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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Actually, the Apollo and Space Shuttle projects were the worst choice, as they killed much more perspective DynaSoar.
  2. Hel' is stopping banhammer. She dislikes when they call her Hello.
  3. First of all, the ship commander must refresh his knowledge of Space Fleet Codex Of Rules And Regulations. There he will read that in case of unpredicted contact, discovery, or unexplainable crew behavioristic or mental malfunction, the commander must declare the state of emergency (see App. 5a of the Codex for details), disable the ship propulsion system, minimize power consumption, put the board AI into safe mode, send the emergency signal to the nearest base of Space Fleet, an refrain from any unauthorized study, investigation, or contact with possible extraterrestrial civilization or natural phenomenon until the escape and investigation team arrival. The crew members must be isolated from any contact with the source of emergency as totally as possible. The self-destruction system of the spaceship is controlled by the board AI even in its safe mode, so no need to activate it manually. Upd. After sending the emergency signal, the long-range communication system must be destroyed to prevent its usage by the potentially hostile alien civilization for the purpose of cybernetic or mental intrusion. The quarantine mode is automatically declared from the moment of the original event of discovery or contact. The crew is considered physically contaminated and mentally controlled by the potentially hostile force, until further decisions. Any opposition to the escape and investigation team may be treated as alien aggression and result into physical sanation of the ship and its crew. An attempt to hide or remain silent on the fact of the discovery or the contact equates to the active opposition to the investigation and can be treated as a complicity with the alleged alien aggression.
  4. After all, the AmG6 slab is ~1.75x4.4 m. 7x1.75/pi = 3.9 m (Zenith) 3x4.4/pi = 4.1 m (Soyuz-5).
  5. Alien Romulus It took me about thirty seconds to look through and remove. Since 1988 it's the 1st time when I was rooting for the xenomorph.
  6. Bandozen Bulldozer is catering and pilling.
  7. Zombee are making honey. Zombee Honey Hill
  8. Calling 911 because it's Purrge Night again.
  9. Flatter 5721: A plane without tail is flying by.
  10. It's an eco-soup. Frog skin, green beans, some chili pepper. Waiter! What's the octane number of this soup?
  11. It craps everything around to make no difference, what's clean. Was the Alien from Alien a real protagonist of the franchise.
  12. Gets a Babel Tower. Inserts a clay brick.
  13. Mathematical definition: Sm = km ln W, wkere W is number of possible states of the system Physical definition: 1/T = kph dSph/dE, wkere E is total energy of the system As the Universe is a closed and adiabatic system, and it is expanding (i.e. a physical process, which inevitably means growth of entropy), then it's evolving to the state of maximum entropy, i.e. heat death (tm), where its further expansion is impossible, or its evolution is unpredictable, i.e. chaotic. It is presumed, based on interpretation of the observed star position and light wavelength in the visible part of physically observable Universe. And thus, how can be we sure that the Universe is in its predictable part of its evolution, instead of chaotically shivering.
  14. Don't forget to keep your sleeping bed behind enough thick walls to prevent the mob teleportation. Sleeper Thick Hill.
  15. Actually, the mountaineers are psychologically weak people with low self-esteem and acrophobia. They can't resist the call of abyss which makes them hang over it again and again, instead of just make a step away from the cliff, and live like the normal people do. And they need to be admired by casual people to feel higher (in both senses) than they are.
  16. A whole lot of Johns and Janes Doe were doeing that? Doe you really want to join them? Wellerman! A whale-done whale steak, please.
  17. Idk about "build"... Why were they delivering the single Little Boy by the cruiser, while others just by planes?
  18. Granted. You win a special prize, a feud with 200 pleasants. I wish the 007 agent was doing anything except drinking and chicking in his movies.
  19. Calling 911 because the sky is getting purrple.
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