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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. https://topwar-ru.translate.goog/203530-abramsx-uzhe-i-abramsy-s-neobitaemoj-bashnej-pojavilis.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Moar details on topic. P.S. A proper tank for proper gamers tankers. (WoT) P.P.S. Also the Ironclad Edition, soon. Fur der Zumwalt Schlachtschiff. (WoWS)
  2. Banned for not using "Reign" in the poem.
  3. Banned for plaining the ex-plained things.
  4. Because this person grew up on the worst examples of the modern culture.
  5. If splash F-35 on water, it will be blowing a fountain from its fan like a whale. Maybe, something cetacean, like a spermwhale, And petunias.
  6. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Why does the She-Hulk have the same hair in both forms, when their length and amount should stay constant? Why does the big form not have short and rare hair due to the bigger head?
  7. Chrysalis White-suit Kerbal becomes BadS Kerbal and can sleep for centuries without aging.
  8. Percentage Age in lifespan per cent.
  9. Granted. Now you have two half-sized killers from Fleet Street. I wish IMAP and POP3 protocols were the same.
  10. Because they are made out of same curtain.
  11. Granted. Kerbin is now flat and double-sided. You can do twice as much. It's OK. The mods keep modding the KSP-2 forum as well. *** I wish Android had dll libraries.
  12. Owned by paratroopers. Maybe just for the ejection system. F-35 Block 5. "Long Fellow" For an airplane? Needs more wheels. Upd. Tisquantum
  13. Banned by the WWI, WWII, WWIII... Wait, oh...
  14. The Deutsch were the furst. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-2_rocket#Unfulfilled_plans https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_U-boat
  15. Why at all need a nickname when there is just "35th"?
  16. https://ru-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Геофронт?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp (It's strange but the wiki article doesn't have an English version.) Also, the classics. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Pulowski_Preservation_shelter https://evangelion.fandom.com/wiki/GeoFront Kids. They are slow runners. (Adults fast walk ~2 m/s, fast run ~6 m/s, so about 3 m/s without kids.) But the vault entrance capacity is limited, so the faster the people can run, the stronger is throng at the doors. Also we should take into account that any proper public shelter must have two sequential doors, a strong and pressure external and a pressure internal, and they should be closed one by one, not at once. If things run well, just for double protection. If things run realistically, see the Doomsday (2008) gates closing scene for visualisation. The crowd is storming the primary gate while they are closing, some stick crushed between the gate leaves. When the primary gates arer closed, the secondary gates start closing, and those who had passed through the primary, quickly get in, so the secondary gates are not blocked semi-opened with bodies. Of course, in the movie there were gates in a wall, not pressurized, but the principle stays same. So, you need to have enough time between the alarm sound and the second gates having been closed, and this takes several minutes depending on the gates construction. Also, once you run an alarm, there will be panic crowd blocking the street, so the administration wouldn't be able to escape from city by roads. This means that even if an ICBM launch is detected, several minutes will be spent on confirmation and so, next several minutes on the commandment evacuation, and you have, say fifteen min for alarming and hiding. So, if the gates need five minutes to make the entrance fully closed, and there should be a safety interval of, say, five minutes, to do it before the possible shockwave comes, you have only five minutes to give the street people after the alarm sound before you start closing the gates. 5 min = 300 s = about half-mile of zigzag run to join the crowd at the gates. So, it's mostly hiding the the folds of the local urban terrain is left, at the opposite side from the potential GZ. Obviously, no other option in case of the 5 min missile flight time, unless a shelter is right at hands. The bright side: beyond the 1..2 km radius (which is anyway deadly), the fallout is ~45° narrow, so they have 7/8 chances to appear outside of strong fallout. And Finland. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/17/finland-has-civil-shelters-capable-of-withstanding-a-nuclear-attack.html
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