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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It craps everything around to make no difference, what's clean. Was the Alien from Alien a real protagonist of the franchise.
  2. Gets a Babel Tower. Inserts a clay brick.
  3. Mathematical definition: Sm = km ln W, wkere W is number of possible states of the system Physical definition: 1/T = kph dSph/dE, wkere E is total energy of the system As the Universe is a closed and adiabatic system, and it is expanding (i.e. a physical process, which inevitably means growth of entropy), then it's evolving to the state of maximum entropy, i.e. heat death (tm), where its further expansion is impossible, or its evolution is unpredictable, i.e. chaotic. It is presumed, based on interpretation of the observed star position and light wavelength in the visible part of physically observable Universe. And thus, how can be we sure that the Universe is in its predictable part of its evolution, instead of chaotically shivering.
  4. Don't forget to keep your sleeping bed behind enough thick walls to prevent the mob teleportation. Sleeper Thick Hill.
  5. Actually, the mountaineers are psychologically weak people with low self-esteem and acrophobia. They can't resist the call of abyss which makes them hang over it again and again, instead of just make a step away from the cliff, and live like the normal people do. And they need to be admired by casual people to feel higher (in both senses) than they are.
  6. A whole lot of Johns and Janes Doe were doeing that? Doe you really want to join them? Wellerman! A whale-done whale steak, please.
  7. Idk about "build"... Why were they delivering the single Little Boy by the cruiser, while others just by planes?
  8. Granted. You win a special prize, a feud with 200 pleasants. I wish the 007 agent was doing anything except drinking and chicking in his movies.
  9. Calling 911 because the sky is getting purrple.
  10. Gets Millenium Falcon Fakeup. Inserts Calamari Corvette.
  11. When Gandalf visited Shire, he didn't need anything from the hobbits. He needed nothing. He needed a real nothing, a real loser, a true shlimazel that would fail everything even with the mighty The One Ring. That 's how Frodo began his way.
  12. The ocean planet would turn into either into Supervenus, or into Underuranus.
  13. But the entropy is a measure of chaos. How can the Universe keep expanding determinately, when the growing entropy should make its further evolution chaotic.
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