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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Sea_of_Núrnen And both Ephel Duath and Ered Lithui are described in the same colors. So, we can state that the Sea of Nurnen was just accumulating the mona'zite particles brought by the rivers from those mountain ridges. And actually, the North-West Mordor mountains were the deposit of the thorium ore. *** The very corner of Mordor is occupied by the Udûn valley. https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Udûn_(Mordor) We can see a watered depression at both sides of Udûn. There is Dagorlad to the NW and Nurnen to th SE. As Udûn is presumably a caldera filled by sediments, and both thorium-rich ridges are connected to it with one end, we can presume that the main thorium deposit is lying beneath and around the Udûn valley, and the Mount Doom (i.e. Orodruin) has appeared naturally on its creation and was full of thorium as well. This makes to think that the Sea of Nurnen is just the upper open pool of underground water basin under the Gorgoroth plain and Orodruin itself. So, it's possible that there could be a natural nuclear reactor beneath Orodruin, if it was rich with uranium ore instead of thorium. And this explains the choice of this place for the heart of the Mordor industry. The were mining the mona'zite sand at the Sea of Nurnen, feeding it to the thoriun-cycle molten-salt reactor developed just inside the potential natural underground reactor. The produced uranium-233 mostly was staying inside this huge reactor below the Orodruin, but was partially extracted, enriched (cleaned from U-232) and stockpiled for further usage in the Sauronukes and portable molten salt reactors, including the torchship engine. *** Moria. As we can see, its door was flimsy, and the protection was absolutely weak and stupid, like: "Say something". "Something". It shows that the strong mythril door was built not to keep something outside, but to keep it inside. In other words, it was not a security door, but a firewall. This means that the Moria dwarves knew very well what they have woke up, and were agreed to risk with Moria. Who are the balrogs? They are described as absolutely free and merciless daemons of fire, and even Melkor wasn't able to control them. But why are these villains just sleeping below when there is a verical well where the Gandalf was fighting??? Why would they not get up and burn everything? Why were the dwarves so careless with that? The answer is obvious: the balrogs don't have a will. They are not agressive, they are just the fire which burns but not because it's angry. They aren't "who", they are "what". Just stable self-containing clouds of plasma like the famous ball lightnings. They don't attack anyone, they just get attracted by air flow or magnetic fields when a hero has started a mess. Once they are stop getting forced, they just return to the default location by the magnetic lines. So, to build a NoldOrion you can just attract a balrog, put it into a magnetic cage onboard, and then just make it spawning tiny fireballs, catch them with mythril pots and a second later throw away from the ship, The fireballs (fire elementals?) will be a replacement for the Orion nukes. Of course the pusher plate should be made of mythril to withstand this. And that's why the dwarves just built a bridge on top of the balrog shaft, instead of patching it all. It was a torchship launchpad. Its position makes it easy the balrog loading/unloading, and provides the initial push to throw the Orion / Telumehtar / Menelmacar torchship up to the safe altitude to start nuking balrogging. *** Where is the balrog shaft situated? The bridge they were crossing is Bridge of Khazad-dûm. It's placed next to the Moria's eastmost Dimrill Gate, which is opened into the Azanulbizar/Dimrill Dale/Nanduhirion valley. That's where the torchship launch shaft would be opened on top, once the ship is ready. At the green corner. As we can see, it's pretty close to Lorien, where the vast majority of the elvish biotech is placed. *** What do we know about the elvish biotech products? Obviously, the mallorns which can rapidly occupy any territory seeming to be habitable. Also they are hight, which means they are endemyc flora killers. Read the description of Lorien. It's just dark. Nothing would effectively grow in their shadow. Lembas, a very caloric product looking simiar to bread. Where can you find caloric plants in the dark forest? Obviously, it's a super-GMO crop driven by the elvish biotech. The potion of growth, occasionally tested on two random hobbits (with two others left as control group). The potion was from ents? Yes. But who were the ents from? *** In the known video it's being explained that the ents are a symbiosis of semi-sapient slime mold and a random tree. Their thoughts and personality belong to the slime-mold cell network, which acts like a distributed brain. They are controlling the ent's tree body like Cordyceps controls an