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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Necromnomnomnicon. Read it, and feel no hunger from fear.
  2. Banned for inattention. *** Never saw them on Skyrim map.
  3. (Self-copied from another thread) https://kubota.ca/en/products/power-equipment/excavators
  4. @Ben J. Kerman, look, what a cheating toycrane. (In Russian, but self-explaining.) https://kubota.ca/en/products/power-equipment/excavators And look: it starts with K, it's Kerbal.
  5. And see, we even didn't go to the nearest star, and the theories looking solid just several years ago (on this forum, too) are coming apart at the seams. P.S. So, don't overload your mind too much. In less than a century the theories will be replaced with revamped, better ones. Several times.
  6. And is translated from Ye Olde English as "Bad people coming in boats, who cares from where, ban them".
  7. There is a scientific theory and on this case. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bounce
  8. Banned for living in Finn-or-Scandia.
  9. That's because the whole franchise is absolutely secondary.
  10. Banned for not being the patient zero of their vampirism.
  11. Here is your sandwich. Now I pull it and go away. Completed. A pine apple without needles, please.
  12. Because your S-hop is s-hopping too high. Waiter! As there is no-one in your soup shop, may I order two and eat a half of it, please?
  13. Granted twice. You are now an ellipse. I wish for a Big Klein Bottle of Pepsi-Cola.
  14. The real Pyramid builders return. UFO Haven.
  15. With scuba gear. When Numenor portrayed by New Zealand gets sunk on the prequel ending, will they remake LOTR in Australia representing MiddleEarth?
  16. +1 You mustn't. As the Earth is flat, you still stand normally even beneath it.
  17. According to ru.wiki, the V-2 quality was very poor. 20% of the assembled rockets were sorted out, and every second of the launched ones exploded on launch. I.e. 20% - sorted out (i.e paid but not used), 40% exploded in Britain, 40% exploded in Germany. Conclusions; 1. Britain and Germany have been bombed with equal amount of V-2. 2. Germany was harmed by V-2 program more than Britain was. 3. While in Britain V-2 were hitting random, useless in military sense positions, in Germany most of them have hit rocket launchpads. 3.5. V-2 was the most effective counterforce anti-launchpad missile in history. Just reversed.
  18. Banned for being a rogue vampire without a generation number.
  19. Omnomnomnymous dysh.
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