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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The peaceful and friendly USSR didn't have colonial sea forces and expensive aircraft carriers (also requiring all-year sea ports, numerous destroyers to guard and support, and a lot of money for that). Its potential humanitarian operations would happen above land or crossing the rivers and mountains (so, the love to swimming APC), crossing a big lake at the South or two minor straits at the very North-East and South-East (thanks, ekranoplans and others). Also a visit of peace to the Mediterranean friends, but mostly to a ship and one-way. So, the carrier-not-carrier aircraft carrying cruiser improvised from a missile one. So, unlikely a vertibird was actual for any of those purposes.
  2. Banned in the name of the Outpost 4th season (or 3.5th, depending on how to count).
  3. Banned for banning for banning in the name of the thread.
  4. 1. Happily, absolutely nothing common with that no-good F-35. 2. The best fightah evah.
  5. Banned because they don't show because anyway nobody reads them.
  6. Eat. Or no street walk today. Waiter! What is this liquid in the plate, around the fly?
  7. Because it was bringing us money. (The type, not the instance.) And (as I read later) because it's the top of the sequence of champions: Fi.97 → Fi.156 → OKA-38 → An-2
  8. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://ria.ru/20210718/utechka-1741713212.html Three potential leaks have been patched on Zvezda module, but it hasn't stopped the leakage completely, so probably there are more leaking places.
  9. Boeing doesn't just use KSP for development, but TCA mod for balancing. It's exactly for that.
  10. This is a text made of quotes. (" - dash, ' - dot) " '''' '' ''' '' ''' '" " ' "''" " "" '" "'' ' """ ''"' ""'" ''" """ " ' ''' '"'"'"
  11. H2O2 → H2O + O 34 → 18 + 16 So, the ocean will get twice shallower, while the oxygen under pressure will burn everything on top.
  12. Banned for still not reading others' signatures.
  13. Banned for being against all in caps.
  14. Now we know how the Venusian soupoplanes will look like.
  15. Yes, it's a yesterday-fresh soup. Waiter! Please, green apples and ginger beer, we are going to watch the strange shells which have fallen yesterday from the sky. Also, they say, there are some strange tripods there.
  16. Banned for not following the Lego news, including the toy gravity attenuator.
  17. Granted. The finished with the last stranger and now are looking at neighbours. I wish you have enough neighbours for them.
  18. Banned both previous posters for not realizing that the gravity in the video is cheated.
  19. Tide height ~= 4.6 * H earth * (M tider / M tidee) * (R tidee / R earth) 4 * (Distance / 1 mln km)-3 H earth = tide height in the open deep ocean on the Earth ~= 0.3 m M tider/tidee = mass of the body causing the tices / the body on which is the tide R tidee = radius of the body on which is the tide R earth = Earth radius Distance = distance between the boides *** tider = Moon tidee = Earth ~ 30 cm. *** In the OP post the radius and distance of both bodies is required.
  20. It's a pan with a shovel option.
  21. They've reloaded the Hubble software. https://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2021/operations-underway-to-restore-payload-computer-on-nasas-hubble-space-telescope *** If they were using Windows 10, it would do this itself. Also they could add commercial banners in the sky view, to make the telescope self-sustaining.
  22. Currently you look like a test version of addon, installed a couple of months ago in this matrix.
  23. In various movies, when somebody threatens another one with a pistol, and then, to look more convincing, pulls the slide back, and no shell jumps from the ejection port, does it mean that this idiot was threatening with non-cocked pistol?
  24. Reading this thread, I feel gotten into Interstellar.
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