insect. As no other reasonable hypotheses are suggested, this looks like a good explanation to the moment. But in any case, who could run the semi-sapient (they are really stupid) trees except the Lorien elves? The best explanation is that the elves have brought to the forest and spreaded the strain of GMO slime mold which locally evolved into some amount of "ents". It looks like these ents can follow a simple agressive defence program by killing the intruders or even attacking Isengard. It doesn't look like they are able to do something else, and obviously their tree part is a random wooden junk. But what if combine the slime mold tested on "ents" with the invincible mallorn seed? It will be a ready-to-use invasion army of trees, making everything a new part of Lorien. For safety the elves splitted these two GMO studies. *** Are the Lorien elves aware of hobbits? Of course, they are. And they have used them to test both mallorn seed and potion of growth (and the crops fertlity modification caused by the grown mallorn). Where the hobbits have appeared from? Their names and native language (not Westron) show that they are in close relations with Rohirrim. (According to the additional materials). Could their miniaturisation happen naturally? Of course, not. They would be quickly eliminated by the neighbors. Unless they were protected by And their 16th commander was Aragorn, who So, Shire was an elvish experimental farm. It was populated by the descendants of captured Rohirrim, who was GMO-minituarized, told that they are "hobbits" and were adapted to be farmers. Their simple and primitive culture was making them ideal elvish servants. They were farming elvish GMO crops and fruits, so the harvest was always good. Probably, the Lorien elves needed low-level gardeners for their future megaforest, and the hobbits were created for this purpose. But the mallorn gardeners need to eat, so the Shire farming was a test of their food supply system. Their half-size was a guarantee that they will create less problems that the elf-sized himans. The next interesting step of the elvish study probably would be the installation of a Cordyceps-like fungi into the hobbit brains and a connection of the megamegaforest in one network. Mallorns ents controlled by the slime mold and hobbit servants controlled by Cordyceps under the management of the Lorien elves with Alatariel on the pyramid top.
  2. Earendil was using one of the Silmarils, which they don't have. This artifact first opened him the way to the Valinor through the Shadowy Seas barrier, then let him fly in the sky despite of the gravity, As the world was finally turned from 2d to 3d to prevent such travels, the Silmaril is obviously a topologically active artifact affecting the n-dimensional world metrics and curvature. As we can remember, the Silmarils were some transparent containers, filled with the "light of the Two Trees of Valinor". The flasks themselves are described like "looking like diamond but harder", or so. So, we can even presume some carbon monocrystal matrix containing some kind of exotic matter (in magnetic field?). The nature of the exotic matter of the Trees stays unknown, but as the Trees were enough bright to illuminate the whole world, it's something rather specific. (No need to understand the "trees" literally as biological plants. It was some glowing twin-tree-like structure of unknown nature, described by the elvish poets for illiterate Middle-Earth audience.) So, the Silmarils were something like blackhole drive or Alcubierre drive, or another exotic matter drive, working on the space-time continuum level. As originally Feanor wasn't going to use them for travels, probably they were first of all exotic matter reactors, just used for the space travel purpose. This also explains the Melkor's perseverance in the Tree and Lamp destroying and Silmarils hunting. It was not vandalism, it was a struggle for the exotic matter and its power. *** So, as nobody in the 3rd Epoch Middle Earth had a Silmaril, they had to try the alternative ways of space travel. The rockets and the Orion. Also while gnomes dwarves and elves were using mythril for barbaric tools like plates and axes, and there is no known nuclear reactors at their places, Sauron needed a source of energy for his Tesla tower and industry. The molten salt reactor probably appeared for him to be the design of choice. We know that in the Mordor there was Sea of Núrnen, the remains of the Sea of Helcar, named after the Helcar Lamp ruined there. So, it's very possible that the Sea of Núrnen, which is thus actually a flooded crater of the exotic matter catastrophe, is rich with various isotopes created by the Helcar explosion. So, the Sea of Núrnen is the place where the Mordor refineries were taking the raw materials for the Orodruin powerplant. This defined for them the choice of the molten salt reactors, while the dwarves and elves had an access to the mythril and the Balrog fire. Also, see, the molten salt reactor can