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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Unlike the native TKS, whose DKS are pointing away from the station, the type 77 modules have them mounted on the conical base of the wide part, tilted to the axis and pointing towards the station. And the Mir orbit was being raised by Progresses. So, unlikely it can be used in any way but turbopumping the fuel into the high-pressure tanks for RCS engines (DPS and DTS). (Though it is not physically impossible).
  2. Btw that twitter also has a detailed DKS ("engine of correction and approaching", i,e, the "main" engine) photo. Here you can see the main nozzle (large), and the turbopump nozzle (small, to the right). When mounted, the main nozzle sticks from a plate with the "white" part, while the turbopump nozzle looks through a hole in it. *** Also , there is the grapple effector of the Aist robotic arm, the Russian equivalent of Canadarm. It covers the grapple fixture, these small rollers roll around to adjust the latch position, then the entered stick in the middle pulls. And the detailed description with pictures. https://www.kosmonavtika.com/vaisseaux/bourane/tech/sbm/sbm.html together with this http://www.buran.ru/htm/bighand.htm
  3. They could berth the Soyuz's capsule and habitat to the docking port overturned and put the seats in the habitat in proper direction. Or just fly in Nauka and return later, from ISS. Or ln an empty Soyuz docked to Nauka in next launch.
  4. Yes, because you can't eat so much. Why there is no jello moon in KSP?
  5. 24 hours in a day, 24 hours each of sixty. Spend sixty minutes, Have some fun. 23 hours left in the day.
  6. An uncrewed space flight rarely is so intriguing. They should launch that filming crew in an escape capsule. It's a ready survival movie to the date.
  7. Clever Kerbals. Silly ones fly by rockets.
  8. No way. Only billux and jebux are available, of rather different shape. I wish there was not just War Thunder, but also War Thabove.
  9. Thanks, I will have a look. But I mean tnot the shape given on purpose, but have their glasses been deformed by the external pressure after years of underwater, like the cathedral windows according to the rumors are.
  10. 26 letters are in ABC. 26 letters in total. Take the Q. Replace it with Kw. 25 letters are in ABC.
  11. Haven't you seen the bones? They are were. Is Jool made of green cheese?
  12. It's "they will slash off the heads from us"
  13. convex And I mean concave. Aluminium is not a glass.
  14. Jay be eighteen, too. (sorry, if it's too harsh, idk)
  15. XXX jars of posca on the wall, XXX jars of posca. Take I one down, Pay a denarius. XXIX jars of posca on the wall, (Hey, look. XXX → XXIX, you took I, but I is added).
  16. Because F-14 is Tomcat, and all tomcats are mavericks. If a tomcat is named not Tom but Murzik, is he murzikat instead?-
  17. Granted. Now they are asking you, what the hang are they doing there and why haven't you wished for their return, too. I wish @Ben J. Kerman can sell that tank for $500,000 USD. (whatever the "$ ... USD" means)
  18. If the Earth was ever molten. It's just a "theory of molten/hot Earth", while it propbably was never molten completely. Also, it should melt the craters on the visible side.
  19. But it floods the special limited places. Never heard of a Moon-caused tsunami. Just incomparable amounts of water get moved at once. The friction stops the water faster than the Moon can accelerate it. While an underwater earthquake moves up a lot of water at once.
  20. 33 degrees in the masonic Lounge 33 degrees in the Lounge Take one up... (Touch the left ear with your right index finger. Shake your head four times from right to another right. Make two steps to the right, turn back, one more step with face backwards. Draw the phrase "COMBO AKIMBO" with finger in air. Show you golden Discombobulator of Apprentice sigil. Repeat). 32 steps left for you.
  21. Still can't decide, who is more ugly: the Farscape rubber faces or the Stargate go-go auldz.
  22. Does a submarine have glassy windows? The pressure is greater than in cathedral, are they concave?
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