They failed being hired by the actual Las Vegas casinos, and made their own Las Vegas, with blackjack caravan and... robots.
That's how the Fallout: New Vegas began.
There are numerous Sheela na gig statues across the Europe, from Ireland to Czechia, made in "High Middle Ages", and all explanations are equally stupid.
A natural consequence of the modern HR nonsense like awaiting from everyone "leadership skills" (mindless narcissism), "soft skills" (reckless verbiage), "team qualities" (shifting of responsibility and whistleblowing).
Yes, we have. The door is obstructed, and we can't close it. So, we have to work 24/7 to keep our eyes on it permanently.
Barten der... Barten der what? Are you a whale? Do you have baleen, or what is your Barten?