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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Checked. https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Sun Probably, the Sun is not a balrog, there are several blurry descriptions.
  2. Potassium iodide protects only from radioactive iodine, only in overdose amounts, and almost useless for 50+ yo.
  3. The eyes see for it. Are the sounds heard better in a room with fresh or spent air?
  4. The liquid fuel ones do. They use wet launch, when the shaft gets filled with water before the hatch opening, the pressure inside the shaft and fuel tank gets matching the water pressure outside, then the engine nozzle works like a hydrostatic bell for ignition and launch.
  5. https://spacenews.com/space-force-briefing-on-military-space-race-catches-jeff-bezos-attention/
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cephalopod#Locomotion_and_buoyancy
  7. Because you aren't aware of the L'Hôpital's rule. How much charcoal can you get from one Eywa?
  8. Banned by a creeper, a zombie, and three skeletons for putting the bed next to a thin wall.
  9. It's a magic pit an it's making any tech fail. See Arcanum.
  10. So, just to make a brief summary of the Sauron Atomics. In the early days of the Middle Earth there were two tower-like structures mounted, so-called Lamps. Each one contained a device powered with large amount of exotic matter. Based on the further details, it could be a charged strange star, suspended in magnetic field, exactly like the Sau's Eye in the LOTR ecranization. There were two of them, The support structure Helcar with the "star" Illuin, and its Southern counterpart Ringil with Ormal in it. The world (including at least Aman continent to the West and Middle Earth to the East) was 2-dimensional, so flat. The stars and their modern constellations were visible on sky, and thus were not the part of this 2d world, but the planets were not described, so we can presume that the known planets were situated at the distant areas of this large flat world. Thus, you couldn't be "orbiting" around something, but on the other hands you were able to reach another "planet" by hopping along a horizontal route. Though, it doesn't play a role to the moment. There were no real Sun and Moon there, they have appeared much later. The strange stars in the Lamps were enough bright to illuminate the world instead of them. *** When the Lamps had been destroyed due to some catastrophic events, their contents was splashed acrossed the land, as meteor shower of strangelets. Most of them just pierced the land matter and disappeared in the abyss of space-time continuum. But some got stuck and dispersed, damaging the surrounding rocks and modiying its minerals with enormous amounts of exotic particles like hyperons. This impregnated some metal ores (mostly the iron ore used for steel making) with hypernuclei, some of which appeared to be stable in that surrounding media, and the modied metal is commonly known as mithril. *** The Northern "tower", i.e. Helcar had bombarded with strangelets the lands known as Mordor, Moria, and others at the North. The Southern one, i.e. Ringil, did that somewhere far to the South. The details are unknown, but one can think that the modern Tierra del Fuego / Fireland is called so not just for the locals' fires, and it's rich with heavy metals not just because. *** The falling concentrated strange matter was also causing nucleosynthetic reactions in the minerals, which usually take place only in star explosions. Say, where they were hit the deposits of lead, the thorium deposits were appearing. One of large stragelet clots hit the ground to the NE from Mordor. A huge elongated crater was then filled by water and became the ancient Sea of Helcar. In the Third Epoch the remains of the Sea of Helcar are known as Sea of Rhun and Sea of Nurnen. Another piece of strange matter hit the place at the Mordor NW corner. This huge caldera, filled with ejecta and sediments, is known as Udun valley. Two huge mountain ridges appeared in the cracks of the Udun collision, to the East (Ered Lithui) and to the South (Ephel Dúath), almost perpendicularly to each other. In between there is a spur with the Orodruin peak on top. *** In the strange star splash, the territory to the south-east of Udun, including the listed ridges, was highly enriched with thorium ore (mona'zite.) It contains some low amount of uranium-235, but is very poor for it. The mountain ridges were especially rich for the thorium ore, and the place between them (where Orodruin stands) has a highly concentrated thorium ore deposit below. Though, as it's thorium, it wasn't able to provide a self-sustaining chain fission reaction in it. The rains which fall on the Ered Lithui and Ephel Dúath, wash out the mona'zite particles and bring them to the Sea of Nurnen. It makes the Sea of Nurnen the greatest available mineable source of thorium (in the form of mona'zite sand) in the 3rd Epoch Middle-Earth. And this dark-gray sand is what's making the whole Mordor dark-gray. *** When Sauron started the Mordor land development, they were mining the mona'zite sand at the Sea of Nurnen coastline, extracting the small particles of the uranium ore. After getting collected some inital amount of uranium-235, they made a pile of uranium-235 and charcoal bricks, and run a primitive fission reactor, like this one. It was built in the Orodruin cave, right on top of the thorium ore deposit. When the reactor got ready, they began putting inside the thorium from the Sea of Nurnen, so uranium-233 was being produced in it. The collected uranium-233 first was being put into the reactor to replace uranium-235, then stockpiled around, right in pits dug in the thorium ore . This was leading to what had happened later. The stockpiled uranium was being irradiated, heated up, the energy production in the reactor and outside of it was growing. And at some moment the reactor was melted and splashed around. The chain reaction exanded around, and the whole upper layer of the thorium deposit turned into a