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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. A good leader can work even with radioactive lead.
  2. Granted. You are earning money for liking the money earning. I wish for guns in Skyrim and for magic in Fallout.
  3. It will be re-leased. Is the KSP-2 hype train at least smoking?
  4. It's not a downloadable mod, but there were two such churches several years ago on the Russian KSP site (idk, if it's currentl;y banned or not here), and youtube videos with them. You've already jinxed it by mentioning too often, you see?
  5. Fungi! They have captured everything! And we know too much about it. First symptomes of a brain possessed by alien fungi.
  6. That's why the most progressive countries are tending to replace the volatile money with solid objective basis. And when in the near future the total automation had flushed down everyone's salary, and "95%" of people will have no money to pay for something beyond the basic income, while "5%" will have useless tons of money, the money will be replaced with social score and granted privileges. Of course, not blindly copypasted, but creatively designed out of the local ideas.
  7. Got it. That's why they add microtransactions in games.
  8. So, as they now can grow brains, the humans and zombies can peacefully live together and co-operate.
  9. PERL zombies! They are everywhere! *** Having seen too much PERL code, even when never used it or read boox about it.
  10. Calling 911 how you just had called them.
  11. Gilly: the place where even the water surface is not flat.
  12. 5: "A new Zodiac sign is discovered!"
  13. Plutonium partially decayed into Americium and the time machine is radioactive.
  14. Banned for fishing in a think tank.
  15. How to recognize a student of Hogwarts? His head is covered with candle wax and owl cacas.
  16. Believe me, it would look much weirder. How can I disimagine the dust on the book shelves to avoid cleaning them?
  17. Granted. Microsoft updated the Keyword Services Platform. I want a ROSS station mod.
  18. https://www-rbc-ru.translate.goog/rbcfreenews/6347506c9a7947a6ccf621e6?from=newsfeed&_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp The head of Roscosmos Yuri Borisov announced accelerated works on the ROSS creation. Russia will keep working on ISS as usually until the new station gets ready. The ISS is planned to make a splash in Jan 2031.
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