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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. And a pressure skin to cover the skin pores, ears, nail roots, and other places where the liquid can get outside. I.e. a whole second skin aka spacesuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_suit Almost same or a little thinner. The space crew wears them not to work outside, but to survive a short-time depressurization, a short rescue walk, or just another short trip oudoors, say to take a photo of Apollo from outside. For multihour sessions (EVA, lunacy) they use much heavier and bulkier suits. The airplane crew wears them in case of the cabin depressurization. At the sea level the pressure suit looks like on the photo. At the altitude the pneumatic pipes (along the back and down) get inflated, pull the rubberized bands which strangle the inner layer making it mechanically press the body around. The diving ones don't provide pressure, as the external pressure is vice versa, high. The jumpsuits are used at much lower altitudes, about a couple of kilometers or so. The high-altitude jumps get done in the pressure suits like above. On Mars there is no need to withstand additional pressure from inside and tighten the body volume.
  2. Idk. But it was a mention that 1.12.2 requires 1.12.4. Will the docking port rotation cause vomiting?
  3. Granted. You start using Telefunken instead of other electronic devices, and now can listen funk only as a Morse code. I wish I had time to adapt my old toy telegraph key as a secondary mouse to type in Morse.
  4. Before getting 4 ly far, we will be able to reach 550 AU much sooner. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.05477.pdf https://www.universetoday.com/149214/if-we-used-the-sun-as-a-gravitational-lens-telescope-this-is-what-a-planet-at-proxima-centauri-would-look-like/ A fleet of 550 AU telescopes would give us a perfect picture of what and where we have. *** KSPI-E mod also has such equipment. *** Same telescope fleet around every reached star would give us a precise 3d picture of this sector of the galaxy. This makes any romantic sci-fi travel unnecessary, as well as "second astronavigator", "first cyberengineer", "senior artillery master" and other such posts unneeded.
  5. Granted. It's Hindenburg. I wish you enjoy its board piano.
  6. This tower can provide the optical terralunar communication.
  7. Afair, it's 1000 km far from the close proximity of that bat areal. *** Btw. Covid is a batman virus. Literally.
  8. Screw the spock. The Guild rules. And The Spice.
  9. As the whole history of the humankind shows, the most "teachable", possessable, manipulatable, herdable, and conspiracy-driven persons are exactly the opposite to the "narcissism". Because while the "narcissism" is just an extreme case of personal identity, the human herd is made of those who count themselves as nothing, because someone another always knows better.
  10. Granted, But if you had the ticket, you could do it inside, I wish 2x2 was 5.
  11. The extraterrestrials made the covid to implement qr codes because they can't distinguish 8 bln of humans by face, all of them look same..
  12. The rifle grease would freeze, they need to use something instead, like the graphite. Also the sight would work only for direct fire, as the gravity and the air pressure are changed. Of course, the finger would make to cut off the trigger guard, and the suit could make to replace the stock, Of the small finger-sized buttons and switches probably only the forward assist would be usable on AR-15, lol. (While AK has only two handles designed for winter gloves, and Valmet did even more for that.)
  13. 1. There are other openings in the human body. 2. The skin is porous. 3. The hands start swelling at 10 km altitude. At 10km they have to wear high-altitude suits simulating the air pressure by strangling bands attached to elastic pneumatic pipes,
  14. The surprising link between the football watching and the size of the beer belly. The surprising link between the time spent in toilet with a magazine and awareness of the current fashion/politics/sports. A wide open field for the psychologist career. Like in that old joke
  15. Launch a probe. Look, how much it missed. Correct. Launch the ship.
  16. Zero-G Solitaire The player is occupying a seat in front of the display, in a zero-g habitat (preferrably in the orbital office module) and plays
  17. Because meloncholy. It supresses any object.
  18. Banned for being not aware of the difference between the "syllogism" and "antithesis".
  19. Banned because in ' ', it's the "space".
  20. The dogs have rudimentary brow muscles which absent on adult wolves, and another constrcution of the neck, they are childish version of the wolves or other wolf-like predators. So, this shows that they have evolved neotenically from those wolf specimens who was keeping childish anatomical features (actually, were having low male hormones causing both aggression and anatomical adulting), i.e. from those puppies who were low-aggressive and looking puppish even getting grown. Another feature is that big dog suffer and die younger from metabolism illnesses than small dogs. This demonstrates that the originally domesticated dog was small and wasn't used for biting, mostly for tracing and scaring the hidden prey. So, it was either some tiny wolf species, or undergrown ones.
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