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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Two with gravity, at the opposite ends of the rope. No problem. Just make the bottom side open, and the space vacuum helps you. Since Mercury flights? Unlikely. Russians just liquid on the bus wheel before the flight. 'Muricans don't, so have to suffer. Even if you are not very happy with your crew comrades, it's still not a reason to call them so.
  2. Granted. You succeeded and now you want a text editor to list a hundred of mods conflicting in your KSP. I wish, the cooler fans were self-cleaning.
  3. Thou shalt unshalt any shalt contradicting the mission objectives.
  4. As KSP descriptions clearly explain, they are made of parts found by the side of the road. So, full of random junk left from bikes, old fridges, microwave ovens, truck mufflers.... To hide this fact, they draw various clever schemes.
  5. https://www.interfax.ru/russia/797737 MS-18's landed.
  6. As it was told earlier, stirring tea in a cup and watching the whirl makes to think about our Galaxy, to start searching our Solar System there. On the other hand, watching the bathtub sink makes feeling sad on thinking about the Great Attractor, where all our galaxies are moving to. But recently a quantum physics joined the game, as I found a couple of entangled strings on the edge of the matter, and disentangled them, restoring their original dimensions. Feeling universal makes feeling so stramge...
  7. Yes. In budget. Are the Large Hadrons bigger that a banana?
  8. It's a soup pool. So, you can't be away, but let me join the party as you wish. Salesman! A pack of dry soup pills.
  9. Jack comes to the hill. HiJack Hill.
  10. Optical measurements of the test launches. It's a rocket. They have it. They have civilian applications, too.
  11. https://www.interfax.ru/world/797678 The rescue rovers have moved to the MS-18 projected main and backup LZ.
  12. Just read about D-Mars. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-MARS Some video (in Russian). https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/16/10/2021/61695dbf9a79476e532699f8 Musk should hurry up.
  13. At least, yet nobody posted the destroyer. It would be expectable from the SFX generation.
  14. The unplanned test of the ISS attitude control systems has taken place not due to Soyuz failure, but due to the on-ground systems malfunction. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/797660?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=nui They think, it's the unborn souls of LOP-G and ROSS are trying to break into the real world and finally get made.
  15. I don't talk about record event, it's about usual conditions he is going to use the towers in.
  16. And why did they reject the happy end of the season 1, where the high-developed civilisation assimilated the necessary parts of the terrestrial one.
  17. Banned for being another semi-humanoid, 3-1-3 aka Marvyn, whose name consists of numbers.
  18. Banned for posting non-humanoids.
  19. Granted. Here is the key. Be careful when parking it, as the owner would be unhappy if it gets scratched. I wish for a triangular triangulation of the triangles..
  20. The Wardenclyffe Tower was 187 ft (57 m) high. 50 m... Hmm... Seems, we see what @ARS is doing there... But for a Global Tesla Power Network the oceans should be taken into account. Either the width, or the bypass route. Drake Passage is 800 km wide. Other gaps look narrower. So, probably at least 400 km visibility distance is required. 4002 / (2 * 6371) ~= 12.5 km. The rocks can be just ~10 km high on the Earth. So, it should be from steel. Such towers can also directly connect Iceland and Europe. A chain of 25 is to connect the poles. Also 25 km is enough high to let the air drag be negligible. So, these can be launchtowers.
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