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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. It's presumably a comet from the hypothetic Oort cloud.
  2. There is no shockwave in vacuum, so almost all nuke energy gets released as X-rays and partially neutrons. The neutrons get reflected by the beryllium oxide filler between the nuke and the tungsten membrane, back to the nuke. The X-rays get absorbed in same filler and turn into plasma. The beryllium plasma partially re-emits the energy omnidirectionally as infrared photons. Those of the IR photons which are directed to the ship, gets absorbed by the tungsten membrane, turning it into plasma. The beryllium plasma pushes the tungsten plasma towards the ship. The beam of the tungsten plasma flies towards the ship, expanding radially. The ship spreads oil on the pusher plate surface between the blasts. The infrared radiation of the approaching tungsten and the nuke cloud boild the droplets of the oil, turning it into oil cloud, and then into relatively cold post-oil plasma. The tungsten plasma hits the post-oil plasma cloud and this softens its hit. The cloud of plasma softly hits the pusher plate. The water coolant gets pumped through the plate internal structure on hit by the force of the hit. The evaporated water coolant gets exhausted as steam. The first tier of the piston dampener softens the plate acceleration from 10 000 g to 100 g. The second tier of the piston dampener softens the plate acceleration from 100 g to 1 g. The cycle repeats. *** The launch is out of the project scope, but later projects used auxilliary rockets to get from ground to thin air before starting nuking, and the same to land one of several Orions on Mars and leave it there as a base. Most of Orions "were" permanently orbital.
  3. On the optimistic note on same topic https://www.interfax.ru/russia/778588 Rogozin stated that the Russian cosmonauts may get equipped with exoskeleton spacesuits.
  4. The Romans did it all their time. Pluto is a Greek nick. Cybele and Isis are MidEast goddesses with official Roman cultists. Neptune is Etruscan.
  5. Though, it's estimated that it needs ~1.5 bln to get fully differentiated and stop the geological processes and cancel the magnitosphere. The radioactive input is just about 15% or so. And keeps decreasing due to decay. Also the Moon is almost at the end of its presence in the Earth life, as its orbit inclination has already decreased from original 23.5° (the Earth equator plane and at the same time the original orbital plane of the Moon created on the (impact / close interaction) event) down to the current 5°, matching the ecliptic plane. So, it required 4.5 bln to pass fromthe "close sat of the Earth" to "Earth companion", at it needs to rotate to the orbit plane for 1/4 of that to get to the ecliptic plane, and become a "solar sat rented by Earth". I.e. 2 bln years later there will be a dead, post-Earth, New Venus with no tides on the hot ground from the Sun's Moon.
  6. We should not confuse "too radioactive and hot to let the endemic life evolve" with "too radioactive and hot to stay there for a weekend or even for a ten of millenia". You can live on a blue giant planet for thousand of years if it's enough far from the star and you don't stay on the beach. But no local life is possible because it needs a billion.
  7. What's a spaceplane purpose at all? 1. To rotate crews at lowest possible accelerations (2..3 g), so to use the cheaper ordinary humans and weak nerds, rather than specially selected and trained supermen. The capsules provide ~4 g on managed descent. But they anyway suffer from ~20 g on ballistic descent and LES engaging. So, still no ordinary men. At least a fighter pilot level. Subsupermen. On the shuttles tehy were launching ordinary human (even a randomly selected teacheress, exactly to show that now everyone can into space), but the shuttles weren't equipped with any escape system at all, so it was just playing a roulette, not a purposed decision. 14 didn't win. If the shuttle was equipped with an ejection cabin, or at least with escape boosters, the overloads would be anyway up to 20 on ballistic descent. The human who can survive 20 on emergency descent, doesn't bother with 4 on regular descent. So, anyway a fighter pilot is required when you have an escape option. (A real escape option, not the shuttle "separation modes" handwaving). The regular civils will likely die or receive heavy traumas. So, the only a never-crashing shuttle can allow to use the next-door-humans in space. But it's definitely not about the multistage chemical rockets. It's about skylons, microwaved teslaships, or fusion-powered airspace liners, which are just "daily flying there and back again" instead of "taking an expedition to ISS". Please, wake me up when they appear outside of KSP. So, currently the spaceplanes can't use regular humans and guarantee their life. 2. To deliver the cargo. Most of cargos need no humans to be delivered. In the old times they were manually servicing heavy sats delivered to LEO by shuttle, before releasing them. Now it's probably looking weird. And a standalone heavy sat which indeed needs a post-launch servicing, it's easier to equip with a docking port for a capsule ship. Anyway no such sats to the date. Station modules can be self-delivered, like the Mir ones, just have a heavy rocket to equip them with a tug or use a built-in tug. They can dock and re-dock automatically or remotely. The only case when they need a human, is the CBM berthing port, but it's anyway operated from inside the station. Also the spaceplanes can deliver something only to LEO, because of fragile wings and tiles. So, you hardly can use them to service a high-orbit combat platform. So, no need in spaceplanes to deliver a cargo. 