run the thorium cycle. The thorium ore is often known as "mona'zite mopedantte stupid word filter autoreplace sand". And the Núrnen land is described as "dark", "dark-gray", "black", "sad", etc. Now welcome the typical mona'zite sand. You can see here a typical Núrnen coastline. That's why Mordor is dark-gray and ashy, It's full of mona'zite sand from the Sea of Núrnen. This in turn makes to presume wide usage of uranium-233 in the Mordor nuclear plants and devices. (The uranium-233 appears in the irradiated thorium-232). Btw, it has three times lower critical mass than the traditional uranium-235 and can be used in nukes. You think "It's Mordor..." Mordor thinks "It's Tuesday..." But the problem with the uranium-233 usage is that it contains a lot of parasite uranium-232 which is very radioactive. That's why it's not widely used instead of the uranium-235. And this also explains why the orcs (originally elves) are so ugly. Working for thousands of years on the U-233 and U-232 separation plants, they have a lot of mutations. On the other hand, it allows to use them as expendables, because any death for them is just a desired euthanasia. This also makes to think that Mordor is rich with thorium but poor with natural uranium. And the previous two citadels, Utumno and Angband, were same, too. Probably it can tell something about the Valinor "Trees" and the Silmaril glowing substance nature. On explosion, they produce a lot of thorium, but a few of uranium (or the uranium gets burned in process, so only the thorium remains). *** The Orodruin explosion caused by the Ring is very descriptive here. If Frodo did like Gandalf told, and just threw the ring into the molten salt uranium-233-thorium "lava", probably nothing would happen, just the ring would be melted. But the ring dived in the "lava" being put on the Frodo's finger, bitten off by Gollum. The finger consists of flesh, which is 70% water. The water hydrogen is an effective neutron moderator. Look at the ring shape. Its cross-section is flat, like it's a short cylinder. It's made of gold, a very dense and high-atomic-number element. So, the ring was looking like an improvised pusher/tamper of a nuclear charge. When the ringed finger fell into the reaction zone of the Orodruin and dived due to the high density of gold, the ring was heated up to nuclear temperatures and started emitting heat photons. Also it started ablating. As its inner surface has less area than the outer one, the radiation and ablation compressed the ring and made it shrink, together with the uranium-233 atoms replacing the burnt finger. At the same time, the hydrogen of the former Frodo's finger was acting as neutron moderator, lowering the critical density value for the uranium. Thus, some tiny amount of uranium-233 received the criticality. This still could finish with a weak fizzle and a splash of "lava". But aside the Gollum's body got evaporated, injecting a lot of hydrogen atoms into the "lava", moderating the neutrons, and causing a flash of slowed neutrons irradiating the compressed ring. The critical mass inside the ring exploded. The explosion was rather weak, but it caused a shockwave in the molten nearly-critical uranium-thorium "lava". This caused a chain of local instabilities, causing numerous secondary local fission fizzles. And the whole mass of the Orodruin reacting "lava" started uncontrollably exploding, resulting in the total destruction of Orodruin and proximities. This also explains the absence of fireball and mushroom cloud. It was not an all-at-once explosion, but a rapid unplanned explosive disassembly, so the energy melted the rocks and pushed out the gases, but not released everything at one point. *** On the other hand, the Balrogs are described as highly self-manageable plasma entities. This makes to think that their nature is not based on uranium fission, but on some version of catalytic fusion in confined plasma. Remember, they are always described as using whips. Why should they use whips when they are fire? The only explanation is that the "whips" are actually protuberances appearing when the Balrog plasma moves along the magnetic force lines. So, the dwarvish-elvish project was utilizing some natural phenomenon of stable long-lasting plasma entities used as a fusion reactor. What is "mythril" stays unclear, but it's a relatively high-atomic element (elvish "silver") probably not belonging to the periodic table. But stable and not radiating (otherwise the mythril armor would be killing its owners). And the mythril is found below the mountains, close to the stable fusion anomaly known as "Balrogs". It can be presumed that mythril is a remaining mass of metal affected by the "Lamps" explosion, when the splash of exotic matter enriched the metal ore with particles like hyperons. So, probably the "mythril" contains some amount of stable hypernuclei giving it its specific properties. So, the dwarvish-elvish Orion ship propulsion system would be made of very strong hypernuclei-impregnated