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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Granted. You bought a dog. I wish it likes vegetables, too.
  2. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://ria.ru/20210709/zevs-1740535623.html https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://ria.ru/20210704/zevs-1739783833.html
  3. The Dune (2021) was postponed because first they failed digging enough earthworms, then ATF took them on for spice and lasguns. They're still searching for a legal content on Dune. It's harder than catch a worm and mine the spice.
  4. Granted. It can't because doesn't have teeth. I wish @cubinator adopted the mentioned cricket teams and use them for farming. Because I can't remember any alligator farmer here to wish this, too.
  5. Not mine, it's from a specialized website. But we have similar.
  6. Branson. Bezos. Any more billionaire in space by his own rocket? Upd. Oops, he kicked the VG rear side. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://quote.rbc.ru/news/article/60f6d4f09a7947051b35800b
  7. Done. Done. But isn't it to keep the dirt away from the food inside? Anyway, done. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://n-wrc.ru/blog/sedobnaja-upakovka-uzhe-realnost/ Mostly riding, but sometimes. Not just done, but available for everybody
  8. Granted. You can do it, but for the cost of your and your ship lives. I wish the cats could levitate safely.
  9. Granted. You are working from home and have all the windows open and their visual effects enabled, so the CPU and GPU start lagging, the computer power unit overloaded, the transformer burns, a street blackout begins, the noisy neighbours' music gets off, and they stop crying because actually this was a record, as nobody lives in the houses around for a decade after that nuclear plant incident. I wish cats had ability to levitate and hunt the birds.
  10. Rule of another hand thumb. If it is on SpaceX roadmap, there's still some kind of hidden drawback.
  11. Granted. In winter KSP gets frozen, in summer it overheats the CPU, all other time it depends on weather: when it's raining, KSP starts lagging. I wish Yoda released a cookbook.
  12. Granted. It didn't. Because it is a fiction character. I wish it never existed even as a character.
  13. The air scoop is protected well.
  14. It's also great when you have clicked with mouse, and immediately the whole house gets out off light.
  15. The same. Many times was dreaming about Duke Nukem 3d, and later Fallout, but never at computer, always inside. And just once had seen a pip-boy screen with icons and numbers (distances) but with nothing to read.
  16. *** A natural human-based temperature scale is required. Low boundary = when the liquiding gets frozen in midair. High boundary = when it boils in midair. *** As the youtube videos show, a pure water freezes in midair at ~ -45°C. But the liquid is a solution of salts, like seawater is. The Mythbusters tried this, and it wasn't frozen at -57°C. As normally the liquid freezes at -5°C, probably, we can take -60°C as the low boundary. *** The high boundary seems to be +100°C. But no, it's the temperature of the liquid itself to boil. But in a bath they splash water on the stones, and it boils once it touches the stones, The stones are are at least +150°C hot, but optimally+300°C and more . While the air temperature is ~60..70°C, up to 110°C and a little more. As we need a clear indicator, the stones temperature is more relevant than the temperature of air. We can estimate it by color. *** But after having steam in a bath, they traditionally run out and jump into the ice hole to cool. *** From hence we get the natural human bath temperature scale. Low boundary ~=-60°C, when it rips off by freezing. High boundary ~=+150°C, when it rips off by boiling.
  17. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=ru&tl=en&u=https://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/19/07/2021/60f580839a794795df10e72f Rogozin stated that there is no problem with the spacesuit readiness. Roscosmos will probably make the spacesuits it(Roscosmos)self, so the NPO Zvezda should cease its monopolistic ambitions and start working faster. (The spacesuits were not contracted with Zvezda)
  18. 10/10 Only lazy human students never use the proper HTML header definitions and miss the opening <head> tag, writing <header> instead. I wish they were using the HTML text validators.
  19. Granted. You get all three basic coordinate planes for free. Granted. They ask KSP community for help and then design it according to the KSP principles (moar boosters, moar struts, etc). First it gets frozen into slideshow, then Kraken brings oblivion. I wish for Yoda in KSP.
  20. The Oort cloud itself is currently a mathematical abstraction based on the comet orbit statistics. There is no direct evidence of its existence, they just presume that it exists due to mass similarity of orbital elements of the observed comets. So, the short-periodic comets do not add something to this picture, while the comet from outer regions is the comet directly from the Oort cloud if it exists.
  21. 9/10 A human. Robots normally can't tell such nonsense. (Tells unnonsense instead).
  22. (A quiet snuffling sound of a moderator approach...)
  23. The short-periodic aren't. Say, Halley isn't.
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