3. To return the cargo. No cargo to be returned from space needs tonnes of capacity to the date. Even the crystal production can reach up to several hundred kilograms per half-Mir orbital station (from plans). No orbital craft needs to be landed and repaired, It's eiher cheap and bad, or de facto stays intact for a decade and longer. Orbital labs are either stations, or small and fitting a capsule. The derelict sat reactors are unlikely a proper cargo for a spaceplane. So, the only cargos to be returned by a spaceplane are: 1) Secret sats, like the Shuttle was purposed for. Never happened even to Shuttles. Just once they returned one, just for "look, we did it!". It's either too reliable or too cheap to need a rotation for servicing. Anyway, pure military. 2) Secret military mini-labs to be returned exactly into a barbed-wired workshop (a barbershop?). Pure military. 3) A nuke or a blaster. Still no civil nukes or blasters. 4) A lost PBV or a derelict lasersat. Still miitary. 4. To perform a crosswind maneuver, including but not limited with landing on a dedicated airbase. No need for a civil flight, as it can just wait for several orbits to land. Is actual only for: 1) Short-term orbit/suborbital military craft like a recon or an interceptor, as it can be launched to the orbit of random inclination, and may have the orbital lifetime of hours. So, to land on a military base at 1 000 km aside from it trajectory it needs wings to S-maneuver sideways. 2) A winged warhead re-entry vehicle. To spread them aside from an ICBM or orbital platform trajectory, or to re-adjust the target coordinates in flight (say, to chase an aircraft carrier, cowardly sneaking here and there from the planned GZ, instead of bravely standing there, like a true man-o-war should). 3) A winged platform spreading warheads on its own. So, no civil purpose until the skylons, teslaships, etc.. 5. To bring back the second stage engines. The shuttle did it. Is relevant when you anyway have to launch humans every time. But you don't. Otherwise it's a launching of 12 t ballast (the crew cabin). 6. To return reusable service modules of capsule ships, berthing them to the station, and later returning home by a spaceplane. I.e. Launch a capsule ship to ISS, dock it with nose. Grab the service module by arm, detach it from the capsule, berth to a radial CBM port (it should be equipped with a passive CBM ring too, of course). Undock the ship capsule and deorbit it with a solid-fuel deorbiting motor. Repeat with the next capsule ship. Next time launch a spaceplane, grab both berthed modules from the station and put them into cargo bay, return the spaceplane. Reuse the service modules. Currently not even in plans. *** So, there is no relevant purpose for a spaceplane except the pure military ones. Until skylons, etc. So, there is not much to be about the economic efficiency there.
  8. He kept the belt buckle, it's OK, the ship stayed with him.
  9. A five-moon tide is even more weird. Beware. Hide. Run. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/468120.When_the_Five_Moons_Rise
  10. It's quiet. It's really quiet place. "A Quiet Place 2". See in torrents theaters. A promo thread, I guess.
  11. Needs only struts. And colored lights.
  12. Banned for grounding the modular vehicles.
  13. Banned for using just Airplane Plus, neglecting the Fireplane Plus, Waterplane Plus, Groundplane Plus, and Aetherplane Plus.
  14. We should carefully nuke it to keep in available orbit. Then patiently study.
  15. Just a thought. As the display & texting devices get more and more common, isn't it the point where a half (a majority?) of humankind will stop seeing the current reality in dreams, being limited with pre-internet epoch? Btw kitchen and washing stuff also have text displays.
  16. Banned for defending those who split full-size seasons in two but keep numeration plain.
  17. About the time. In KSP there should be either six hours divided in quarters, or 24 hours per day. Because the KSP models are usually 24-angled. So, the cloc dial should have 24 ticks.
  18. Technically, all KSP planets are a blade-thin quasispherical crust with an empty space inside, with a zero-size black hole in center, due to division by zero. The holes in the crust sometime present, too, due to gaps between faces. So. Done.
  19. Any free hosting, google drive, or so. No upload function on this forum. Or watch the file, and if some errors there, post that fragment in a spoiler.
  20. They will ask you for KSP.log file from the game folder, better upload it in advance.
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