metal, and use the pots made out of same metal, with self-confined fusion plasma. *** Besides the Valinor, let's remember that the Middle Earth is just a part of much larger continent, and it's unknown, how many continents else are around. Also, as the world became 3d from 2d in the end of the Third Epoch, this can mean that all objects we can observe in 3d, were being placed on the infinite 2d flat surface before the 3d collapse. So, by hopping enough long, you could jump to another planet, star, or galaxy system. This makes the perspectives of the Middle Earth space torchships very promising. The Sauron's molten salt rocket would have much shorter range. But it would allow him to send the troops everywhere around and maybe capture the Valinor. Then he could make the Balrogs provide him with full-featured Orion fleet. *** Besides the nuclear topic. Traditionally the Middle-Earth is referenced as Europe, the Shire as England, etc. But look at the Helcaraxe straight. And compare it to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beringia So, the Valinorean elves have passed from the meridionally oriented land to the very East of a much greater land mass, across the ice shield covering the arctic straight, to the continent to the East from the Valinor. This obviously shows that Valinor can be identified as Kamchatka and Chukotka peninsulas, Enchanted Islands are Commander and other Pacific islands, Bay of Eldamar is Gulf of Anadyr, Alqualonde is located at the modern Anadyr town, Aman is Eurasia, and the Middle-Earth is North America. The Middle Earth locations probably can be identified with the North American landscape details, too, but to the moment I haven't gotten that deep. (And no, it's not a compliment that the Trees, Lamps, and the elves origin are located on the North American continent. It just means that the continent was used as a wasteland test site to experiment with highly dangerous matters, to keep the Aman continent safe).
  3. It could not be an orbital spacecraft. (Though, the Tilion and Arien daily skyboats could mean that it's also not that simple). But it can be a space hopper, say to reach one of the mentioned skyboats (aka Moon and Sun), or reach Valinor by space jump. As Ulmo was controlling the sea, it would allow to bypass his guard. Sauron even had no alternative. And the dwarves, too. *** Thinking again, the Orion drive was probably the Moria & Lorien project. While Sauron was developing a Zubrin-style molten-salt rocket. It also explains why Orodruin exploded when just a golden ring was dropped into. The ring had desstabilized the radiation and heat fine balance, and the reactive medium got supercritical.
  4. Granted. You get up early, at 3 a.m., and run the KSP-2 coded in Microsoft Access. Conditionally granted. First you have to find at least one crow on Kerbin. Have you ever seen them? I wish they had repair the water pipe in an hour.
  5. (Following the established tradition of indirect updation of the Orion master thread by subthreads merging, let me bring the idea which is just in the air since the new LOTR pseudo-prequel has raised the ancient evil from abyss.) Can a mythril door stop Balrog at least for a second? If yes, the dwarves could forge a pusher plate out of mythril, collect some fire elementals spawned by Balrog instead of nukes (maybe in mythril pots), and build a Telumehtar or Menelmacar space drive. Maybe some of the dwarvish failures (like Moria) were in fact an attempt to actually build it, and Moria was an underground launch site? Or even it was a joint venture between the dwarves and the elves, an interstellar ark to escape from the Middle Earth, say, if Sau wins? The dwarves of Moria provide the nuke drive, the elves of Laurelindorenan provide the life support and G.E.C.K. HURRY POR/TER "rapid terraforming portable kit" (remember the aggressively survivable mallorn seed and the potion of growth tested on two GMO hobbits). *** Sau had realized this long ago, he was running an opposing project ("Saurion"?) in Mordor (why, do you think, it's covered with ash and slag like a nuclear test site?) Orodruin was probably a lava pool launch system. Maybe also a molten salt reactor or drive prototype. Btw, what is the Balrog energy? Don't they consume uranium ore, naturally enrich it, and have a molten salt nuclear reactor in stomach? And orcs were a little bit rough because they were created as extraterrestrial colonists. As everyone knows, orcs are originally mutated elves, and this fact shows the origin of the Sau Orion project, His creative ancestor, Melkor, was trying to upgrade the elvish-dwarvish project, and Sauron is maintaining the legacy hardware he owns. *** Saruman's vanity was running his own low-budget project, the Orthank (sic! "Or-"), with water pool launch pad. And an unlicensed clone of orcs. *** What if the Middle Earth map is actually a map of competing space projects based on the Balrog energy, mythril constructions, and elvish Big Pharma biotech?
