thin stem to chop. No reason to have such weapon at all, anything another is better. Except, the khopesh, of course. That one is even more conceptual. Khopesh is not stupid, it's aesthetically a killer feature, lol. It's stylish, brutal, and exotic. I note the joint between the stem and the blade. It's very "wise" to cast a bronse sword with angular joint instead of a simple scimitar-like arc, lol. It allows the mechanical stress concentrate at this joint, and also metal casting is fond of sharp, angular, and tiny details. Surface tension of the liquid metal? Who had ever heard about it? But aesthetically the Egyptian stylists are the best, like always. The "Egyptian" conciseness and reproducibility are outstanding. Make a template, and even the most lazy and stupid student can make graphic outlines or cast bronze. Just substitute another head template to the body. But back to the khopesh. Also, it doesn't look that popular, like in Holy Wood. Usually the pharaohs are charriot archers, and the infantry is armed with clubs.
  15. Yes, here is an underground soup river. We are taking from it. Waiter! Piranha sushi, please.
  16. (3) Of course, we're excluding a sabotage.
  17. Any image of Hephaestus as a bronze caster? "Homer" is definitely talking about copper and bronze in "his" poem. None of them is forged, only casted. If they were using bronze, they were daily seeing the casters, but not smiths. No anvils, no hammers. Only crucibles. P.S. Wait... Any image of casting on the ancient vase at all? P.P.S. A modern replica of Ancient Greek (?) Xiphos. Why this strange bulb? It's equally bad for piercing, cutting and slashing. Why this silly narrow part, which will obviously be crashed or bended? But it's organic for a wooden thing with a wide microlith holder. Isn't the "xiphos" a later fake, when they casted bronze in a clay form made of real ancient wooden-stone sword?
  18. Banned for banning the bantillery.
  19. How can the age stay same, when it was calculated before the Dark Matter had entered the room? Stop. Wasn't the expansion model perfectly balanced without it? Oops. Is the whole galaxy evolution model still relevant, if keep the Dark Matter? And the stars. The first generation stars, the hydrogen giants. The Dark Matter is 10 000 K hot? Where is the thermodynamic equilibrium then? Why is it not warming us to decrease the temperature gradient and let the entropy raise?
  20. The biology is mostly about a knife and a magnifying glass. The DNA also can be touched and studied directly. No need to believe when you can just vivisect this. And yes, your example is perfectly accurate. The DNA has been discovered in 1953, much later than that. The Einstein's postulates. Just given without any explanation. The empirical Hubble's law, to which the expansional model was pulled by ears. The very idea of the Universe expansion, a perpetuum mobile. The hydrodynamics which is a hybride of numerology and alchemy, because it's based on purely unexplained empirical magic numbers. The Michelson-Morley experiment. A search for aethereal flow, made by the tools consisting of the same aether, so moving with the aether speed. It's like measure the wind speed, sitting on a balloon. (I don't say, that the aether exists, but the experiment looks... strange.)
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