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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Mostly. Unlike the C++ standard, Windows, DOS 5, cell phones, and many other things, including the programming paradygms and conceptions. The object-oriented programming was an ugly duckling of programming even in early 1990s.
  2. stackoverflow - 2000, wiki - 2001 1988 = mostly dial-up + FIDO
  3. It's a castor oil, to help the nutrition. Waiter! A fried thunderbird, please.
  4. Wiki has been founded in 2 001, while The Matrix had been filmed in 1 999, young gentleman. When some of us had watched The Matrix first time, there was no wiki even as a project.
  5. Granted. He wasn't. Until your wish. I wish Minmus was cubic to stop calling it circumnavigation.
  6. Because they are instictive like the flies. Are two Pennie girls Pence?
  7. Little Cookie and Big Bunny are saving the world from Mad Marmadukie.
  8. Floor 2534. A mad floor counter shows changing numbers from 2534 to 2981 and back.
  9. Yes, we count money in $oups, not in £ibras. Waiter! Please, recalculate the bill in DeutschMarx.
  10. Why not? The 1F platform (the Phoboses) is based on E-8's KT landing-transfer platform посадочно-перелётная платформа КТ and Frigate upper stage. Good classics never dies. And somebody didn't believe that Saturnian tech was scrapped for reasons. (Let alone R-7 & 7K, of course. And there is still Proton not forgotten.) Brazil also is fond of moonshine aircraft engines not j4lulz. The water towers for steam locomotives still exist on their places.
  11. The late 1940s Korolyov's project of R-3 rocket to reach England. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/r3.html A variant of.
  12. My Bannie lies over the ocean My Bannie lies over the sea Well my Bannie lies over the ocean Oh bring back my Bannie to me…
  13. 1. A glass of caught fireflies solves the problem without the body modding. 2. 30 h of night = 30 h of cold, every... hm... twoday. Either they can see in the dark, or they are sleep. 3. Big cats and wild pre-dogs would be glad to see a monkey with a flashlight. The hubting hasn't ever been so easy.
  14. Poe is changed very much since getting unbanned.
  15. I would presume that a single LED flashlight is enough, so probably a watt or so.
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