boiling lake of radioactive molten uranium-233 and thorium lava with chain reaction infinitely running in it. The thorium deposit turned into a molten-salt thorium-cycle breeding reactor. The active zone was expanding deeper and wider along the thorium ore deposit, and at some moment all Middle Earth had seen the ignition of the Mount Doom. This reactor became the main powerplant for the Mordor industry. It was being moderated, cooled, and managed by the underground water streams from same mountains. The waste heat was partially dropped into the heat sink of the Sea of Nurnen, partially turned water into steam exhausted by the cooling towers, which the illiterate hobbits called "volcanos", "throats", and so on. Since that time the Sauron's engineers weren't needing more fissiles for the reactor, but kept extracting the uranium-233 from the reactor for further enrichment. To make it clean from the parasite uranium-232, they were taking it out very early, so the uranium production rate was extremely slow. Sauron was immortal, so it didn't play a role for him, while the former elves, working there, were being irradiated for thousands of years, thus got mutated, and now are known as "orcs". The purpose of the stockpiled uranium-233 was unknown, as if Sau wanted to turn the Middle Earth into a wasteland, he could do that much sooner. This makes to think that its purpose was to build an Orion-like torchship to reach the distant lands by space hopping and capture them. Also the molten-salt reactor technology allowed him to build high-thrust Zubrin-style rockets. But due to their poor ISP (compared to Orion), we can presume that the molten-salt nuclear rocket engines were for the Orion launch boosters. *** *** The Moria Incident and the World Geometry. Another chunk of the strange matter hit the mountains of Moria, providing it with rich deposit of mithril (see above). The chunk didn't disappear, it got stuck deep below, and was causing a local anomaly, known as "Balrog Lair". The exotic matter stuck there, was a permanent source of extremely strong electromagnetic fields, causing local nuclear fusion reactions and spreading around self-confining clots of cooling hot plasma called "balrogs". Like the ball lightinings, but extremely strong. The elves together with the dwarves were going to catch such balrog into a magnetic trap, forge a pusher plate out of mythril, make a lot of steel pots, build an Orion-like torchship, and using the caged balrog as a fireball spawner, catch the fireball with a steel pot, throw it outside backwards, and thus propel the ship. Their aim was the same: to hop around the world and terraform it (in the elvish and dwarvish sense of the word). *** What could go wrong? Later they explained to hobbits that "the stupid dwarves awoke the balrog". But this is just a simplified explanation for a random audience. The real reason was another, and with much greater consequences than a fired in both senses herd of greedy idiots with pickaxes. *** Mithril bomb. As we can see, the mithril is (probably) a metal alloy, impregnated with hypernuclei, i.e. with atomic chunks of strange matter. But what if extract these chunks and bring them together? It will be a strangelet. A macroscopic chunk of strange matter with monstrous properties. And if throw it at something, it will either turn it into a larger strangelet, or explode. (There is no scientific consensus to the moment.) And how to extract the hypernuclei from mithril? Make a balrog crush it. Or put it between several balrogs. The mithril nuclei will turn into a clot of strange quark-gluonic plasma, which will turn into a strangelet. Could the dwarves invent this themselves? Of course, not. They are hands, not heads. So, it was a joint project of the elves and the dwarves. To build a Mithril Bomb as an ultimate weapon and a sparkplug to ignite new stars. Remember, Yavanna was igniting the stars in the sky. The elves were going to do this themselves, too. The dwarves were just pyromaniacs, they didn't care what to ignite. So, the Balrog Lair under Moria was not just a physical anomaly, not just a launch well for the coming fusion torchip, but also a Large Hadron Collider of the 3rd Epoch Middle Earth, just with mithril and balrogs. But the dwarbes were not enough cautious, secretly overpowered the balrog spawner, and the experiment exceed all expectations. The created strangelet was so big, that its radiation killed almost everyone in Moria even througn the rocks, and then it started growing and falling down through the bedrock. The strangelet was consuming the bedrock matter and growing, and its size finally reached the Schwartzschild radius. The strangelet had collapsed into a black hole, and the local space-time continuum metrics turned the 2d Arda into a self-containing 3d ball. Happily, the strangelet blackhole disappeared at this side of the Universe, remaining outside of it, so we can't find a blackhole in the center of the Earth, just molten rock. *** Of course, the elves were very angry at the dwarvish stupidity, and their relations are very strained. But the existence of the alternative project of Sauron makes them partners. (Though, as the dwarves need food, and the elves don't want to dig deep, they will probably restore their balrog torchsip project a bit later.)
  11. I'm just about our dungeon, street and dungeon-street cats.
  12. When you have to explain to the humans the very elementary things.
  13. In some part I still am it, just adult. Ridley Scott's Engineers vs Cameron's Na'vi. Who wins?
  14. That's what starts happening under your fiber lamp, if you don't clean your bookshelf.
  15. Depends on the subway station where that fast meat was caught.
  16. To the date the cat population is limited only by the amount of the available cheap sausages. (Even when they are married to their grandmother).
  17. That's Galadriel and Sauron forced me, they did!
  18. No. Usually they load what's needed and unload what's not currently used. That's how you run a 30 GB game on 8 GB RAM.
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