  6. Ряха /rjaha/ - Rus. "face" (rude)
  7. The idea of placing the pilot cabin inside the scoop is absolutely brilliant.
  8. Iirc, this (not sure aabout exact number) was posted in some of release announcements, dedicated to the final release coming.
  9. When your confused a tank model with its collider. https://cs14.pikabu.ru/video/2022/10/25/1666679722220996001_408x720.av1.mp4
  10. Usually the pilots never call each other "Brother" in the radio communication. They use callsigns and mention their own. The pilot is wearing green camouflage (the small mirror at first seconds) to hide from enemies, but keeps standing near the orange parachute, so unlikely is under possible attack. Unless it's from MSFS, it looks a training video.
  11. I've seen it. It looks close to what's known, but is theatrically dramatized in some respects. In whole, it was a military operation, when some get volunteered, others get mobilized.
  12. The CA earthquakes were local disasters in a wealthy country, they were only personal apocalypse for a limited amount of people living there. So, there was no competition for resources or so. The key factor was the overpopulation of rural areas, when excessive peasant population was making impossible effective agriculture on tiny individual plowlands. Since the mid-XIX the population had grown twice by the early XX, so the things got twice worse. In mid-XIX the plowland was 100% belonging to aristocracy and gentry (only they had official rights to be a landlord), while a lot of peasants (former serfs) didn't have any. So, the "(Plow)Land Question" was the Problem #1. In early XX all of them (tsarists, intellectuals, revolutionaries, and peasants) we absolutely sure that the plowland should be taken from the landlords and distributed among the peasants, to grow as much food as possible for the sake of everyone. The failed 1905-1907 revolution was driven mostly by this hope. But by ~1910 it unexpectedly appeared that the plowland has been already distributed among the peasants. The aristocracy was actively selling it, the peasants were actively capturing the unsold, so just ~20% of total plowland was not yet belonging to the peasants, but instead was occupied by large capitalist/aristocracy farm using modern agricultural methods. The peasants were not realizing that, and were full of hope that a whole lot of plowland belongs to the landlords and is waiting for the coming redistribution. The obvious thing to do was to have industry and to move the excessive amount of the peasants from the villages to the fabrics, then join their fields and found there large farms. But the problem was that the key technologies making that possible (synthetic ammonia for fertilizers and conveyor machinery building) were implemented only in 1912..1913 (Haber and Ford respectively), while in 1914 the WWI had begun. So, the mass industrialisation and large farm foundation had been delayed till the early 1930s (Industrialisation, Collectivisation, etc.) and was implemented in somewhat another way than it was seen from 1913. But in 1917 it was not that obvious, and the WWI was running bad. And the most important reason was that the soldiers were worrying to not miss the plowland redistribution in their native villages. The thing was that the village plowland was not typically owned by families, but by the whole village commune. And was yearly distributed among the village families proportionally to the... not eaters but male workers. (To use as much plowland as possible for the sake of whole village). This meant that a family of one male worker with seven eaters yearly got twice less plowland than a family with two male workers and three eaters. And a family without a worker (a widow with kids) got nothing. So, a million crowd of deserted and yet not deserted soldiers was waiting in several capital cities (Petrograd, Moscow, N. Novgorod, etc.), and once the Bolsheviks declared their "land for peasants, peace for peoples", they became the king of the hill. Though, the WWI was continuing, and the land redistribution process had mixed with the foreign military interventions and the regional separatism, so it was about four years of apocalypse when local governments, gangs, military formations, and various adventurers were establishing the new hierarchy. Then there was a couple of decades of aftermath and rapid and cruel industrial,agricultural, and political development. And by the end of 1930s the QoL reached the level of the 1913. It was another big disaster which happen from time to time, before and