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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The paddle wheels crawlers. They believed, their time will return.
  2. It would be deadly far from C, as any particle on the way wants to kill you.
  3. Banned for confusing me when I'm already confusing the cheatwishfloorban threads.
  4. The fifth one. Including two flights when the payload was lost on the payload or upper stage malfunction, after the Angara part of flight.
  5. Just on a close topic. https://thebulletin.org/2021/11/the-untold-story-of-the-worlds-biggest-nuclear-bomb/ Some roomy designs.
  6. Gilly: Land of the true princesses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Princess_and_the_Pea
  7. Gilly: No Saving Rolls. No 1d20. No dice.
  8. Back to the advantage of the turbopump steering nozzles over the gymbal.
  9. In Minecraft yoy play against the creepers, in KSP you do it for them.
  10. Take a banilla cake with flavour of ban.
  11. Termite Like a grammar pedant, but a pedant of terms.
  12. Granted. Everybody is emm... pathetic. I wish there was a bridge from Australia to Antarctics to let the kangaroo and the penguins visit each other. There would be pengaroo and canguins. Upd. Also it would make Antarctics warm again, and the Australian deserts watered.
  13. It's linux. Not enough rights to destroy it.
  14. Granted. You are a janitor in the Space Nuclear Wastes Junkyard. I wish the electrons were 0.512 MeV heavy.
  15. At least because they are usually not pressurized, except of the crew cabins. So, you can share the structral frame, engine, etc, but these will be two different planes based on same wireframe design.
  16. An advanced civilisation should occupy every neutron star system it can. Due to various exotic stuff thrown from it and genetrated in its magnetosphere, allowing to use absolutely insane materials, and due to cheap energy which can be produced from its magnetic field. Giants are useless and can blast. *** So, the ultimate aim of the game is a Kerbal hivemind living in an asteroid near a neutron star and orbital facilities making strange things.
  17. The three little pigs are banned into the three big porks.
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