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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Calling 911 to play Trivial Purrsuit.
  2. The Cookie Brigade is making a green cookie. Zardozookie.
  3. Gets a 2020s remake, and a ton of fanfics. Inserts a Kontrol Key.
  4. "Now we really understand and appreciate the wise advice from the former head of Roscosmos, Mr. Rogozin. If we had a trampoline on ground, the things would be much easier."
  5. Flamberge 5715: A curvy scabbard for the curvy sword.
  6. Calling this downtown is cheating. This is a downtown.
  7. Nothing. The 4-star General knowledge is still greater than the 3-star General one. Where do the clients vote to rate the Generals with stars?
  8. Somebody should fill it with water. Aquarius Hill
  9. Granted you are her MIT, whoever is she. I wish the M in MIT was for Miskatonic.
  10. Full of 30 yo virgins. Full of ex-80yo retirees, become unqualified 30 yo which had lost their pension and full of outdated skills. Why? The masons would anyway need a safe colony, separated by ocean from the real world. So, probably even the dollar design would be same. Though, as the told volunteers from Africa would be able to farm the cotton and tabacco immortally, the slave trading and related problems would be less accented. Lawyers would have lost a half of their income. No ancested property, no internal family battles. Like if the 300 yo zoomers don't have some property to care about the ancesting. It has. Just you don't belong to, so aren't told about. Some countries ruled by the same persons for centuries, some others by a couple of their peers, infinitely swapping every several years with 50:50 votes. (Just a theoretical, fictional model, never being actually real. Don't think about the EU, US, or something in between. Purely hypothetical.) After the 24th rebellion, raised by the same immortal persons, they would be tired, and would stop playing the pendence/de-pendence game. But yeah, total promisquity, as after 300 years of adultery they would just forget, who had(n't) already slept with whom, and whom was that single blond hair on husband's shoulder belong to. ~5 mln of free humans + ~200 mln of underhumans to serve them. Others other hanged by themselves, or helped by the neighbors. (Of course, counting only the adults, without the biofactory volatile resource, aka expendable toddlers). No, since he was having too long tongue. Would be playing his Moonlight Sonata on the Moon. As he's anyway deaf, he doesn't need air to hear it. This was an optimistical pov. Now, let's listen the opposite party and compare the crowds size. Technically, >12, not counting the additional 70 ones. No officially authorized witnesses of his post-Gethsemane adventures. Only rumors. Body-augmented directly with particles of the authentic Corpus Christi (firstly Last Supper, thenly Pentecost). Others received it via indirect sources. after having sprode the Corpus Christi among the local communes, so technically being depleted. So, living in Basilica cryptas and far monasteries, far from the changed worldly needs and deeds, the society would be even not aware of the several tens more old monks. the sinful material world has gone, and the united world of spirit is everywhere (not gnosticism, of course). Of course, in the optimistic finale. And possibility of deserting and making others have their headache with all this stuff, instead of endlessly bothering yourself. *** So, basically it would stay same.
  11. Google, "acid canyon trail radioactive" (some links contain politics, so didn't post them). https://vsluh-net.translate.goog/4165-populjarnaja-turisticheskaja-tropa-v-ssha-okazalas-radioaktivnee-chernobylja.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Should the New Mexico dwellers fear the feral ghouls and deathclaws? Is it now explained, what is howling there in the night from the hills? Acid Canyon appeared to be more radioactive than Chernobyl zone. P.S. Think positive: pure plutonium for free.
  12. Calling 911 because the Spurrtans are throwing various things into the only well.
  13. An AmerIndian tribe attacks. Chingachgookie
  14. The admin, trying to repair the virtual Windows on the Linux-powered server. Smells like cheese and uses wine.
  15. Receives Punt. Inserts a bong, "AK-47", and bazooka.
  16. They call me Ban Maker for making bans, because someban must do this work, otherwise the unbanned would stay unbanned, and thus never get banned.
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