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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Floor 5602: The hangover after the 5601 celebration of 5600.
  2. The more I know about the German rockets, the more I'm sure that they were an act of sabotage from the Allies.
  3. They wouldn't call a good thing "web". Could AI appear in steampunk world?
  4. Your acute, sir. The cook is still pudding the second part. Fountainder! Absinthe for synths.
  5. Granted. He bought a plotter. I wish for CDs made of stone in pseudoegyptian style.
  6. Gets ruby rose. Inserts Natalie Jongjaroenlarp.
  7. Calling 911 to ask if they are good purritans.
  8. "Hmm... Martian mole crickets! Somebody has planted potatoes right here."
  9. Cruella gets stuck. Gluella Hill
  10. Floor 5599: Twinfifty twinine warn you about the next floor, ending with double zero.
  11. There can be a liquid undermars ocean. At ~20 km depth, between the gravel, enough to cover Mars with 1..2 km of water. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2409983121
  12. I mean to see what are they doing at those moments. Maybe it somehow depends on the lunar tides. High water - server is underwater, low water - server is available. *** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Beach_(2000_film) Maybe like in the novel, the wind is moving the window there and back, switching the server on/off.
  13. Yes, the bottle rocketry was very popular in early 1990s among the students and not students. Just add water as much as needed. Of course, he was a naive innocent extraterrestrial being, and wasn't aware of the alcohol... toxicity..., and didn't put the mask on. On the other hand, shouldn't he celebrate his first day? The near-WWII torpedo boats first were fueled with ethanol, then to help the crew stay safe from it, they started using https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denatured_alcohol
  14. Is it known, where are the forum servers physically standing geographically?
  15. Why do they tell in the Little Red Riding Hood tale, that Wolf ate Grannie? Did somebody see that? *** That's Grannie herself was a werewolf. That's why the LRRH girl confused Wolf with Grannie, that's why Wolf was able to speak, that's why Wolf was aware of the LRRH girl route. *** The Witch aka "Mother" sent Apprentice aka "Daughter" to Great Witch aka "Grannie" on full moon, to let her either pass the initiation ritual, or be sacrificed in case of failure. "Daughter" puts on the ritual clothes, the Red Riding Hood. The anecdote explains what it symbolizes: "Mother" gave to "Daughter" a "gift", i.e. a basket of ritual food: bread ("cakes") and in some versions wine, which obviously refer to the eucharistic meals, treated as having magic/supernatural properties (see Malleus Maleficarum for details, the chapters about witches which steal the blessed sacrament during the eucharist ceremony). The basket protects "Daughter" from physical contact with the "gift". "Mother" tells to "Daughter": "Thou shalt follow the Way through the Wood and never stray from the Path." It obviously means not just the forest trail, but the dark and grim Path of Witch, which the apprentice "Daughter" must consistently follow. The Great Witch aka "Grannie" turns into her animal form, and meets "Daughter" at the midway. She asks usual ritual questions and receives the ritual answers, like: "Who are you?" - "I am Little Red Riding Hood / Cap". (Notice, that we never hear her real name. It's basics, the witch avoids telling her real name to others to be safe from magic possession by it.) "Where you go to?" - "To my Grannie". "Where lives Grannie?" - "At the other side of the Wood". "What do you carry?" - "Mother's gifts for Grannie." While the Great Witch is asking, the Apprentice is still protected by the sacred "gifts" in the basket, because Great Witch in her unnatural werewolf form avoids having contact with them. Then "Grannie" leaves "Daughter", and returns to her witch sanctuary aka "Grannie's Home", turns back into her human form, and gets into bed. "Daughter" reaches "Grannie's Home", enters it, and puts the delivered sacred "gifts" on table. Remarkably, noone of them eats or even touches the "gifts". It's explainable, as the "food" is not for food, but is used as a magic artifact. "Daughter" starts asking "Grannie" about her eyes, ears, teeth, and so on, sequentially moving the focus of attention on the parts of human body, immediately turning into the members of a wolf. The sequence of her questions looks obviously planned and thus ritual. On mentioning the teeth, i.e. the most remarkable part of a wolf, "Grannie" turns into wolf (kinda it appeared that the wolf ate Grannie), and swallows the apprentice. As wolves and dogs can't swallow something big with their tiny mouths and narrow throats, this is obviously a symbolic act of merging of the Apprentice, the Witch, and the Wolf. The Apprentice finishes following the initiation path in the Wolf, and becomes it herself. The tale has several versions of ending, and all of them are actually the same. If Grannie and Girl stay eaten, and nobody kills Wolf, it just means that the Apprentice has become the Werewolf instead of the former apprentice girl. If the woodcutters/hunters kill Wolf, and they escape, it just means a return of the Werewol(f/ves) to the usual human form until their next turn. The "Grannie"'s illness can be either a part of ritual, or be a real desease, which makes Great Witch accept another witch as her replacement, and the apprentice Girl is sent by the "Mother" witch exactly for that. So, the Little Red Riding Hood is actually a story of an apprentice witch initiation into the werewolf. *** The Grim Brothers were documentary writers. They just softened some hardcore moments to keep the readers sane, and told them that it was just a tale and not real, and also called themselves Grimm.
  16. Granted. It's the Enterprise secret deck. I wish the Vorlons had visited Vulcan.
  17. It doesn't want to eat you. Coffender! Instant coffee with instant water.
  18. No, but the things can phase through you. Is Naphtha a Egyptian deity name?
  19. Quark twins gluonic bridge.
  20. Gets something Sotheby's. Inserts a diamond diadem.
  21. Never heard of Shazam movies. Probably, some new episodes of Shazam Street.
  22. Banned because the kittie is purrifier.
  23. Not actually a question, but a minor invention for space. 1.1. Take a spherical 360 degree glovebox. 1.2. Cut off the gloves, but leave the cuffs in place. 2.1. Attach a multi-mode shower head on top. 2.2. Attach a canister of hand sanitizer. 2.3. Attach a hairdryer to blow through the shower head. 3. Attach the extendable space toilet urinal from below. When it's on, it's making vacuum, so it will be sucking out the spent water from the box and pumping it to other liquid wastes can. 4. Attach Arduino to switch between the modes: 15 sec = water with sanitizer 15 sec = clean water 30 sec = warm air PROFIT Now you have a compact zero-g spherical washbasin without any additional equipment but the shower head and the glovebox. The urinal, the hairdryer, the sanitizer, and the waste collector/processor already present onboard. You can use them separately or combine in the way described above. By making a big hole for head in the glovebox, you can also use it to wash hair or pet animals. P.S. Laughing? Now tell, how will you deliver tons of expendable napkins to the Martian ship during its 3-year long journey.
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