after. The government sent supplies and forces to help the survivors. Say, Ashkhabad earthquake in 1948 costed up to 100 k. Also, it happened in the middle of the 1990s economical depression and the First Chechen War (and just a decade after the ten year long Afghan War and Chernobyl, and not long before the Second Chechen War), so the attention was somewhat distributed among various disasters. is based on the whole free (sorry, Native Americans) continent ready to be owned by active and smart guys ready for hard working. Now you don't have it free, everything significant is owned. And the active and smart guy should follow the long legal ways to own something. Or... one man's apocalypse is another man's window of opportunities. And it's much easier to review the resources ownership when you have a gang. And the bigger is your gang, the more lesser gangs call you "boss". And to rule the territory instead of just robbing, you need institutes. And see - you become a party, and then you are a respectful founder of a new sovereign state of your name. Where you can prohibit whatever you want, while your neighbors prohibit the opposite. The American Civil War illustrates how two different countries are with honest eyes declaring that they are that exact pre-war country legal government, having quite opposite programs. So, there is unlikely a difference in mentality here, just a difference in available resources and the colors of the government army. The American-Canadian, American-British, American-Mexican, and other wars were not wars of lonely gunslingers and survivalists, but wars of a regular army, where villages were giving taxes and recruits. The same would happen in a post-apocalyptic US. Small gangs rob the villages and survivalists. Big gangs defeat the small gangs. Smart gangsters get hired by the biggest guy whose authority is by default obvious for every villager, i.e. the government. Finally, the government owns all available resources, cleans out all irregulars like the survivalists, and establish the rules of the public property re-owning, whether it's capitalism, socialism, or any other ism.
  13. Something connected to whiskey and "burn"?
  14. Isn't it to the date the long-lasting "returnable" (not expendable) spacecraft if sum all its flight durations? Shuttles were staying in space just for a couple of weeks, so even in total they unlikely spent years in space. Capsule ships also weren't in orbit longer than a year.
  15. I've heard and do believe that secret services of all over the world hire the astrologists and consider their studies seriously ... (Not because they believe in astrology, but because many of their "clients" do and some "clients" make decisions taking into account the horoscopes.) I believe the famous Illuminati Cards with their 9/11 burning WTC card could predict this event in 1990s. Not because of the Illuminati magic, but because the 9/11 actor (whoever he was) was fond of its symbolism while making the decision what to attack. I had bad feelings that NASA and other space companies read the KSP forum too much, watching what they are doing... But I didn't imagine that things are that bad. So, a group of weird, self-declared people with rather strange provocative name are making prophecies and some serious people seriously read that? Don't they know about the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-fulfilling_prophecy So, if people take decisions presuming the nuking is inevitable, the nuking starts being inevitable because they do decisions on this presumption. The traditional question about these prognosists. Why nobody prognosed the USSR dismission before 1991? And btw how about the mentioned 9/11. (Though, still can't see a connection between the 32 technical incidents since 1958 and the Londonuking. The Great Plague, The Great Fire, and The Great Stink would be included in the data sampling first.) Yes, to Slough. What really happens after the apocalypse. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prodrazvyorstka is on demand. Depending on the food/population ratio. Some bright examples of the post-apocalyptic actors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nestor_Makhno https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Котовский,_Григорий_Иванович?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Sorokin
  16. A plenty of videos from the current events make to doubt in the Otto's hunter's story.
  17. Usually the turret is blown away by the powder burning.
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